It's hard having a social life!!

lnunez61 Posts: 11 Member
edited July 2015 in Introduce Yourself
It's extremely hard to eat healthy and have a social life!!! Went out with friends last night and probably gained all I lost. Went to try Thai food for the first time and I liked it so much I ate the whole thing. I wonder how many calories that was? Yesterday's calorie count went down the drain!!! Starting again today. This lifestyle is so hard!


  • JanelleG0122
    JanelleG0122 Posts: 323 Member
    It's hard having both, but it is far from impossible. If you are truly motivated to lose the weight, the lifestyle change gets easier with time. I went out with my friends last weekend. Had two low calorie margaritas and a chicken salad. Managed to stay within my calorie goal with exercise calories consumed back that day. If you know you're going out with friends do a hardcore workout that day. It won't allow you to eat everything, but it will give you a larger amount to consume. You can do this!
  • lnunez61
    lnunez61 Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you! It's difficult when others are so carefree and all I'm thinking about is how many calories does this have
  • winningbywinningbylosing
    I totally get u
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Totally get it, for me the problem is alcohol more than food. When I go out to eat with friends I can usually find something low-cal on the menu, or I eat before I go out so then I can just order something small like a soup. But, I'm a law student and to take the stress off most people drink a lot, like every weekend. I like to go out and have fun but just one night of drinking will ruin my calories for the whole weekend (especially because drinking then leads to drunk snacking...)

    However, do realize that it's okay to go over your calorie goals every once in a while! This is a lifestyle change. Just because you went over your goal one day does not mean that you have to "start over." I actually go over my calorie goal pretty frequently but I have still seen the results I want. Life is too short to restrict your intake every single day!

    So, hopefully you enjoyed the Thai food, and next time you know to budget your calories in advance before you go out to eat. No big deal. You live and you learn!
  • Demi928
    Demi928 Posts: 14 Member
    I can relate too. Don't punish yourself though for living. Just stay as active as possible...which helps when you don't have a perfect eating day. Be happy. You can do it!
  • LikeSeeds4Souls
    LikeSeeds4Souls Posts: 821 Member
    Don't beat yourself up about it. It's almost impossible to reach your weight loss goals without à few set backs here and there. Allow yourself to overeat sometimes. One day of bad eating won't hurt you the same way one day of good eating won't help you, it's what you do habitually that counts. Don't sweat it and get back on board!
  • kjurassic
    kjurassic Posts: 571 Member
    You can have a social life but you have to do things a little differently. First, when you go out to eat, BEFORE you even start eating, have them put 1/2 off your meal in a doggie bag. Then, instead of high calorie cocktails, drink water with meals. Focus on enjoying what your eating s l o w l y and try to make the primary focus of the event the enjoyment of the fellowship with your friends - the food secondary. I went to play Trivia Tuesday with my friends. Ate my dinner before I went, had water when I got there and had a great time! (Oh, and we came in 2nd place! :)
    JPNVZ Posts: 10 Member
    Cancel your social group and find a new one. Done that a few times with zero regret. The family will stick by your choices (hopefully). Be healthy or don't. Don't do the 'dont' part because of social pressure. Understand that's not easy but you need to make a choice. Find the right people to hang around with and it pays off big time.