Sick Day Foods?

merrycat Posts: 131 Member
edited September 2024 in Food and Nutrition
So, I've been sick as a dog over the weekend, and am still kind of iffy today. I basically lived on tea, crackers and lemon water over the last couple of days, because everything else would come right back up. Meat made my nauseaus, and veggies left me with terrible stomach cramps. It doesn't help that I'm getting close to ToM, when my tummy gets kind of upset anyway.

I can eat without throwing up now, but only as long as the food as little or no flavor, and only small quantities at a time. As such I'm ony upto 204 calories eaten for today. I don't want to send my body into starvation mode. Can anyone suggest some simple, bland, easy-to-digest, decently high-calorie foods for me?

Thanks in advance!


  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    soup,or maybe a small smoothie if you can stomach it.
    A glass of real fruit juice?
  • katijjane
    katijjane Posts: 57 Member
    i always eat soup when i'm sick! like heinz cream of tomato soup cus it's higher in calories and i can keep it down...hope this helps!
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    so sorry to hear you are under the weather :-(

    Soup suggestion here, also stops you from feeling hungry for longer even when you arn't sick:-)

    hurry up and get well soon!!
  • ewhitis
    ewhitis Posts: 132
    Baked potato or toast and peanut butter?
  • denitraross
    denitraross Posts: 325 Member
    what about some whole grain fiber toast? Toast is usually pretty mild on the stomach...Hope your feeling better..

    and if you are sick, do not worry about putting your body into starvation mode - eat what you can, and I am sure when you feel better, your appetite will be better :)
  • cmbneeley
    cmbneeley Posts: 160 Member
    honestly, just focus on getting healthy right now-- stay hydrated with liquids and electrolytes, and get some energy from the simple bland foods that you can stomach. soups are usually great when you're sick. you're body won't go into starvation mode because you're sick for a few days. starvation mode is real, but it takes a long time for real starvation preservation mechanisms in your body to start seriously affecting your metabolism and weight loss. you might hurt yourself more if you try to force your body to eat more than it can stand too soon. just let your body work it's magic, heal, and then get right back on the horse!
    and remember, you might see a big weight drop and the jump back up-- that's pretty normal while sick due to dehydration.

    hope you feel better soon!
  • mondayschildeats
    mondayschildeats Posts: 20 Member
    BRAT - Banana, Rice, Apple Sauce, Toast.

    I believe this is the suggested diet for an upset stomach

    Also flat cola/ginger tea are good. I know sometimes plain water can make you feel sick so nice to have diluted juice

    Try to have rehydration salts as dehydration can just prolong sickness

    Wish you better x
  • CLuana
    CLuana Posts: 4
    The suggestion above is great. Bake potato and peanut butter are calorie dense. I would also go with cheese if you can handle it.
  • blacktallon
    blacktallon Posts: 38
    Last time I was sick I tried to work in a cup of real apple juice in the mornings. It might be high in sugar and liquid calories but just a cup is your full daily dose of vitamin C which is what you need right now.
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    You won't go into starvation mode in a couple of days - better to get your stomach settled....I believe in the BRAT diet when your tummy is iffy...

    Bananas, rice, applesauce and toast ......
  • merrycat
    merrycat Posts: 131 Member
    Thanks for all the feedback guys. I'm glad I can not worry about starvation and just focus on eating what I can keep down. It's weird because I'm well enough to walk around and even exercise now, but as soon as I eat I'm nauseaus or in pain.

    I have bananas, peanut butter and potatoes lying around the house, so maybe I'll have baked potato with banana and peanut butter for supper LOL
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Toast,crackers,jello,soup,sherbet or Italian ice
    Feel better.
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