
i have been having so much trouble with motivating myself to loose weight. 3 monthes ago I was going through a stressful time in my life, my grandmother was in pallative care and I was just waiting for the day to say goodbye. I think at first Iused that to motivate me and help me as I was going to the gym everyday, unfortunately when the time did come I fell into a hole with this. I just feel so bad for myself that i want to eat, i feel so lazy all the time. My BMI is 38.1 thats obese, I never thought i would ever be this diabetis runs in my family and i just dont think i could ever come to giving myself a needle everyday. I just feel so bad formyself. I just dont know whati to do anymore, therefore i eat . i need help so badly. i need motivation


  • RachelVerthein
    I would say use that stress you have and go for a walk and think about things that are going on instead of eating. whenever i'm stressed or have a lot to think about instead of eating I put my shoes on and go walking instead. diabetes runs in my family as well. so I have to tell myself get up and go do something instead of eating.
  • mom2dms
    mom2dms Posts: 152 Member
    I am not a doctor, but to me, it sounds like you need to see one. It sounds like you may be suffering from depression which medication can help you deal with. Then you can work on motivating yourself to get back to the gym and on a better diet. Good luck
  • kristanickerson
    kristanickerson Posts: 72 Member
    We all go to the dark place sometimes, but you have to come back and if you can't do it on your own you may need help from a Doctor I'm not a big advocate of meds first (because if your problem isn't chemical when you go off the drugs the problem isn't fixed you have to work through it sooner or later), so my first recommendation would be to see a councellor or Phsychiatrist first to talk about things, and get your self esteem in the right place if that doesn't work then look at medication options. My grand mother told me that feeling sorry for yourself won't get you anything but depressed...she is a smart lady, she's lost her husband, 3 children and all 14 of her brothers and sisters. It's time to pull yourself up by the bootstraps and take action if you can't do it on your own get some help! You can do this...the only thing standing in the way of any of us is ourselves!!!
  • wendywasj
    wendywasj Posts: 16
    I agree with mom2dms. Medication is not forever, but it can help you get over the slump you are in...if, indeed, a doctor determines that you need it.
    I was on a plateau for a long time and, upon discussing options with my doctor, discovered that a food & feeling journal was necessary for about a month. If you write down everything you eat AND how you feel just before, during and right after you eat it, you will be able to detect a pattern that may help you motivate yourself to change (like walking instead, like RachelVerthein suggested). It's one thing to know you do it; it's another thing to see it written in your own handwriting.
    Best of luck to you. I hope you do get the help you need.
  • sharidiane
    sharidiane Posts: 212 Member
    I don't know if you are depressed or not - it wouldn't hurt to see a doctor about the entire issue - but until you can get the appointment I have a little bit of advice.

    First of all, I've been where you are. When you don't even know how to make one small change, and you can't experience the feeling that comes with making the changes, it's really hard to get motivated. I used to hear about other people working out, and never eating junk, and just thinking that I could never do THAT. Not that I didn't have willpower - I do. But when you can't FEEL what the positive changes do to your body, it's really hard to get started.

    Make a promise to yourself - change ONE thing. Change it for about two weeks. Cut out refined sugar. Or soda. Or go for a walk everyday. Or cut out all processed foods. Don't do ALL of these - just do ONE. Whatever seems most appealing. Don't worry about tracking calories - yet!!!

    Change one thing for about two weeks. Make a promise to yourself to do it. I believe you will start to feel better. And when you start to feel better, the next little change will be easier.

    One small change at a time. You CAN do this. You ARE the same as all of us here - you're not missing something that we have, you don't have less willpower, you are not a lesser quality human being. I say these things to you, because I used to feel that way about myself.

    You are obviously a very caring person - so caring to your grandmother. Take a little time to care about yourself sweets. Good luck!
  • devilbutt
    devilbutt Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for the advice. I don't tinhk I will be going to the doctor for depression, its a good thought, but I have had depression in the past and really didn't like being on the drugs, I think I just need to do what sharidiane said and start off small and work my way through as it really is too much for me tho think about everything at once. I just need to now think about something small to work on. Maybe ill stop eating sweets and stop having sugar in my coffee to start. it sounds easy enough. any other suggestions?
  • kristanickerson
    kristanickerson Posts: 72 Member
    do you like music? have a dance party all by yourself, be foolish, for 20 mins to half hour a day or a few times a'll be good for the hormones that make you happy, music is a great motivator and you'll be burning calories :)

    Some of my favs that I run to...

    Raise your Glass- Pink
    DJ got us fallin In love - USHER
    We Speak No Americano- Yolonda Be Cool
    Barbar Strisand - Duck Sauce
    Howl - Florence and the Machine
    Born This Way- Lady Gaga
    California Girls- Katy Perry
    Just Dance - lady Gaga

    Or whatever gets up dancing like a rockstar! :)
  • wheelieblade
    wheelieblade Posts: 323
    do you use public transport? If so try getting off one stop earlier