Any serious friends to start a journey of losing 88 lbs !

Hello guys

I wonder if there are any serious friends to start the battle of weight loss with me !! , I have got tens of friend requests and then I hear nothing from them , so please don't send any friend requests if you aren't serious with the issue , I prefer Skype too, I see the communication between members here is poor. I am studying nutrition now to help myself & others , I had studied about LifeCoaching for the same purpose too, I'm waiting for you if interested ..



  • allycat0715
    allycat0715 Posts: 13 Member
    Hey girlie. I'm in the same boat as you! "You've got a friend in me"!!!
  • ChristaNorris
    ChristaNorris Posts: 52 Member
    I'm half way to my goal, and have 7 months to knock out the other half. Add me!
  • Danica34
    Danica34 Posts: 11 Member
    I need to lose 77-82 pounds. I would love to have motivation.
  • jasmine_kamar
    jasmine_kamar Posts: 34 Member
    Danica34 wrote: »
    I need to lose 77-82 pounds. I would love to have motivation.

    Hello Danica

    Thank you so much , How do you think we'd communicate ?
  • Azmother3
    Azmother3 Posts: 25 Member
    I have to lose 100 lb im also looking for motivation if you like we can help each other on this journey of getting healthy and fit feel free to add me if you like ......have a bless day
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    I've lost 72. Will be 80 by the "end"!