Any links to water retention and birth control?

Hi =)

I was wondering if anyone could help answer my question. I came off birth control because the type (Tri Ortho Cyclen) was making it exceptionally hard to lose weight with hard work. Many of you will think this is narcissistic, vain and stupid to do without the help of a doctor, but I went on it again for a month to delay my period for my prom, because no matter what I do my tampon usually somehow leaks in places that it should not, and I don't want it all over my dress (I mean, who would?). Lately I've been feeling a little bit more .. puffy than usual when it comes to water retention, and I went back up a pound on the scale for water retention.. anyone know if it could be the pill or not?


  • snowbaby1492
    That's the pill I was always on and it made it difficult for me to lose weight until I started eating no carbs.
  • snowbaby1492
    That's the pill I was always on and it made it difficult for me to lose weight until I started eating no carbs.
  • dawniewest
    dawniewest Posts: 37 Member
    Many people experience up to a 5 lb. gain in fluids from birth control pills. I know I did, and after 24 years of taking the pill, I had to go off since I experienced a spike in my blood pressure. I immediately lost 4 lbs, and another 3 the following couple of weeks. (Of course I had gained a lot of weight and needed to loose anyway, and I had also started a low sodium diet due to my blood pressure) I would be nervous about going on and off the pill, if you don't want to get pregnant. But if you drink 8 glasses of water a day, take a good B complex ( or at least B6) everyday, and follow a low sodium diet (under 1000 mgs a day) you should have minimal problems with bloat! :happy:
  • jataijah
    jataijah Posts: 192 Member
    Im on Ortho Tri Cylen LO and I havent had any problems losing weight. Maybe you should ask your Dr about switching to a low hormorne pill