starting depressing

casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
I was so close to goal, 20 pounds away from goal, and gradually gained back 50 pounds. I am back up to 200 pounds which is so depressing. I woke up this morning telling myself again i'm going back on program. I have to stick to this. I think I started gaining back the weight after my ex-husband made a comment at a party. Everyone was making a big deal about how much weight I lost and how great I looked. He happened to be there and asked in front of everyone in a loud voice, do you have a lot of skin hanging.? That is when I noticed I started to gain back weight. Once I went off program i just could not get back on track. I now don't talk to him at all. He moved to NC and I am so glad he is gone. He does not know I gained back so much weight and it embarrasses me that I did. So long story short, I'm starting over. I made this sound like i'm doing it for him, and in a very small way i am. I'm doing it for me. I want to be healthy, I want to look as nice as possible at 55 years of age, . I'd love to start dating again and being this much overweight decreases any chances of me finding a good guy. I need motivational support and encouragement. I need to change my way of thinking. I need to really care about myself more then I care about anyone else. I need to stop the crazy thinking of i'm going to go to the fast food restruant in the middle of the day because i'm hungry and then quit eating healthy the rest of the day telling myself the lie that I will start again tomorrow. I started today, I will stick to my weight loss diet, I will exercise at least 5 days per week. I will drink water. I will not allow life to stress me to the point of eating unhealthy again


  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Over 90% of people who lose weight gain it back with 1 to 5 years. It takes really changing the way you live to maintain a weigh loss.

    Every time you fail, you are one step closer to success. Good luck in applying what you learned from your last attempt this time.
  • kindrabbit
    kindrabbit Posts: 837 Member
    I really hope you do it and then, in a couple of years time, you might pass him in the street, and he'll look back at you and you can just smile and keep walking!
    I started my journey when I turned 40 and it's true that a total lifestyle change is the way to do it. I was overweight and I put my husband and my daughter's needs in front of my own. I was tired and probably a bit sad and I ate and drank for comfort rather than for nourishment and didn't really care about how I looked or felt. When I turned 40 I made a decision - I told my husband that I was going to take a year for myself. A year to focus on myself and find something that made me happy. I did the couch to 5k running plan with a friend and hated it and loved it in equal measures! When she gave up it pushed me to carry on. I joined the gym and I found a plan that I liked and I stuck to it. When I saw results I worked harder to keep getting more results. I hadn't had a hobby in years but suddenly I had something that was all mine. Something I did for my own pleasure, no-one elses. I now have new friends, a new hobby, a new lifestyle and a new outlook on life as well as a new body to go with it.

    You've got this!! It'll be the best thing you ever did :)
  • Rushgirl82
    Rushgirl82 Posts: 223 Member
    I'm starting new as well. I lost a lot of weight last year with the couch to 5k and clean eating. I got married last fall and fell off the wagon. I started again about a week ago. We can do this! Send a friend add if you'd like.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    casi_ann wrote: »
    I was so close to goal, 20 pounds away from goal, and gradually gained back 50 pounds. I am back up to 200 pounds which is so depressing. I woke up this morning telling myself again i'm going back on program. I have to stick to this. I think I started gaining back the weight after my ex-husband made a comment at a party. Everyone was making a big deal about how much weight I lost and how great I looked. He happened to be there and asked in front of everyone in a loud voice, do you have a lot of skin hanging.? That is when I noticed I started to gain back weight. Once I went off program i just could not get back on track. I now don't talk to him at all. He moved to NC and I am so glad he is gone. He does not know I gained back so much weight and it embarrasses me that I did. So long story short, I'm starting over. I made this sound like i'm doing it for him, and in a very small way i am. I'm doing it for me. I want to be healthy, I want to look as nice as possible at 55 years of age, . I'd love to start dating again and being this much overweight decreases any chances of me finding a good guy. I need motivational support and encouragement. I need to change my way of thinking. I need to really care about myself more then I care about anyone else. I need to stop the crazy thinking of i'm going to go to the fast food restruant in the middle of the day because i'm hungry and then quit eating healthy the rest of the day telling myself the lie that I will start again tomorrow. I started today, I will stick to my weight loss diet, I will exercise at least 5 days per week. I will drink water. I will not allow life to stress me to the point of eating unhealthy again

    Please start by reading the first post of this thread:
  • BasicGreatGuy
    BasicGreatGuy Posts: 857 Member
    edited July 2015
    What matters, is that you got off the floor, dusted yourself off, and determined that you are going to work on creating a new and better you from the inside out.

    Remember this...obstacles are blessing in disguise. How much do you want to be blessed? ;)

    You can do it, Casi_ann.
  • skinnyb05
    skinnyb05 Posts: 87 Member
    Same as all of the above, the first step is coming back which you did. Hang in there, keep the faith. You know what to do. Good luck!!
  • madkcole
    madkcole Posts: 110 Member
    Casi Ann - I feel for you. You sound like you're in a dark place emotionally. But slowly, inch by inch; day by day, you CAN overcome your negative thoughts. I agree with you... you need to change those thoughts that brought you to the place you are now to positive, encouraging thoughts of doing what you need to do to turn things around. As you work towards your goal of "not allowing life to stress you out to the point of eating unhealthy," be your own encourager. Tell yourself (out loud if necessary) that "I'm worth MORE than what my ex thinks of me!" "I CAN and WILL stay focused on reaching my goal!" The past is the past, leave it there and move on. Forgive yourself if you need to and move forward. Spend less time looking back and more time looking forward.

    I've been there. I've also faced similar heartache and self-defeat and one of the things that helped me move forward was talking to myself in positive and encouraging ways. Over time, I started to believe in myself again.

    Feel free to message me anytime!
  • Eve53
    Eve53 Posts: 178 Member
    I'm just starting back again too! I lost about 60lbs, and then gained that and more back. It didn't happen quickly. I fell into a deep dark hole that it took years to get back to. But now I'm back, and I'm excited. Be excited that you're back on the right path, not depressed that you're starting again. Every step forward is a positive step!
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    What a shame but its not uncommon for people to regain.
    I do think you need to change your way of thinking and examine what went wrong so you cna avoid it in your next and only journey. Weight loss is less about eating healthy but more about moderating the amount you eat to be in consistent deficit. You will need to develop some strategies about how to deal with when you get upset.

    The good thing is youve lost it once, so you merely have to repeat with a few tweaks. At 1lbs a week you can regain your previous loss. Try and do it without the pressure and stress though. Good luck and do it for yourself.
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    Gosh that was unbelievably mean of your husband. It would have knocked most people over. Anyway now you sound like you are ready to have another go. At least you know you can lose weight. You know its possible. So that's a positive thing.

    Starting again is not necessarily any easier just because you know what to do. Sometimes, its something deep inside that enables us or holds us back. Let's hoping you are really ready. Find something positive to motivate you if you start and find you are still struggling. Read a book like French Women Don't get Fat. I love this book for its positivity and good sensible healthy yummy messages.

    When i started my weight loss journey the last time back in January 2014 previous experience taught me several things that i was determined to incorporate into this attempt and ongoing maintenance -

    1. avoid stress or deal with it quickly. Because stress becomes depression and it will anyway undermine your best intentions because stress increases appetite in many of us. Chronic stress is really bad. Make your life stress free. Put distance between yourself and the source of your stress. If you can't, then you have to learn how to deal with the source so that it becomes less stressful. Sticking up for yourself often helps with that. Talking it out with a good listener ie a counsellor is also excellent.

    2. Disappointments can send you to the chocolate aisle. So learn to deal with them differently. Learn to LET GO quickly.

    3. When you start a weightloss journey, it helps if you have a good set of thoughts helping you along. If you can do it for reasons that are not dependent on anyone else. And if you can do it believing you are making changes that you want to live with for hte rest of your life. And if you keep committing to these beliefs, it will see you through the tough times. I "quit" sweets in 2014. I have not bought any sweets or cooked any sugar based sweets since then. I avoid foods that trigger me. That said, i love sweets and don't want to deprive myself permanently so i am allowed to eat them when other people offer them to me outside my home. I did cook dessert at christmas time and enjoyed it immensely then made sure there was none left in my fridge to tempt me. I have to avoid temptation. By having a fridge full of healthy nutritious food, I have never an excuse to run to the shop becuase i'm hungry. If i had to go out to work, i would ensure that i had food with me or a plan to eat a good lunch so i could avoid getting hungry and need to give in to something that would threaten my resolve. So come up with your own strategies and stick with them through thick and thin. This will help you avoid reverting to your old ways when you reach goal. And it will help you not give up when life goes wrong. Its not that i haven't regained some pounds from time to time since i started but i have been able to pull myself up much sooner.

    so whenever you see a depression coming on, if somebody or something cuts you down, work on getting help with it asap so that you can get back on the wagon asap. It really works.