Starvation mode

I have been trying to lose weight with this site for about 3 months now and have only lost 16lbs... At first when I was dieting I kept myslef at a 1200-1400 intake and did not eat my exercise calories back. So my net was always below 1200 net... I never thought I was gdoing anything wrong, becasue I had lost 15 lbs. But then I was told by multiple people that I was putting myself in starvation made. So I upped my calorie intake and eat most of my exercise calories back and Make sure I always have my Net above 1200... I have been doing this for about a month not and My weight has been up and down in total in the last month I have only lost 1lb.

I don't understand... I just want to lose weight and it seems it will never happen eating like this... Part of me wants to go back to eating like I was before but I know I will have people getting after me for not eating enough...

If you look my my food diary at least go back like 3 weeks and see what I really eat. right now I am very short of food so I am just eating what I can. And all the carbs are making me want more... which me making me go over on calories.

I am going shopping on the 4th so I am going to get back on track...

So what do you think about starvation mode?


  • pkarim
    pkarim Posts: 171
    Everyone;s body is different, for instance starvation mode has never affected me because i eat a low number of calories but high amounts of protein so my body has enough fuel to burn through. Others are affected negation by starvation mode. Anytime I eat my burned calories I begin to gain weight instantly so I don't necessarily believe in starvation mode. You have to go with what is working for you and what makes you feel comfortable. Most days on my diary it says "you are putting yourself into starvation mode" but I just ignore that.
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    Because you have a significant amount of weight to lose, you can safely have a higher deficit than someone who has only a little to lose. If 1200 cal was working for you, go back to that!

    Good luck!
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    Your issue is not starvation mode. You are eating way too many processed foods. Your sodium intake is way too high. You are probably retaining a lot of water.

    You need to make sure you are drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day and you need to try and add more fruits and vegetables and lean meats into your diet.

    Good luck.
  • makcarly
    makcarly Posts: 24 Member
    I would go back to doing what works for you. I am about the same weight as you and I very rarely ever eat my exercise calories back. I figure I have a LONG way to go before I need to worry about starvation mode.
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    When I first started this site I spent the first month sticking to 1200 calories and never eating back any exercise calories and lost 3lbs in a month. So the next month I decided to eat them back, all of them, and only lost 2 lbs that month. I quit for a while because I was frustrated (and gained back the 5lbs I had lost). So when I started back again about 2.5 months ago I started eating back about 1/3-1/2 of my exercise calories and have lost 36lbs (about 3lbs a week).

    Personally I don't think that weight loss is 'one-size-fits-all' I think that you may need to experiment a little to see what works for you. I usually NET about 1000 calories and that is what is working for me. When I was netting 1200 calories I hardly lost any weight. I also eat a lot of protein, and drink 12+ cups of water most days and that seems to be helping too. I try to get 40% of my calories from protein (my settings are 40/40/20 - carbs/protein/fat). I also try to eat pretty healthy 80% of the time and less healthy 20% of the time (eg going out to eat or eating processed foods).
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    You are not in a situation where you are likely to enter starvation mode. Most people with a large amount to lose do not need to be concerned about it until they decrease fat stores.

    That said, you do need to eat enough to meet nutritional needs, for both macros (protein/fat/carbs) and micros (vitamins and minerals).

    You may be overestimating cals burned and underestimating intake. Try eating only some of your exercise cals, and do your best to make them come from healthy, nutrient dense foods. Weigh and measure your food, and be realistic with your burns; just use the most accurate numbers you can get and be honest about them.

    May help to read these:
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    Ummm, I don't know how you'd eat 1200 net when you have 130 pounds to lose. My body would murder me in my sleep if I had tried that.
  • pkarim
    pkarim Posts: 171
    Also I just looked at your diary and you are consuming way too many processed carbs. It's not just about the number of calories you consume but the amoutn of protein. You cannot eat 300 grams of carbs a day and 80 grams of protein and expect to lose weight quickly. I try to eat the same amount of carbs and protein everyday. Try it out for a week and see what you think.
  • dendeeners
    dendeeners Posts: 18 Member
    Try doing strength endurance exercises. Doing cardio and aerobics is essential but strength endurance exercises will require your body to rebuild muscle. As a result, your body will build metabolism and continue burning calories even when you're not active. Do you have gym membership? I recommend taking classes like Body Pump or 24 set (these are the name of the strength endurance classes at 24 hour fitness). Good luck!
  • Terriwin
    Terriwin Posts: 46 Member
    I know this is frustrating for you. I struggle with this as well. I'll tell you that when I eat back all my exercise calories, I either gain weight or stay at the same weight with fluctuation- and I'm on a 1200 calorie diet. I usually try to eat just above 1200 calories (like 1250 or 1275) just so I can be certain I've eaten at least 1200 since much of the calorie counting is guess work, and I don't want to slip into starvation mode. Also, I'm sure to exercise and I do not eat back my exercise calories (with the exception of the 50-75 calories over 1200) so that I can always have more calories burned than eaten. However, if I burn a lot of calories - a whole lot , like during a 10K run or something- then, I know my body needs to repair itself, so I will eat back half of my exercise calories.

    The other thing to pay attention to is when you eat. I find I do better when I eat several small meals paced throughout the day, rather than three larger meals.

    Usually, this works well for me, but the weight still comes off slowly. As long as it is decreasing, I'm okay with the slow pace, because I know it will stay off.

    Whatever you decide to do, don't give up. You'll probably need to try a few things until you learn what is best for your body.

    Best wishes...
  • chrystal559
    chrystal559 Posts: 205 Member
    Thanks everyone... I think your right everyones body is different and I need to do what works for me.

    And the issues with my food intake ijust have to say it is because of the lack of food... Right now this is all I have to eat... I am going shopping in a few days so I will get back onto eating more protiens and fruits and veggies...
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    As alot of people have told you, water water water... If your over on sodium, if your eating alot of processed foods, etc, you need the boost from water to flush it out... 18cups a day for your weight (and if ur over on sodium, going up to 20cups wouldnt be a bad idea, or if u excercise alot you need extra water too).

    I dont have a problem with carbs, but maybe that is your issue. No idea. I dont even track carbs anymore cuz i was never over even on days where id have pasta and bread on the same day.

    Im suppose to eat 1600 a day and alot of times ill be at 1400 or 1500 net; and rarely ever be at 1200 or below (maybe 2 a month total due to days of being really busy and not around food), and I loose weight just fine, so i really dont understand why you arent.

    You also have a TON of stress and that can cause havik on your body.

    Ive been doing this for 85days now and out of those 12weeks Ive been platued a total of 5 weeks (2weeks one time, and 3weeks the other; and breaks of 4-5 days at other times with no lose).. alls i can say is just keep at it, and things will go down on their own..

    You have enough stress right now with you mom, dont let this stress you out too... On the 4th, get some better foods. Id make it a goal not to buy any processed foods; or not more than lets say 5 items... or whatever... You dont have to eat a ton of fresh fruits and veggies, you can get frozen (the sodium is a tad higher, but not enough to worry about when u cut out processed foods). I get potatoes and rice and frozen chicken and can go a long way with those types of items. I get apples and peanut butter for breakfast (half apple + 2tbls of peanut butter surprisingly fills me up), and things like chicken and rice for dinner (can add frozen spinach to rice water while its cooking for extra nutrition), and a frozen veggie on the side would be a good meal... You could change it up with a baked potaote and different veggie on a different night, or maybe a stir fry with some different seasonings added on a different night, etc.

    Just go to the grocery store with some meal ideas in mind, and you can prepare one type of meal to last a few days to save time if you dont like cooking much or dont have alot of time--- like cooking multiple cups of rice at same time, or extra chicken.. yesterday we did a bbq and i made extra chicken so i could have a salad with lunch today and tomorrow; or i made enough salad to have plenty of leftovers for lunches, snacks, etc, and my pasta salad is enough to serve 20people, but im only feeding just a few.. u could make tuna casseroles (with less butter and low to no fat milk--or almond milk or whatever), which would just be a can of tuna some frozen veggies and the milk/butter and low cost noodles that will last multiple meals.. You could do black beans and rice, or a batch of chili with beans and ground turkey (or even chicken); with some onion, frozen corn, canned tomatoes. Eating healthy doesnt cost alot, but you need to plan your shopping better so that you have enough to last the whole month because seems like every month you really struggle with this issue towards the end or second half of the month. As im writing this, Im eating a salad with feta cheese that I bought with my food stamps on the 8th, with carrots i bought at the same time, with chicken that i bought at that time, and the only thing that is new is spinach which costs $3 for a bag and I saved $40 of my food stamps for the end of the month, and the mushrooms--i cut up one big mushroom for the salad, and I bought 5 mushrooms for $1. Yesterday for our bbq I made the pasta salad with pasta i bought 3 months ago, feta cheese from the 8th, a new cucumber (50cents), onion i got on 8th (I buy a whole bag at once, thats about $3), salad dressing i bought 2 months ago, and a can of olives from the 8th...

    Dont go to the grocery store hungry, and ive heard people say to start with walking around the outter aisles first cuz usually the produce is on one side meats are in the back, and dairy and bread is all on the outside too.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Your issue is not starvation mode. You are eating way too many processed foods. Your sodium intake is way too high. You are probably retaining a lot of water.

    You need to make sure you are drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day and you need to try and add more fruits and vegetables and lean meats into your diet.

    Good luck.

    Amen to this!
    When I first started this site I spent the first month sticking to 1200 calories and never eating back any exercise calories and lost 3lbs in a month. So the next month I decided to eat them back, all of them, and only lost 2 lbs that month. I quit for a while because I was frustrated (and gained back the 5lbs I had lost). So when I started back again about 2.5 months ago I started eating back about 1/3-1/2 of my exercise calories and have lost 36lbs (about 3lbs a week).

    I try not to eat back 'all' of my exercise calories either...but the reason is not that you shouldn't. It's that most times, exercise calories are INCREDIBLY overestimated on these kinds of sites. I feel that if I eat back 50-70% of my exercise calories...I'm in a pretty decent range for accuracy, and even if I'm a little just adds a little to my healthy, moderate...TOTALLY safe calorie deficit.

    I also eat almost nothing but skinless chicken breasts, turkey, spinach salads, cheese, and eggs...because these foods are easy to get, relatively inexpensive when bought in bulk, and all extremely healthy...with great protien content and very low carbs. I toss in nuts (cashews with sea salt...yum!) as well on my high calorie days...and fill in the blanks every day with some variant of home made protien shake.

    The point of this is, WHAT you eat is far more important than how MUCH you long as you're eating enough.

  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    yup.. I seem to have better results when I only eat back maybe 3/4 of my excercise calories instead of all of them.. although ive had weeks where i eat good with no excercise calories to eat back and seen just as much loss as when i do excercise... why im a firm believer in diet alone and excercise is just for toning and tightening.. im disabled and ive lost 34pounds in 12weeks by near diet alone (near 3lbs a week average--even with 5weeks of plateu).. focus on your diet when you get your food stamps and go from there.
  • chrystal559
    chrystal559 Posts: 205 Member
    I believe that some people can lose by just dieting but I don'tthink I can. When I exercise and I don't eat my exercise calories back I lose but when I eat them I gain... I don't eat all my calories back but it just isn't working for me. I think I need to do what is best for me.
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    You asked this exact same question the other day and got A LOT of great advice. Perhaps you should go back, read and listen to what people advised you. It appears to me that you're fishing for the answer you want to hear, when people already answered this question for you.

    Sorry if that's too blunt.
  • chrystal559
    chrystal559 Posts: 205 Member
    I do listen to the advise that is givento me. but I have changed things up alot and it isnt working for me.

    Eating my exercise calories I have been gaining. I tried not exercising so much so I don't have to worry about eating the calories and that isnt working. I eat lots of veggies and protiens but right now I can not. I am working as hard as I can. But I tried these things. I even stopped counting my cleaning and cooking exercise at all and none of it is working.

    I usualy keep my carbs under 100 and keep my protien above 90. So I am listening to what is working for them and I have tried them but it isn;t working for me.

    I believe everyones body is different and you have to find what works for your body. I am trying to find what is working for me.

    And I do listen to advise that is given to me. And I have been changing what I can around.
  • DropsOJupiter
    DropsOJupiter Posts: 131
    I believe that sometimes it takes a while for stuff to actually sink in. i know it did for me regards weight. I believe you are frustrated and, after looking through your food diary, believe you aren't really clear about general nutrition. (Most people haven't a clue as evidenced by our obesity rate). You've already learned that each body is different and I found that to be true. A lot of this is just trial and error about what works for your body but the basic foundation is calories in/calories out. Then comes what those calories ingested are.

    That said, I agree with previous posters that your carbs and sodium are high and your are actually wasting calories on processed foods. I know it is hard at first but try to avoid anything that isn't fresh and/or in its original form. There are other topics regarding shopping in bulk or at farmer's markets or getting exercise by planting own veggie garden. Whatever will work for you. Also, do some research on foods, nutrition. There are great articles here that can point you in the right direction and many, many posts as well.

    I also agree that given the amount of weight you are targeting, your issue isn't eating back calories. Try focusing on eating healthier, getting the water in and getting in the ballpark of the recommended calories, carbs, proteins, fats and sodium. You are in this for the long haul to a healthier life, not a quick fix, so get comfortable with each phase. Most of all remember that you are worth it and there will always be folks willing to answer, re-answer and make suggestions. Good luck on your journey and if I can help, give me a shout. :smile:
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    I'd do what works for you. Everyone's different. If you were losing weight on 1200 cal/day and not eating exercise calories back, I'd go back with that. You can always switch it up if you need to.
  • chrystal559
    chrystal559 Posts: 205 Member
    I usualy eat much healthier... I love fruits and vegtables. I just did a couple of Bbq's for the family in the begining of the month so my food didn't stretch like I wanted it too. But I am going to be buying alot of fuits and veggies when I get paid. I like to eat helthy but I am still working on how to do that with the small income I have.