Pre workout meals, advice suggestions what do you eat??


I've been eating at a cal deficit to lose weight and it's working, I've been going to the gym and mostly doing cardio and swimming.

I arranged some PT sessions to get some help and he has basically told me I need to eat a lot more than I am before a work out.. A lot of what he's suggested is what I've been avoiding - bread, pasta etc - I normally have the training session around five, in a nut shell - what meals / snacks etc do you guys n gals have before a workout and when - my PT suggested I have a breakfast, mid morning food.. Lunch and then something else around 3 before my evening workout..

Eating less calories has been my goal... I'm totally confused at how I can "fuel up" with calories now!


  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    edited July 2015
    Eat whatever you want.
  • debubbie
    debubbie Posts: 767 Member
    I try to eat Greek vanilla yogurt with some PB2 mixed in because it sits light on my stomach and I don't bonk during my workout. I try to eat that about 60 -90 minutes before my workout. If I eat too much or certain foods, I have found that they give me serious heartburn! After strength training, I try to eat my dinner within an hour or so.
  • QuikDogs
    QuikDogs Posts: 194 Member
    I drink some water with creatine in it. I like Emerge from Max Muscle but honestly just plain H2O works too. For me, the creatine is key.
  • Barrysheene7
    Barrysheene7 Posts: 3 Member
    I eat 5-6 times a day BUT they are small portions / snacks no more than 400 calories each to a maximum of 1250 calories for the day throughout the week, then I have a binge day either on the Saturday or Sunday a sort of treat if you like as I have been very strict during the week. I try not to have had anything to eat at least an hour or more before a workout and have found that by working out in the morning having no breakfast I have been losing weight quicker as my body has no or very little fuel to burn so eats into the fat stores instead - Iv'e lost 35 Lbs since boxing day last year and it is still steadily coming off. If your routine is working why change it and it depends on what your overall goal is to see if it needs tweaking or not, is it possible to work out another time for example.
  • Ty_Floyd
    Ty_Floyd Posts: 102 Member
    Personally I would question your PT's advice. I'm not a fitness pro but I believe there is evidence to suggest that fasted cardio has benefits for increased fat burning. I understand there is an argument for both approaches (fasted/non-fasted), but if your primary goal is weight loss and you aren't feeling weak or deprived during your workouts then I don't see the point in eating more beforehand.
    If you were an athlete and your primary goal was improving your times or whatever then it may be a different story.
    Anyone who knows more about this please chip in if what I've said is wrong!
  • greg88rosen
    greg88rosen Posts: 49 Member
    The more you workout the more carbs you will need to fuel the body
    If you are afraid to eat carbs then keep the portions small but eat more on days you workout, specifically after the workout to assist in recovery
    Sweet potatoes are a good turn to

    Breakfast - small amount of carb (1-2 toast)
    Snack - carb In the form of fruit & protein shake
    Lunch - small amount of carbs (ex 1/2 cup rice)
    Snack - repeat snack 1
    Dinner most carbs in the day. Cup of pasta or rice and piece of fruit such as a banana right after workout

    ^ just an example

    Keep protein shakes if any at 25g per serving

    For weight loss purposes, keep portions small but eat every 3 hours
    This will keep your metabolism going and any weight gained should be muscle which in itself is a natural fat burner

    More muscle = more fat burned

    Good luck :)
  • kindrabbit
    kindrabbit Posts: 837 Member
    It really is personal preference. Some people prefer to work out fasted, others prefer to take in high energy foods before a workout. Some feel sick if they eat before a workout and some feel shaky of they don't.

    I have to fit my workouts in between day to day living (like most people) so I tend to go at different times of the day but it often falls around early afternoon when by body is ready for lunch. My personal preference is to eat a sandwich - its a good combination of carbs, protein and fats. My favorite is wholemeal bread with either chicken or ham and spinach with salad cream. I'll eat that before I leave for the gym and it sees me through.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Eat what you want. You don't NEED to eat anything but things change. I used to not eat anything but now I need a protein bar or a bit of greek yogurt before I lift-especially when I'm generally in a deficit.
  • PinkDeerBoy
    PinkDeerBoy Posts: 89 Member
    I usually try and make sure I eat breakfast on work out days, and usually my work out is 2/3 hours or so after breakfast. I find eating shortly before working out makes me feel sick.
  • loulamb7
    loulamb7 Posts: 801 Member
    kenny278 wrote: »
    .. I need to eat a lot more than I am before a work out.. A lot of what he's suggested is what I've been avoiding - bread, pasta etc - ... - what meals / snacks etc do you guys n gals have before a workout and when - my PT suggested I have a breakfast, mid morning food.. Lunch and then something else around 3 before my evening workout..

    Eating less calories has been my goal... I'm totally confused at how I can "fuel up" with calories now!

    What's your height, weight and how many calories are you eating or how large a deficit do you have?

    Bread, pasta and carbs are not bad foods and don't necessarily need to be avoided.

    I eat 5-6 times a day. I usually end up at a 40%C/35%P/25%F ratio. I usually try to get 30g of carbs and protein an hour or so before a workout.