scales--to buy or not to buy?

lolalola Posts: 12
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
so i've never owned a scale before, and i'm not sure if i should buy one or not.

on the one hand, i want to be focused on health, rather than poundage, and i'm afraid i'll get obsessed, and weigh myself all the time. i'm afraid that i'll get discouraged if i don't see a change right away.

on the other hand, maybe not having a scale kind of got me into this position in the first place. its easy to not acknowledge the weight gain if i don't have hard numbers to back it up. and it would be nice to see the accomplishment of weight loss...

what do you think? do you have a scale? do you like having one?


  • so i've never owned a scale before, and i'm not sure if i should buy one or not.

    on the one hand, i want to be focused on health, rather than poundage, and i'm afraid i'll get obsessed, and weigh myself all the time. i'm afraid that i'll get discouraged if i don't see a change right away.

    on the other hand, maybe not having a scale kind of got me into this position in the first place. its easy to not acknowledge the weight gain if i don't have hard numbers to back it up. and it would be nice to see the accomplishment of weight loss...

    what do you think? do you have a scale? do you like having one?
  • :happy: I actually bought myself one of the WW ones at target and love it, :smooched:
  • to tell you the truth, I hate the scale, it makes me feel horrible every time i go on it. I live with my parents and we have a scale at the house. I try to weigh my self once a week, but dont get sad if you dont feel good about losing weight. If thats the case I suggest not getting one. Itll take months to lose weight
    TRLTAMPA Posts: 824
    I didnt want to buy my scale but it was a real eye opener. i was about 10 pounds heavier than I would admit to myself.
    I'm part of the Biggest Loser Challenge.... GO PURPLE!! so i have to weigh in every week. I say it's a good motivator as long as you dont let it get to you. Don't obsess about it. Buy it and put it somewhere out of reach. Pull it out when necessary and then make it go away again.
  • lsalazarii
    lsalazarii Posts: 144 Member
    I have a scale and I weigh everyday.... I know that sometimes that's not a good thing... but it helps to keep me focused. It keeps me from cheating too much because I don't want to see it go up. I plan, when I reach my goal, to lose a few pounds under that goal and weigh everyday to see be sure that the weight does not come back... but still have a few pounds to play around with when I feel to urge to splurge

    I think everyone is different... I know some on here say they only weight once a week or so... but for me, I need the everyday reminder that I do not want to go back to where I was.
  • I'm struggling with the same thing myself right now. I've had scales in the past, but haven't had one for a few years. I'm more worried about how I look and feel, but like you said, it keeps you accountable. I will probably get one if I find a good deal on a digital one.
  • debmac63
    debmac63 Posts: 459 Member
    I am with Isalazarii...I weigh everyday and have for about two years. Keeps me focused and on target.
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    you could always track progress with a measuring tape instead.
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    A scale is a good thing to have around as long as you dont allow all of your confidence to hinge on what the scale says. There are alot of scales out there with all sorts of fancy options that I wont get in to. The advice I will give you is to stay away from analog scales (The old fashioned kind that has a dial as opposed to a digital display.) These use a spring mechanism to calulate your wait. Problem is the spring wears out quick and the scales accuracy goes out the window. Look for a multi load cell or "digital display scale. These scales have anywhere from 4 to 12 electronic sensors spread throughout the scale and not only do not ware out like a spring but also do a better job getting an accurate wait regardless of your center of balance as it is using the entire surface of the scale to measure you weight. You can get a good digital scale for anywhere from 29.99 and up. When you get the to store try out the displays. (unless your afraid someone is looking over your shoulder lol). Use the same scale three times and see if it gives you the same weight each time. A scales ability to provide the same weight over and over as you step on and off of it is referred to as repeatability and good repeatability is a sure fire sign that you've got yourself a good accurate scale. I think something basic like that would be ideal for someone just getting back on the scale. If your interested in scales that calculate your BMI (Body mass index) or hydration level, or even a scale that track your progress let me know and I would be glad to share some info in this area. Anyhoo, hope the info was helpful.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    I know this sounds crazy but you could go to your physicians office and get a blood pressure check and weigh every three months if you're worried about scale obsession. You may want to find out if your doctor charges for it or not.
  • rklein71
    rklein71 Posts: 112 Member
    I recently rejoined MFP and immediately went and bought a scale for the first time in my life. For me personally, I love having the scale. It helps me focus and hold myself accountable.
  • My doctor told me that he recommended having one, but only weighing in once a week at the same time each week for consistency. I have been following that for awhile and I have found it to be helpful. I stay on target but don't obsess every hour of the day each time i step into the bathroom and see the scale starring at me.
  • I like having a scale in the house. When I gain weight, I'm like I need to watch what I eat or I need to exercise more. But when I loose weight I'm like I'm doing good yay that's cool. lol
  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    :happy: I actually bought myself one of the WW ones at target and love it, :smooched:
    I got my WW at Target too! It's great! I just had a b-day though & can't remember how to re-set the age :grumble:
  • weesel80
    weesel80 Posts: 186
    Of course, it is everyone's individual choice, but I encourage people to weight themselves regularly. Some people advocate for that, while other's don't. I personally weigh myself everyday, first thing in the morning after getting up and going to the bathroom:blushing: . I know some people only weight once a week, but I have found, for me, that weighing once a day keeps me in check and if I see my weight start creeping up, I can do something about it rather than waiting a whole week. Of course, keep in mind many factors affect your daily weight: time of month ( for women), salt intake, hourly fluctuations in your weight...It is easy to become obsessed, but I believe owning a scale and weighing yourself regularly is an important tool to successful weight loss.

    Good luck!:drinker:

  • MissGorgeous
    MissGorgeous Posts: 394 Member
    Get one!

    i weigh twice a day
    in the morning after going pee and at night afer dinner
    it keeps me on track i know in the morning i should be 198 and after dinner 200 anything more means ive gained weight anything less means i lost and with TOM i dont weigh my self because i tend to gain 7pounds and that frustrates me it goes away as soon as TOM ends but i hate seeing that number.... but it keeps me on track to weigh my self and if i gain i can adjust my foods and calories and if i loose i know that ive done well!
  • you guys are awesome, thanks!
    i'm going to buy a scale tomorrow, and weigh once a day, first thing in the morning. you are right, i need to see the results of what i eat and what i do.
    if it gets out of control and i obsess, i'll hide it away.

    thanks so much for great comments!
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