Need motivated and support to lose baby weight and then some!

oxreese Posts: 8 Member
Just had my first baby 6 months ago. I was never so insecure with my weight until i had a baby. I want to lose this weight soo bad so i can have the confidence i used to have. I just started this the same day i started insanity workout. I just need help staying on track so i can give it my best. Im really excited to meet new people with the same goals! ☺


  • amamaelam
    amamaelam Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! Welcome to the site! I wish you the best of luck with your goal! Having friends on here is a pretty good way of staying motivated. This all definitely pays off in the end. :)
  • tedua0526
    tedua0526 Posts: 15 Member
    I would be happy to be your friend! I am here's to lose the baby fat also!
  • oxreese
    oxreese Posts: 8 Member
    Its soo funny how some people lose weight after a baby and go right back to their normal size. Me? Im stuck with 10 extra pounds but now i want to lose 25lbs total. It'd be so nice to be my high school weight
  • oxreese
    oxreese Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you for the support as well! Means alot to me especially when you know you have the same goals!
  • ewhsweets
    ewhsweets Posts: 167 Member
    I lost all my baby weight w/in 6m with Focus T25 and Insanity Max30. If you watch what you eat and work hard baby weight isnt any harder than any other weight, in my opinion :) you're on the right track! Good luck feel free to add me!
  • ConnieMachaya
    ConnieMachaya Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I had a baby too 4months ago please add me as I need to shed the weight
  • Mikkamoo12
    Mikkamoo12 Posts: 36 Member
    Me 2 4months after baby n finding it very hard 2 stay motivated i never had any issues wit my body i could always eat watever i wanted now i cant get rid of da last stone i just taut it would drop off like da 1st 2stone but nope no movement.. God dieting is really hard n dont no how to no if im counting cals right when we have alot of home cooked meals