I'm trying to loose 40lbs..... which seems impossible

jet789456 Posts: 1 Member
I just suffered l4-l5 disk herniation in October 14. Back to work now trying to take some weight off but it's been hard


  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    If it was easy, there wouldn't be sites like this :)

    It's hard to be overweight, too. You just have to pick your hard.

    Good luck.
  • kindrabbit
    kindrabbit Posts: 837 Member
    It's totally do-able with the right mind set and support. Have you set your entered all your details into MFP and calculated your calorie goal? I am just over 50lbs down after 2 and a half years. It's been quite a journey but I don't regret starting. The struggle has just made the result sweeter :)
  • Dovekat
    Dovekat Posts: 263 Member
    I've suffered with a bad back my whole life, I know how difficult it can be to manage it and exercise. My advice would be go slow, focus on calories and nutrition until your back is in a condition to workout then do something light, and do something that helps build core strength/flexibility. I do a yoga, walk a lot and jog some (I'm working on it :p ). It is possible to lose weight with back issues it just takes a slightly different aproach, at least to exercise. Best of luck!
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    You really can do this. <3 Buy a scale so that you can weigh all your food to log into the diary. You will get used to that after two weeks. Eat less food than you are eating now -- in other words, you do not have to completely overhaul your diet. Eat a little more food that is low calorie and a little less food that is high calorie.

  • andympanda
    andympanda Posts: 763 Member
    defiantly doable. look at the success stories section of this forum.
  • LessofPenny
    LessofPenny Posts: 53 Member
    I agree with everything above....Try doing anything that you can in the water to take the pressure off your joints. But remember that you are lighter in there so be careful not to over due it. You can google how many calories that you burn doing water work out or swimming and it will likely ask for your weight and height...male or female. Once you have the numbers...put them in your exercise/work out and even if it is 10 min to start....do it and log it and work up to something more. Do less first thought to make sure you don't make it worse. I wish you great success on this journey. you have some good advice from the people above me.... it is a simple equation, once mfp helps you figure the calories to consume....stay within those boundaries and do a little each day....even a leisure stroll will burn a few calories. Use what you have. The extra lbs will only make the back worse with time.