I am eating the wrong foods as a veggie

daleep Posts: 8 Member
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
Veggie that does not like Vegetables back again.

I am exceeding my calories Carbs and Fat intake most days. This is begging to destroy my confidence. To get into shape the Calories intake has to be monitored, but out of the three indicators, 1) Calories 2) Carbs 3) Fat which one of these should I not exceed. MFP is telling me that I am eating the wrong foods, if the track food data is to be believed.

It seems to me that I need to change totally what I should eat. Has anyone out there got a diet that I need to change to as a vegetarian that will come in within the parameters that MFP recommends.

Well I have made my food diary public. I am now bearing my soul. Help. Any comments appreciated.

Dp needs help


  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    If you don't eat meat or vegetables then what are you eating every day? Your food diary isn't public so can you list what a typical food day is for you?
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    You should probably open up your diary so people can give you advice based on what you are already eating.

    It all matters. Calories in versus calories out, but if you are not eating healthy foods then you are not healthy. Period.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,314 Member
    open your Food Diary so people can see what you are eating now. No one is going to be able to tell you a compolete diet, you have to choose from the things you do like and try to tweak it until you are closer to your limits.

    I'd say if you are a vegetarian, you are going to go over in Carbs, since Carbs are in all vegetables. Cut back on breads and cereals, add lower fat protein. Do you eat any animal products at all? Fish? Dairy, eggs?
  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    Nuts, seeds, legumes? Tofu? fruits?
  • sunshine__angel
    sunshine__angel Posts: 366 Member
    I am also a vegetarian that doesn't like vegetables very much, lol. I am getting some of mine in by using a 0calorie ranch dressing by Walden Farms. It tastes vinegar-y but it's tolerable and makes veggies taste better. Soy products are pretty good for protein and you can pick and choose which products you eat so the calories could be lower. For example, Yves Tofu dogs have only 1g of sugar and 60 calories. If you eat that with no bun and only mustard, the calories stay at 60. it is all about what foods you are choosing to eat and how big your portions are.

    For me, calories are the ones I stick to. If you go over your fats and sugars you could still be eating healthy. For example, an orange is good for you but contains 18g of natural sugars. Apple have 9g of sugar.

    Just read the labels and if there are foods with additive sugars, like fructose, cellulose, or anything that ends in "ose", really, you might want to stay away from them. Those are all sugars. If you go over on your sugar or fat contents but it's because you are eating healthy proteins or fruits, it shouldn't affect your weightloss too drastically. I try and keep it to 2 fruits a day, since they are high in sugar, and get my veggies in by adding some lettuce and tomato to my veggie burgers or making salads. Just remember that veggies are water-based and fruits are high in natural sugars. So it is best to try and opt for a veggie that will just be like drinking water, than to add 18g of unnecessary sugars in a single orange!
  • You can also customize your goals. So if you want to up your allowed carbs, etc, you can change the percentages. I too am a vegetarian (no meat, but dairy and fish) and to get protein, I eat fat free cottage cheese, fish, beans and nuts. If you are over doing the carbs, you can definitely still gain weight! Good luck.
  • daleep
    daleep Posts: 8 Member
    Well I have made my food diary public. I am now bearing my soul. Help. Any comments appreciated.
  • dmest
    dmest Posts: 98 Member
    I haven't seen your previous posts about veggies but one thing that helps me is eating fresh, in-season veggies from the local farmer's market. In season stuff tastes so much better and roasting with a little olive oil makes them way yummier than steaming.
  • daleep
    daleep Posts: 8 Member
    Can you give me some receipes
  • ellenangel
    ellenangel Posts: 106 Member
    I am looking at it now and aside from lacking in vegetables, also pretty low on protein.

    How about switching one slice of toast at breakfast for 1 egg + 1 egg white, scrambled in a pan with a handful of spinach. Add some salt and pepper or top with salsa. Protein and veg in one- you might find it keeps you fuller a lot longer.

    Lunches and dinners- beans count as vegetable portions. What do you do with the tikka mix? How about making a low fat tikka masala with chickpeas and vegetables?Or quorn if you aren't a fan of tofu/chicpeas. If you use a strong flavoured sauce and milder vegetables like mushrooms, cauliflower, courgette, etc, it's easy to sneak in vegetables. Serve it over a baked sweet potato instead of rice and bingo- awesome and healthy dinner.

    Soup could be a good option- pureeing kidney beans into a tomato based sauce really thickens it up and adds protein. Just simmer a bunch of veg (onion, courgette, peppers, etc) in veg broth with a can of tomatoes and seasoning (I use paprika and tons of italian herbs, garlic and V important- tsp sugar and dollop of tomato puree) until soft) then throw in the beans, blend until whatever texture you enjoy and serve with some parmesan on top. Or use a jar of salsa instead of italian herbs and top with some fat free greek yogurt for more of a chilli.

    You can also puree cooked cauliflower, courgete, carrots, etc and sneak them into everything- really bulks out dishes like mashed potato, burgers, etc without being noticeable.

    I recommend trying different vegetables- some you might like more than others. I hated brussel sprouts until I tried them roasted (spray with oil, season and roast in oven for 30 mins or so) and now they are my favorite vegetable! My brother hated mushrooms until he tried them filled with hummus and topped with a little feta cheese then baked for 15 mins. So many ways with veg and so many different ones to try. Don't give up on them just yet!
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    What are your goals for your health and weight? Your food choices are going to make to hungry and not lose weight.
  • MsNiss
    MsNiss Posts: 57
    On days when I am rushing around and I have no time to get the proper nutrition, I usually will make green smoothies in the morning or after work. They usually consist of spinach, carrots, pineapple and grapes. Make sure to blend it enough, otherwise the consistency might be a turn off. It tastes great though! You totally can't taste the spinach, all you taste are the sweet fruits.

    I used to know someone that hated all veggies, so I would try to find ways to sneak it in. One thing I might suggest is making pasta sauce with a whole bunch of sauteed veggies in it, then blend it up so it's a smooth pasta sauce. Serve this over some spaghetti squash and you'll have at least 3 servings of veggies in there.

    Last but not least, try dipping some veggies in a bit of hummus. The hummus has a very strong taste, and you probably won't notice the taste of the veggies as much.

    Good luck, and feel free to add me as a friend! I eat vegetarian 95% of the time, and am more than happy to help you with suggestions and recipes.
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