That's what made me fat!



  • biznurse
    biznurse Posts: 81
    OREOS...when i was pregnant i swear i ate a bag every other day and downed it with whole milk...i still eat them now, but for special days and i'm all about PORTION CONTROL!!!!!!! :D

    I wish I could do that!!! With Oreos, the BAG is my PORTION once I start.... so they are NO LONGER allowed in my home! LOL!
  • alifer
    alifer Posts: 387 Member
    Mountain dew. Along with large portions of everything and fast food. It's a wonder I didn't weigh more than I did. (Especially with the 800-1100 calories of Mountain dew everyday!)
  • Suziq2you
    Suziq2you Posts: 396 Member
    Fast food. Especially Sonic and Taco Bell.
  • askme12
    askme12 Posts: 155 Member
    Portion control and eating out. I still eat out but, I'll sacrifice things during the week or workout longer if I know I'm eating pizza on the weekend! So far it's worked!
  • tusher2011
    tusher2011 Posts: 201 Member
    Chips, chips and more chips!! Next would be pizza and cheese. All of my favorites! But unfortunately, they have no love for me, because I am at my heaviest now and need to lose 60 lbs!!
  • RichGebs
    RichGebs Posts: 345
    carbs, carbs, and more carbs. White toast with butter, pb & j sandwiches, and potatoes- any way they come!

    carbs make you gain weight but they also help you lose weight. my mom lost 35 pounds by eating nothing but carbs. she just ate them correctly. he had a slow and fast carb along with a protein with her meals. she also had a slow carb for 2 snacks during the day in between meals to keep her full and not craving food. Thank you food lovers fat loss system :) carbs are our friends trust me.
  • lauz45
    lauz45 Posts: 243
    Wow, the amount of people that have said carbs and sugar is amazing..I really think it's like a drug! My boyfriend is a total sugar/carb junkie but he's still young enough to get away with it lol!

    I'm glad i'm shaking that monkey off my back...I was always hungry again half an hour after eating carbs (we're talking proper carbs here, not veggies) and it made me crave sugar. And every time I cook a roast dinner for my bf I do loads of little crispy roast potatoes (in oil) and no matter how many I make he wants more. It amazes me.

    I used to love white bread and butter...
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    Starbucks java chip ice cream, the original version sold by the quart. I was completely addicted, and if they hadn't changed the formula (very sad at the time!) I would probably still be eating it. Mostly I agree that no individual food is worth blowing the day's calories for, but old-style java chip ice cream was the one thing that tastes better than thin feels. Thank you, Starbucks for getting rid of the one food I could not resist!
  • nikki_zav
    nikki_zav Posts: 320 Member
    Beer, Wine & Vodka in massive quantities
    McDonalds on the way home from the above indulgences
    Chipotle - Steak burrito bowl with extra cheese & all the fixings, an order of chips & guac & more cheese, take these home and make the best plate of nachos ever.
    Cheese, cheese, and cheese :)
  • sue26
    sue26 Posts: 412
    Tim Hortons donuts
  • CanuckLove
    CanuckLove Posts: 673 Member
    OMG this thread is making my mouth water... *gets out of here* LOL
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    Carbs all carbs bread, potatos, pasta! and the dreaded frappe
    I havent had a frappe in months and now eat lite wheat bread
    and small amounts of baked potatos no reg pasta at all i do alot
    of speg squash
  • bjscmg
    bjscmg Posts: 77
    My thing was coffee creamer UGH!! Creamy Vanilla, Almond Joy creamer, Latte creamer, mint chocolate creamer.....I tried them all and loved them all so NO more coffee for me :)
  • NeonNikki
    NeonNikki Posts: 87 Member
    My thing was coffee creamer UGH!! Creamy Vanilla, Almond Joy creamer, Latte creamer, mint chocolate creamer.....I tried them all and loved them all so NO more coffee for me :)

    MEEE TOO!!! I had no idea I was adding an extra 250 calories to my breakfast with my large coffee from OpenPantry filled with cream and sugar. Now it's a special occasion when i buy coffee-I try to make it and have it with almond milk now.

    But what made me gain a bit of weight was nibbling. Yep! Nibbling. A little here a little there and before I knew it 500 plus calories were added-and often i'd forget to log all of these.

    Really trying to be smarter about logging EVERYTHING that goes in my mouth and to cut back on the nibbling. -specially when its fries and peanutbuter. :/
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    What fruits and veggies have carbs????

    Most of them:
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    No one food made me fat, and no one food has been eliminated from my diet.

    I did consider eating a box of mac & cheese today, for old time's sake, but the idea didn't seem too appealing.
  • brialie
    brialie Posts: 8 Member
    Pasta!! Yummmm
    Potato Chips
    Alcohol and

    Plus a lack of knowledge about what exactly I was putting in my mouth!
  • lizzil0
    lizzil0 Posts: 181 Member
    Wow, the amount of people that have said carbs and sugar is amazing..I really think it's like a drug! My boyfriend is a total sugar/carb junkie but he's still young enough to get away with it lol!

    I'm glad i'm shaking that monkey off my back...I was always hungry again half an hour after eating carbs (we're talking proper carbs here, not veggies) and it made me crave sugar. And every time I cook a roast dinner for my bf I do loads of little crispy roast potatoes (in oil) and no matter how many I make he wants more. It amazes me.

    I used to love white bread and butter...

    I was thinking the same thing, reading over everyone's responses. Sugar and carbs, sugar and carbs- I don't know if I'm being hyperaware because I'm eating low carb/sugar now or if they really are the main reason people gain so much weight. Interesting!