Looking for Friends with 200 pounds to lose

MilisaMote Posts: 28
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Yes I said 200 I am Morbidly Obese ... I have many health issues that lead me here. So losing weight will be a battle but I want to take it. I want to be there for my kids and I want to be able to enjoy life more. I want to step out of the fat suit and let the new me emerge.

What brought me here is the very thing that has made me stop trying. For years I have had to see people's faces when they stare at me and here the comments. It always bothers me and makes me hate myself. Well the other day I was grocery shopping with my family and there was this little girl about 6 or 7 years old. She just kept staring and staring I smiled at her she was a kid ... and she gave me the look like I shoved something gross in her mouth... I jsut held my head high and kept shopping ... then the girls brother comes around the corner a lil older and she runs to him laughing and saying look at that Giant Lady she is huge .... repating over and over. Then she goes to the mother and said the exact same thing and I was shocked the mother turned looked and laughed and then turned back to her shopping ... Never corrected, apoligzed or redirected her child. No matter how hard I try I cant not hear the comments and sadly neither can my family ... my poor son was so upset and wanted to say something and I told him not to and I tried to explain that to some people I am Large and they will sometimes say mean things and just ignore them. Bless his heart he loves him Momma. I dont like my family having to endure the comments and embrassment because of me and my weight.

I am 38 with 3 kids and marrried for 11 years. Looking for friends whom are in the same sistuation as myself ... woudl love to meet some that live closer so we can motivate each other.


  • mojox2003
    mojox2003 Posts: 276 Member
    Hi there Im in the same way as well I have 3 children married and just want to be out of this fat suit im in, I have just over 100 too loose but I did at one point have 250 I got myself down to this and then it all just stoped.

    So if you need someone to chat to then im always on here now.
  • oBirdieo
    oBirdieo Posts: 148
    Welcome to MFP! I have a lot to lose, too -- at least 100 pounds, but preferably about 150. Have sent you a friend request.

    I think you'll love it here -- great community and lots of support!
  • Sarah_uk
    Sarah_uk Posts: 209
    I don't need to lose 200,but I was morbidly obese when I started my weight loss journey,so maybe I can support you. I had a BMI of about 45-46. I was 313 pounds @ 5ft 10.

    Right now I'm 121.6 kg/ 268 pounds.

    This site is great to get support.
  • Gary1977
    Gary1977 Posts: 804 Member
    I'm so sorry that happened to you.:cry: I get so angry at such insensitve people.:mad: The parent should be the one with their butt kicked. I know exactly how you feel though. I started out with around 400lbs to lose. :blushing: . Between the fact I could hardly get around and those terrible stares, I hardly went out in public anymore. Since I began my weight loss journey, I've found new confidence in myself and no longer care about the looks and whispers. Feel free to add me as a friend and we'll support each other in this journey. Good luck to you and I'm sure you'll reach your goals in no time. :flowerforyou:
  • MilisaMote
    MilisaMote Posts: 28
    Thank you all for your kind words... This looks like a really nice place so far maybe i will find the support and motivation I need to move forward in this journey.
  • Sarah_uk
    Sarah_uk Posts: 209
    It's so strange how people can be so unsensitive towards fat people. They would feel sorry for an anorexic person,but not for an obese person.

    Have you been listing the foods you eat in the food diary?

    Have you decided what you're going to do? Cutting down or portion sizes would be the easiest I think. I suggest you buy a kitchen scale to weigh everything you eat. It's so easy to underestimate the calories eaten and normal portion sizes. Been there, done that.
  • Purple_Orchid_87
    Purple_Orchid_87 Posts: 517 Member
    I have 92.5 to lose to get to the lower end of Obese - SW of 292.5lbs put me into the morbidly obese section too, and i'm 6ft 1 tall

    ultimately I want to be in the healthy/ok weight range, but being in the lover end of obese is great for me

    sending friends request :o)
  • Mamoonie
    Mamoonie Posts: 328

    and welcome to MFP!
    I had to lose 90 lbs when I started here in August last year, am down a third now and I know I still have to work at it until next year in summer at least.
    It's not 200 lbs, I know, but that number of 90 seemed so terribly high to me that it was difficult to get started... when you can't see an end...
    What helped me a lot was the philosophy of the baby steps and mini goals. If you set mini goals and try to change things slowly, one after the other, it's far easier to see results, which motivate to do more :-)

    Anyway, I wish you all the best on your journey, lots of courage and endurance!

  • MilisaMote
    MilisaMote Posts: 28
    Yes i listed what i ate in my food diary. Funny thing tho my portions are not what you would think by looking at me. I eat less than my kids do people are ALWAYS surprised at how little I eat. Another no no i do is I usually only eat once a day BUT today I managed to eat something for breakfest, lunch and dinner. When i first started gaining weight I kind of stopped eating; hence why i eat dinner only most of the time and not alot of that. However have being reviewed by a nutrition specialist she informed me I am under eating and at the time I never understood why she would say such a thing. I mean really look at me but later when i started finding out my health issues ... It was then I realized what she meant. I have thyroid issues and meds arent working and I have pituarity gland problems.
    So I plan on trying to watch WHAT i eat ... laying off fried foods and processed foods. And making myself accountable
  • gailygail99
    gailygail99 Posts: 582 Member
    hey!! i also have a LOT of weight to lose. i am trying to first hit 100lbs and then 133.6 to get me to a milestone that i want to be at and then we will go from there. i have lost 61lbs so far so i am optomistic! i am going to friend you too so we can support each other. you all can friend me if you wish! :smile:
  • mojox2003
    mojox2003 Posts: 276 Member
    This site is fantastic for support and motivation it realy is, and as for what was said to you the mum realy should have said somthing I would never let my kids say such horrid things
  • MilisaMote
    MilisaMote Posts: 28
    again thanks everyone.. I got a few friend request and I appericate them. Looking forward to getting to know all of you on this journey.
  • cjs3001
    cjs3001 Posts: 273 Member
    I've not got 200 to lose but probably about 100 which is still a fair chunk so I thought I'd throw my two pence in (though I think I already did on your blog... you can't get away from me!) and say that I think when you really start looking at what you eat and drink you'll start seeing holes and filling and modifiying those gaps is really what is going to help you here. My dad is the same, he eats at weird times of the day and is more often than not not eating enough. He won't eat during the day but will have a big meal at night which doesn't really help. Since I made him download the MFP app, he's been eating much better and feels much healthier for it..
    I'm sorry people behave badly towards you, towards anyone really. But hopefully it'll all be a thing of the past in no time and once you start seeing the pounds drop you'll have a much higher confidence in yourself to keep going :)
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