Starting over again...

About a year ago I was on a weight loss program at a Dr. Office.It had a diet plan, exercise and a "magic" pill. I lost 15 lbs. in like 2 months. Mainly because the pill made me lose my appetite. I've quit taking them AND weaned off them like they say to do, but I've gained 12 pounds back. I feel extremely bloated all the time and it's just been a struggle. I'm doing P90X and trying to maintain a 1400 calorie diet. I really think that it's the pill that has screwed something up with my body...I'm hoping that I can get it right doing it the "old fashioned" way. With exercise and diet...


  • SportyLadyPhotographer
    Go girl not giving up
    add me if you want :) x
  • vic72
    vic72 Posts: 84 Member
    Good for you; I've done it and tried it all. It comes off then creeps back on. Good old simple diet and exercise is the only way to go! Good luck on your journey and feel free to add me!
  • electricnarwhal
    I'm starting over, too. :) And diet and exercise is the best way to go! Not some fancy magic pill. Good luck on your new journey!
  • Angizzle76
    Angizzle76 Posts: 15
    Thanks! :) Feel free to add me as "pal" here
  • art4fun69
    art4fun69 Posts: 151 Member
    Good for you. I too decided to take control and watch what I eat and exercise. I have a friend that was on a doctor supervised plan and she had to give up so much stuff--like all dairy. I dont think I could do that so I am trying to do this in a way where I could continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle even after I reach my goals. Welcome and feel free to friend me if you like.