Would You Still Give Them Your Business ?

myheartsabattleground Posts: 2,040 Member
I plan on getting a tattoo to honor my dad. I know where I wanna go as well ! But I'm friends with the owner / operator / main artist on facebook, and he's made it clear that he's "extremely homo-fking-phobic" and how "if you don't know how to use a tattoo gun and you run a shop, ki11 yourself".

Would you still give someone like that your business ?


  • in_it_to_thin_it
    in_it_to_thin_it Posts: 432 Member
    I've worked in the tattoo industry a few years. There are a lot of egos around

    Honestly, you will have it on you for life, pick an artist based on who will do a good job. Be picky. Find the artist right for you :)
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Depends whether you care more about his view on social issues, or whether you want to base the entirety of your decision on the quality of the tattoo you'll get from him. If it was me, I'd be obliged to go with the latter since it's going to be on my body the rest of my life, but that's just me.
  • shrinkingletters
    shrinkingletters Posts: 1,008 Member
    There are so many talented tattoo artists out there, just pick another one. I wouldn't give them my business. I love when bigots raise their hand so I can avoid giving them my money or business.
  • annemmr
    annemmr Posts: 27 Member
    No, his phobia of my queerness would leave him shaking and the lines would never come out clean!
  • PinkDeerBoy
    PinkDeerBoy Posts: 89 Member
    I wouldn't give him my business, but that's just my opinion. My town has so many tattoo places that it wouldn't be hard for me to find another quality artist with less bigoted views.