
OMG I'm in so much trouble. I have never had to worry about weight or what I ate but now that I'm almost 50 it seems like all I do is watch the scale go up. I hate what I see in the mirror!!!! I have no idea how to watch what I eat, calorie count, what is good to eat or what is bad. I need help!!!!


  • fitnesspal1256
    fitnesspal1256 Posts: 27 Member
    I would start with just logging everything. Once you see what you are putting in your body all in front of you, its a lot easier to see whats wrong!
  • bretam2010
    bretam2010 Posts: 2 Member
    that is what I have started doing this week. Man I have alot of work to do. I'm not big but I do hate the way I look. I know my husband hates it too - he is very health minded. I only weigh about 126 but I'm 5'0 and have never weighed more then 114 in my life until now - ARGH!!!! I'm so determined to be back in my old size by my 50th birthday in Nov of this year. I have made myself a promise to stick to my workouts and eat right. My problem is I have to eat several times a day instead of just once or twice. I can do this!!!