Chocolate lover Trying to lose weight! Hope it works here!

Hiya, I'm new to this site and want to lose about 2.5 stone. SIncing having my daughter (nearly two years ago now!) I haven't shifted the weight. I haven't time to to the gym three times a week like I used to and my serious downfall is chocolate so if anyone has any advice it'd be greatly appreciated!! Also, I'm a very fussy eater and just wish I liked salad etc and I'm sure the weight would fall off :ohwell: ..I've recently started doing zumba on the wii in the evenings and find it fun so hopefully that will help! :wink:


  • jillwm
    jillwm Posts: 21
    Hi :) I'm a choco lover as well! After I've learn how much kcal it's in on bar and how much you have to run to get it off.. Well - it's not as tempting anymore :happy:

    Good luck! :smile:
  • RichGebs
    RichGebs Posts: 345
    Best of luck but you don't need to give up any foods you eat already.. just eat them in the right combinations. Eat a slow carb, fast carb, and protein in each meal, plus a slow carb to keep you from craving food in between meals and your body will stay in fat burning mode 24/7 and you will lose weight eating what you love :) but you do it your way BEST OF LUCK!!
  • missbp
    missbp Posts: 601 Member
    I am a chocolate lover too. I usually save enough calories each day to be able to indulge in a lower fat option like Skinny Cow. Not sure if that brand is exclusive to the US or not. Dark chocolate is supposed to be better then the other varieties.

    I really believe that this whole process has to be a new lifestyle and not a diet, so if you are wanting to lose weight and keep it off, you really have to change your unhealthy habits into healthy ones. Exercise must become a regular part of your life. Eating healthy as well. I suggest you try some new things. Salad is not the only way to get your veggies in. But, if you are serious about losing weight and getting healthy, it's not going to happen without making some changes.

    Good luck!

  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    ..I've recently started doing zumba on the wii in the evenings and find it fun so hopefully that will help! :wink:

    Wait! There's zumba on the Wii?? No way! Awesome! What other vegis do you like? Frozen stuff is good, because you can just thaw it out, spray some vinegar or light dressing on it and it's not salad, but it's still your fiber and vegis. I love brussels sprouts, but no one in my house does, so I don't have to share! I microwave them in the bag then add a little red wine vinegar. YUM!

    I would suggest getting rid of whatever chocolate you have in the house and substitute it with healthier options. There are fat free chocolate fudgecicles that are great, especially in the evening when you just need a fix, there are also, (over here anyway) chocolate rice cakes, that really help me when I need something crunchy. I would try to not eat after a certain time of night, late evening snacking was a huge problem for me. If there's candy out, I eat it, so throw it away, give it away, put it at work out of reach. Avoid the temptation all but once in a while for a treat, and keep moving, and drink LOTS of water. Friend me if you want.

    You can do it!
  • kristanickerson
    kristanickerson Posts: 72 Member
    you can have it just make sure you count it watch your sugar and fat as well as the calories, and the darker the better try to stay away from milk chocolate...the dark chocolate is soooo rich I usually feel like I need less to feel like I've had enough.
  • bjam1234
    bjam1234 Posts: 75
    Hey - just a random addition on chocolate - I read on here somewhere that a user liked to add some unsweetened cocoa and a bit of honey to yogurt as a healthy snack - tried it - super tasty (and quite good on chocolate cravings)

    tonight I tried a variation on this......... I had some pumpkin puree sitting in the fridge after making pumpkin scones and I decided I would do the same here, adding a tsp of cocoa powder and a tiny bit of sugar (barely needed it, the pumpkin was delightfully sweet) and ended up with a crazy chocolatey dessert - reminded me most of those chocolate custard things you can buy - really tasty, if you like pumpkin too :)

    best of luck - this site (or weight loss in general?) can be really fun if you dive into creating meals and healthy snacking options within your calories!

    eta - the pumpkin puree was homemade just from baking a sweet pumpkin till soft and blending that up - we dont really have canned pumpkin here - dont know how they compare calorie wise but homemade is really healthy :)
  • SheilaSisco
    SheilaSisco Posts: 722 Member
    Hey there! I am also a HUGE chocolate lover... can't live without it! The key is moderation. If you want the chocolate, you figure it into your calorie budget. I've gotten to the point where I can buy a hershey's bar and just eat a row of it at a time, or a bag of mini peanut butter cups and only eat 2 or 3. It cuts WAY back on the calories and satisfies the craving. As far as regular food, I still most of the foods I always did, I just found a few new healthy recipes and healthier ways to fix the old ones. The ones that were REALLY bad and didn't get modified (deep fried dishes, mostly... like eggrolls and country fried steak) I still have... I just only do things like that maybe once a month as a 'cheat meal' and still try really hard to fit it into the calorie budget. If you really WANT to lose the weight, you will find ways to modify your diet so you can lose weight and still eat the things you love. I guess that's why they call it a lifestyle change... I don't really feel like I'm on a diet anymore. It's kind of awesome... good luck!!! And feel free to friend me! :)