Women with muscles



  • ExRelaySprinter
    ExRelaySprinter Posts: 874 Member
    off season competition chicks=perfection. Just the right muscle:body fat ratio in my opinion!
    Yes, i agree with this^^.
  • sarabucknam
    sarabucknam Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 40, and I'm slowly getting some muscle tone. Even though I'm in the 'normal range' for BMI, my body fat % is above the normal range. Trying to find the right balance of calories/macros while lifting (doing Body Beast at-home program). I'm not really concerned about the number of the scale - want to lower body fat % and increase lean muscle mass. I think muscles are sexy as heck on a man or a woman, & it doesn't matter if you're 21 or 61. I admire those with a chiseled, muscle look because I understand how much time, patience, dedication and sweat that goes into that physique. Luckypony71, good for you wanting to improve your body!
  • dogcatac
    dogcatac Posts: 124 Member
    i'm >40 but i want all the muscles! they are so sexy, i love how ripped biceps look on women. and quads! all the quads!
  • SunnyPacheco
    SunnyPacheco Posts: 142 Member
    I'm not yet 40 but I lift and love the look of strong, defined shoulders and quads on a female and hope to make mine as amazing as I can get them. I envy, and look up to competition ladies but can and never will be able to do it. Plus off season competition chicks=perfection. Just the right muscle:body fat ratio in my opinion!

    I follow a bunch of bodybuilder/competition chicks on IG and always wind up being jealous of their shoulders, biceps, glutes and hamstrings the most. There are way too many well-developed glutes on my IG feed lol. It's all for motivation!
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I'm turning 40 next year, but I've transformed from being obese in my early/mid 30's to being strong and fit in my late 30's. It's an amazing feeling being strong!

    I am not a bodybuilder (I always wanted to keep some curves so I keep my body fat a little higher), but I train big and always trying to progress. I definitely had to get used to feeling the muscles in my quads and seeing them visibility a little however.

    Like the above poster said off season competition chicks=perfection and I agree!

    I really do admire older women that has some muscle. Gives me a lot of motivation!

  • erimethia_fekre
    erimethia_fekre Posts: 317 Member
    I work in a supplement shop and talk to women like this all the time. They've decided to do it because of their kids at first and most of them do shows now. It's not about a look, there's a feeling behind it that cannot be described I have been told. Any woman can do it and I think it's so amazing :)
  • alfonsinarosinsky
    alfonsinarosinsky Posts: 198 Member
    I'm 61 and began lifting several weeks ago. I'm already seeing slight changes. Also eating very clean to lose weight.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I only started any kind of resistance work last year at 47

    I love being strong and I love weights

    I've got my own body aesthetic that I'm aiming for, which generally doesn't match competition style in that I want to keep my body fat at around 22-24% but the tightness and tautness that comes with decent musculature is addictive ...I never thought I'd be looking forward to this summer holiday and the thought of wearing bikinis at 48 nor that I'd happily make my stomach my av

    Wish I'd found free weights and resistance work earlier