
Hi, I've been on MFP now for about 5 weeks. I'm am hoping to befriend a few fellow runners! I started running a little over a year ago, I've got a few 10k's under my belt and several 5k's. I am training now for the Peachtree Road Race 10k followed by my first 1/2 marathon this fall. I average 20 miles a week, and want and need to run more. I hope to find some friends to share running tips, experiences, frustration, etc. with. As well as motiviation! It has only been in the past weeks that I joined MFP that I have started to take notice of the "junk" that I have been eating. It has been a long hard five weeks too! Thanks and happy eating and running!


  • SunnyDuckz
    SunnyDuckz Posts: 59 Member
    Hi! I'm new to running and just started the C25K program. I run on the elliptical though~average of 3-4 miles a day. It's easier on my knees :happy:
    I am looking forward to becoming more proficient at running outside though, and doing a 5K later this year! May I add you as a friend?
  • FJMilner
    FJMilner Posts: 407
    Hi, i've only been running since December last year so I could use all the advice and encouragement I can get! I love the feeling I get from running which is something I never thought I would say....but it's my new love, tough going at times but my new love all the same! My first 5k is in 2 weeks and my first 10k is end of July....friend request on its way.....:bigsmile:
  • abknorr
    abknorr Posts: 4 Member

    I am an avid runner and have found it best to run with a group especially for the long runs. My group consists primarily of working mothers so our run normally starts at 4:45 am to allow time for getting home to make b'fast and get the kids ready for school. I would be happy to assist in keeping you motivated as we all need a pick me up now and then.
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    Hi! I'm a runner! It's been my sport of choice since I was 3. I recently started running in Vibram Five Fingers, so it's a bit like reinventing the wheel. I'd love to swap tips!

    I've got an MFP friend who wants to do Peachtree as well! I'll put you in touch with her!
  • Terriwin
    Terriwin Posts: 46 Member

    I'd love to connect. I just started running in February and I've completed two 10Ks - no 5Ks yet, but planning. My motivation for running comes and goes, so I'd love to friend as many running friends as possible. Perhaps we can put a challenge together.

    I hope to run in the Peachtree Road race next year.
  • lindak71
    lindak71 Posts: 92 Member
    I just started running a little over a year ago myself. I started out extremely overweight almost 2 years ago, so I just began walking and using my favorite exercise DVDs, including Leslie Sansone's 'Walk At Home' series. I lost some weight and started going to the track. I would walk and then jog half a lap, slowly increasing the distance I would run. I could run about a mile or so non-stop when I found the Couch-to-5K program on FB. I did my 1st 5k on 6/5/10 and could only run about half of it with a time of 42:42. My next 5K was on 9/11/10 and I ran the entire thing in 34:40. I've since increased my speed and plan to re-run my 1st 5k on Saturday under 10 minutes per mile (fingers crossed!). I can run about 4-4.5 miles and would love to move up to a 10K and continue on even from there. I run about 12-15 miles per week and really love the sense of accomplishment I get from it! I'm jealous that you've already got those 10Ks under your belt! I should move on to the Bridge-to-10K program soon if I'm going to get there one day. I'd love to keep in touch with you and see how your doing. Would you like to be a mentor?
  • swenard
    swenard Posts: 101
    I too have become a huge fan of running, this year. I started Feb 1st and have completed my first half-marathon just this month. I am now training for a marathon in October. I still have about 50lbs to lose and hope to lose it by then, making my goals easier to attain.

    I'm always looking for more friends interested in running. Fell free to add me for encouragement!
  • ChRiStA_1983
    ChRiStA_1983 Posts: 380 Member
    Hey there! I'm 28 years old, and an avid runner! Although I've been running for years (mainly short distances; 3-4 miles at a time), I JUST competed in my first race ever (a 5K) a couple of weeks ago...I have a 10K coming up in mid-July, and the Niagara Falls half-marathon toward the end of October....I'm following a half-marathon training program right now....

    I currently run about 16-20 miles per week....But my Sunday long runs are getting longer, so the distance increases each week!

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like!
  • meghan1966
    meghan1966 Posts: 13
    Hi - I've ran on and off for 16 years, 'off' for a variety of reasons. Currently getting back into it slowly so I can stay injury-free and work w/the injuries I have now - foot problems and hip bursitis. Would love to swap tips and be MFP friends!
  • HeatherSuzanne123
    WOW! Thanks for all the responses already! I'm so excited to have a group of friends on here to help me (and vise versa), give each other support, and even possibly challenge each other a bit! This "weight" thing has been a challenge of mine all my life. I've been skinny, fat, in between, etc. I'm ready to quit yo-yoing and stay on track! I'm also very ready to conquer that 1/2, which I hope to finish in 2:30. I ran my last 10K in 1:05, but I have admit it almost killed me!

    @lindak71- I'll be glad to help you in anyway I can! It sounds like you are well on your way too! What is the Bridge to 10K?
    @Terriwin- If you run in 2012 we will have to meet up! I'll keep you posted on how it goes this year! I hate the HEAT!!!
    @natskedat- I'd love all the tips you can give me! And I'll love to connect to your friend who is running...thx!
    @abknorr-Oh to run at 445am...and I'm serious too. My husbands a pilot so he is only home on average 12 days a month. I have to be very selective of when I can run...alone!
    @FJMIlner- If you are like me, you will hook even more after your 1st 5k. Best of luck! Keep me posted on how it goes!

    Thanks again everyone! I'm looking forward to running with you all, even if it's just through MFP! Happy Memorial DAY!
  • JamieCRodriguez
    JamieCRodriguez Posts: 88 Member
    Hello! I'm new here too, just into my first week. I have been running for the past several years although I have not yet reached my goal of running a 10K. Congrats to you on your 10Ks, Awesome job. I have trouble maintaining my diet when I run a lot because I find myself a lot more hungry and tend to cheat more. Do you have that problem? If so, how do you get around it? : )
  • LonelyPilgrim
    LonelyPilgrim Posts: 255 Member
    I'm a runner too! I do an average of a race a month. usually 5K but some are longer.

    Athan-Luciensmom.. I get less hungry after I exercise/run! so I can't help you there. but make sure you're drinking plenty of water after your run, or your body will confuse thirst with hunger. If you're still having the problem, stick to healthy snacks, granny smith apple, small slice of cheese etc. or drink some soluble fiber in a glass of water to help you feel full..
  • dendeeners
    dendeeners Posts: 18 Member
    I'm a new runner but have found the RUNKEEPER app to be very useful. Check it out and hopefully it helps. That is all I can contribute for the time being since the most I've done so far is a 5k. :ohwell: Good luck!
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Hi! I've been running for about 3 years now - I got hooked after my first 5K - I usually race at least once a month in the spring and fall, but sometimes if my schedule allows I'll run one every week. I just love being able to measure my progress. Right now, my goals are to keep running through the summer, and to cut my 5K time to below 30 minutes. If all goes well, I want to start increasing my mileage and train for some 10Ks. Good luck!