New friends?! Let's encourage and get to know one another!

Hi all! My name is Nicole. I'm a Florida girl who has been on her journey for quite some time. My highest weight was 280 pounds and I'm currently 245. My goal weight is 170. I can't seem to get out of the 240s but I'm commited to doing so by the end of june! I'm here for support and to make new friends along the way! Feel free to add me as a friend and send me a message! I look forward to meeting all of you and hearing your stories! :)


  • krazyboy232
    krazyboy232 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I'm carollynn I'm from washiton im to lose my baby weight I 160 I'm try get to 145

  • SimoneBee12
    SimoneBee12 Posts: 268 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hey, I'm Simone, 22, I'm an Australian living in Toronto, I'm trying to lose my "I've never not been overweight" weight. I'm 227lbs (103kg) at the moment, 5"7 (170cm), hoping to get to 160lbs (70 or so kg)

    I'm looking for people to chat to because all my friends are back home, so I want to know all about you guys!
  • nicolemh127
    nicolemh127 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks to everyone who added me and responded! You are awesome!
  • actcats
    actcats Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there! My name is Clio I live in NYC. I weigh 146lbs which doesn't sound like a lot but when you 5'1" it's is. I just want to lose some weight and look healthy but struggle with my sugar intake (and being a pastry chef doesn't help me)

    I'm also looking for friends to support and help motivate me and in turn would like to do the same

    Cheers guys!
  • sxw113
    sxw113 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey ladies I'm Sandy. I live in Florida and I'm trying to get back to my fit weight of 125. I was almost 200lbs after gaining after working the midnight shift. I lost 50lbs so far with the help of insanity workout. Good luck to everyone in reaching their goals :-)
  • raejayb
    raejayb Posts: 7 Member
    Hihi! I'm Rae, and I live in CA. I've lost 20 lbs since I started lifting, but I'm struggling with these next 10 lbs to get to my current goal weight of 130 lbs (I am 5'3"). I'm challenging myself to log everyday through 7/8, which will be my longest streak ever! I want to see what happens when I'm being diligent. Please add me if you want to join me in this challenge!
  • Cindysosweet
    Cindysosweet Posts: 5 Member
    Hey I'm Cindy im from NY but live in Butte, MT my starting weight was 286 I am right now 211 and my goal weight is anything under 175 :) feel free to add
  • nickswifey09
    nickswifey09 Posts: 46 Member
    Hey ladies! My name is Mary! My husband and I started this journey together a month ago. In that time, I have lost 20 pounds! I started at 228 and I am now at 208. I am looking to get to 170 or below. When I met my husband 7 years ago, I was 160. I guess I lost track of myself and I am ready to kick some *kitten* and get in shape! Feel free to add me!
  • JanetMMcC
    JanetMMcC Posts: 410 Member
    Hiya! I'm 63, 5-foot-5 (I've lost 2.5" since college <sigh>) and about 164 lbs. Hoping to get to 150, but for now I'm aiming at losing 10.

    I live in New Orleans, home of Popeye's Famous Fried Chicken and lots of other tasty but not-so-healthy foods. Over the decades I've tried loads of diets. Lost the most with Weight Watchers, but gained it back and more. Maxed at something north of 210 and have plateaued after losing 40-plus. Finally decided to really work at this. (And 1200 calories a day is work.)

    I'm a reporter who sings in a chorus, writes limericks for a strange but (largely) clean website (and you can choose not to see the others), and also hangs out at a website for readers and writers (I helped run it for a longish time, then decided that I wanted a bit more time. Super people in all three places).

    Clio - as a pastry chef who's trying to lose weight, you're in a challenging but great position. Create pastries that are at least moderately healthy but still taste good, and I bet you'd sell a bundle. Heck - I've looked all over for the mythical 2-ounce whole-wheat bagel so I can slice it in half and count each half as a serving of bread. I've been buying Sara Lee's mini-bagels, but a 2-ouncer, even sliced in half, would look so much bigger on the plate!

    Nicole, Sandy, Rae, Cindy and Mary, great jobs losing!

    Carolynn and Simone, you've made a great step by looking for company on the healthy path.

    Any and alla y'all are welcome to friend me.
  • kristynicole4
    kristynicole4 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm Kristy, 25 years old. French teacher from Canada. Got up to 169, trying to get to 140... currently 155, been floating at that all year. Hsve some major humps and eating habits to clean up. Getting love handles and a stomach when you've never had them SUCKS. Having more contacts, getting messages, comments, likes, really helps push you in the right direction! Add me!
  • ShellyG013
    ShellyG013 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I'm Shelly! I currently live in Cali and studying to be a biologist :) I'm currently 239lbs but I'm goal is to be 150. I've stuggled with weight issues most of my life but now I'm trying to get into shape and better myself! I hope we get to go through our journey together and give one another encoragement! :) Add me!
  • Kmedeiros83
    Kmedeiros83 Posts: 86 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hey guys! Name is Kevin and a geeky IT guy from Boston, but living in Idaho the last 9 years. My highest weight was about 270lbs. I'm currently at 238 and hoping to break the 200 mark sooner than later.

    I have some horrible snacking habits, especially when I'm gaming later at night. I also enjoy the occasional alcoholic drink or 4...ugh.

    Anyway, been trying to find people that like to bust my *kitten* when I cheat and encourage me when I do well. Feel free to add me if I don't come off too weird or creepy lol.
  • xquisiteluv
    xquisiteluv Posts: 82 Member
    SW 250
    CW 212
    GW 150
    want to lose about 50 60lbs myself looking for motivation and friends feel free to add me my name is Luekisha I'm from NJ btw...With the support and encouragement from others we all can do this!! Stay blessed everyone! :)
  • poppitron
    poppitron Posts: 3 Member
    Hello everyone,
    My name is Poppy. I'm a huge book nerd who works at a desk all day and have continued to eat like a teenager. I'm 5'2" and recently weighed in at 149lbs. I know that doesn't sound like much but it's made a big difference recently and it's a full 13 pounds more than last year. I realized I can't keep up the same eating habits and I need help. I've been at this for almost two weeks now and I'm looking to build the community aspect to keep myself accountable. Because I know if I don't I'll just end up spending my nights reading about exercise and not actually doing it.
    So I'm ready. Add me. I've already started adding some of you.
  • nicolemh127
    nicolemh127 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks to everyone who added me and responded! You are awesome!
  • FitnessTrainer69
    FitnessTrainer69 Posts: 283 Member
    Ive been where you're at and its 100% possible with hard work. Im here if you need anything!
  • tanya54727
    tanya54727 Posts: 16 Member
    Hello, Im Tanya and I live in Wisconsin, Im 44 and currently weigh 193 and have a goal weight of 145. Looking for friends to encourage each other on a daily basis. Pls add me
  • daisy1681
    daisy1681 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I'm daisy... At my heaviest 363 now I'm 215ish... 40lbs to go that don't seem to wanna leave me lol
  • sarawhite2009
    sarawhite2009 Posts: 57 Member
    Hi. I'm Sara. Started my journey again 3 weeks ago. Lost myself after having my two children and taking care of everyone else but myself!!! Trying to lose 25-30 lbs (110-115). Please feel free to add me anyone who would love to encourage, motivate and support each other!!
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    You all can add me... I need to rid myself of 75 lbs....really just an evil average weight 10 yr old :smiley: