You will never keep it off if,

You will never keep your weight off if you consider yourself on a diet thats temporary to achieve a number (goal) Diet by definition is the menu of foods we eat, NOT HOW MUCH food you eat. You need to educate yourself on the values of foods and if not sure do a little research to find out. You can keep your weight off even without a recording method once you learn what eating sensibly is. What a normal sized portion is. It's totally unnecessary to think you have to maintain a scientific balance of fats, carbs, proteins and sugars. You just have to know how many calories any food you choose to eat is and its fairly simple once you develop healthy eating habits.

If you have no self control over what you put in your mouth you will always be fat. Sorry but you have to do it yourself. Your diet choices are a living existance and the term you are what you eat really stands true. With that being said everybody overindulges on occasion. Oh well as long as its not all the time why worry as your weight management is year round and does not revolve itself around you eating an extra slice of pie.

You need to be somewhat physically active. The worst job i ever had in my life was a 5 year sit behind a desk job. My body paid the price for it. Desk jobs in our country (USA) are over abundent. Computers and the internet just magnify the problem. You have to get away from sitting and TV all the time. Get out of the house and do something often that is physical.

When you eat healthy its actually very difficult to reach your daily caloric goals. My maintain is 2800-3000 for a man my size and activity and i have a hard time while eating healthy reaching 2100 calories a day which is 1 lb a week loss. If i do any exercise at all i can basically eat till i puke and not reach my caloric goal but i don't eat when i'm not hungry just for the sake of it. Granted this is on a natural/raw foods diet pretty much. I don't eat boxed or processed foods with the acception of kashi autumn wheat cereal and that's almost all natural. I don't eat candy or sweets or breads. My sweets are fruits/whole fruit frozen bars.. Everything is about choices we make. We eat a diet of certain foods but we are NOT ON A DIET. WE CHOOSE TO EAT HEALTHY AND SENSIBLY for life. A temporary diet just means temporary fat loss and weight loss.


  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    A good summary quote would be, "the quality of our life is based on the quality of the decisions we make."
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    well said :)
  • Jeneba
    Jeneba Posts: 699 Member
    Beautiful wake up call! :wink:
  • Harleydiva68
    Harleydiva68 Posts: 50 Member
    Well said!
  • broadsword7
    broadsword7 Posts: 411 Member
    Good stuff.
  • vonpod
    vonpod Posts: 5
    Can,t agree more. I don't say I am on a diet anymore. I am on a healthy eating plan. If you say to people that you are on a diet you can get the response of not needing to lose weight, you are fine as you are or a little bit of this gorgeous high calorie dessert won't hurt. Too right if you eat healthily and do a bit of regular exercise it is fine to have the occasional treat, after all, life is for living. I know I have high cholesterol that isn't controllable by diet alone so I have to take statins but I also know that I need to keep a sensible head when it comes to what I put in my mouth. Its taken me a while to find my sensible head I must admit but now its here it isn't going away again.:happy: