What changes did you make?

I'm just asking for advice, maybe get a few ideas on a few things I'm thinking about cutting out..

Coffee- I'm Hooked and cant stop drinking it. I love all the bad flavoring
Switch to- Tea/ and MORE water!
Cut out- Red Meat
Switch to/stay with- Chicken & Fish (ocassional turkey burgers instead of regular)
Cut out sugar and stick to natural- such as fruit.
Also stick to things thats low fat. (I need ideas on this)

What have you done and has it helped u on the scale?


  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I honestly haven't changed too many of the things I eat, I've just greatly lowered the quantity! I am losing weight slow and steady :)
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    I eat breakfast every day now, whereas before I almost never did. I don't really subscribe to the whole "eating breakfast will help you lose weight" idea, but for me, eating that nutritious breakfast every morning keeps my structure in tact, and prevents me from being so hungry later in the day that I'd be likely to eat something really unhealthy.

    Exercise 6 or 7 days a week. This has made a dramatic difference in my life because I used to be the laziest person on earth, who shunned any sort of physical effort.

    Cooking at home almost exclusively now; whereas in my fat/unhealthy days I would eat out almost every day.

    Educating myself about fitness and nutrition. Treating my body with respect.

    The education part has affected how I shop for and think about food, so my fridge and freezer are full of good stuff.
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    Cut my alcohol consumption per week down to 1/3rd what i was.
    Stopped eating any sort of junk food ie chips, pretzels , crackers, candy
    Increased protein decreased carbs and starches.
    Eat proper portion sizes. One plate not all you can eat.

    I can eat anything i want. Every once in a great while i'll have a piece of cake or even a donut but not enough to remember when. Simple smart choices make a big difference.
  • adunkin22
    adunkin22 Posts: 47 Member
    i've done my best to cut out diet soda. i feel like it makes me hungrier and i've heard that it can actually cause you to gain weight. i've done pretty much the same things as you with cutting out red meat and drinking unsweetened tea and water. i drink a TON of water haha.
  • kayladiane5
    kayladiane5 Posts: 94
    I cut out a lot of sodium.
    I try my hardest not to eat white bread. I don't remember the last time I ate any.
    I try to make healthy choices when I go out.
    I drink way more water.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    I don't eat low fat/no fat diet anything ever. They just replace it with sodium, sugar and chemicals. I'd rather eat smaller amounts or not eat the item at all. In fact, I cut out processed foods in general. I'd say I probably eat 90 -95% clean. I avoid refined sugars, flours (gluten) and dairy. if an item has more than 10 ingredients or I need a chemistry degree to understand it, I don't eat it.

    I don;t drink sodas.

    I eat breakfast everyday and always have some form of protein in my breakfast.

    I kicked coffee as a matter of health, I find herbal teas are a better swap for me. The bonus is they are often flavorful enough that I can drink them without sugar.

    Switching to leaner cuts of meat is a smart idea. I am vegetarian so that's not an issue for me. I have heard of people doing meatless Monday's where they eat vegetarian for 1 day a week.

    I work out at least 3x's week.
  • mrogers52
    mrogers52 Posts: 378 Member
    I eat more vegetarian meals. I DiD NOT give up coffee! I drink it black. I am a nicer person when I have my coffee.
    I added zumba to my exercises and love it.
    No more diet soda.
    Hungry Girl cookbook helps me a lot:happy:
  • abcwhite10
    abcwhite10 Posts: 140 Member
    I try to start every morning with a good breakfast with protien of some form incorporated. No white breads, pasta, sugar. I eat ezekial bread (but I still love rye bread and dempster's cinnamon raison - just enjoy them with much less frequency). I use splenda and agave necter, applesauce instead of oil. And honestly........I can't say enough good things about Tosca Reno's "Eat Clean Diet" cookbook. There are so many good recipes in it. The other thing - use a food scale and weigh my portions - so helpful and you can't fool yourself with that!

    An oh ya edit - agree with the OP - will not give up coffee. Everyone around me deserves to have a good day too :)
  • ski3r4life
    ski3r4life Posts: 206
    Eating healthy made losing weight almost easy! Started weight training too. The next thing I'm trying is being a calorie nazi since the scale hasn't budged recently.
  • DustinReiner
    DustinReiner Posts: 157 Member
    For your diet to be successful, you need to change your eating habits! It’s just not diet and be done, you have to change how and what you eat.

    Well, for starters think of ALL the foods that got you here!
    Soda, chips, ice cream, cakes, cookies, cinnabon, pastries, snack foods, brownies, candy and NO FRIED foods!

    I personally try not to eat ANY processed foods any more and try to eat as healthy as I can. I cut back on my alcohol intake. I don’t eat red meat and only chicken, pork, and fish. I eat any vegetable and fruit, fruit has actually taken the place of candy. I have an Granny Smith apple every night as my late night desert.

    I also go to the gym 5 to 6 times a week!

    Here are some good links.

    A good sight on nutrition.

    A good site about diets and nutrition.

    Low carb diets

    Good luck in your goals
  • mamato4kids
    mamato4kids Posts: 217 Member
    I make 99% of my meals at home. And don't eat anything processed.
    I also eat six small meals a day, including protein at each meal.
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    I tried to increase more vegetables and/or fruits..Eat more often, Exercise more..lay off the Edy's Ice Cream and Mickey D's...I still eat red meat occasionally..I still drink coffee every day (never really liked sugar in my coffee to being with)...Switched to whole grain rice/pasta; watched portions...I didnt realize how much cereal i was REALLY putting into the bowl..