maintaing weight after loosing it

I lost 5 kg last year through diet and exercise. Later on when I reduced my work out time I started gaining weight again especially around butts :(. I also started having food urges. Now I am again trying to loose weight but not through crash dieting but my maintain healthy eat eating habits but am worried that if I again change my work out time will I again gain the lost weigh?


  • dids6457
    dids6457 Posts: 5
  • GoldenShah
    GoldenShah Posts: 10 Member
    Hi there, Are you very active in your job or do you have a desk job?

    I also lost around 5kg last year through watching my calories and doing lots of exercise. As my fitness levels always drop over winter (the weather is cold and grey out), I did gain a kg so went back to tracking my calories and that has seemed to really help! Now I always check in with my fitness pal and whilst I am not trying to lose more weight at this stage, it does help me track my calories and if I do have an indulgent day, then I at least know how many calories I need to exercise off. You can recalculate your calorie intake for weight maintenance, but I just make sure I never go over 1600 calories in a day. If you can at least do some toning exercises with free weights, that will help keep your muscle mass up which increases your metabolism.

    As for your food cravings, are you taking a good multivitamin? I take one with chromium in it as this helps balance my sugar levels and stops me craving sweets. Oh yes, and if you drink diet sodas, especially coke or pepsi, they can cause terrible cravings (ask me I know!) so you would be better off drinking water or diluted fruit juice. On days when I feel like snacking a lot, I drink Redbush tea with no milk and a teaspoon of sweetener and that really helps a lot. Anyway, hope this all helps - it worked for me so I thought I would share it with you. Best of luck!
  • anamz
    anamz Posts: 6
    thank you all for your recommendations. i am a student currently so yea i have desk job.