Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
edited September 27 in Success Stories
haha, I just have to say... I've only lost 9 pounds but I feel tons stronger. Since I've been doing Tracy Anderson's mat dvd (only a couple of weeks- I do it 3-4 times a week mixed in with cardio exercises) I'm FINALLY STARTING TO SEE A SHAPELY BUTT!!! haha. My butt's always just THERE, ya know? no real shapley-ness to it- just blubber. I can finally see a shape coming into form. how exciting!!! :happy: :happy: :happy: Just had to share how AWESOME her dvd is.


  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    thanks for the reco, isn't she the trainer to the stars-like gwyneth paltrow and jennifer anniston?
  • KaironAndTaviansMommy
    KaironAndTaviansMommy Posts: 68 Member
    Thats Completely AWESOME!!! Im So excited for you! I hope it keeps going the way you want it to! Good luck. I hope you have much success! PS I notice my butt taking shape from the elliptical and arms getting their shape from my weightlifting! So I know how exciting it is, and Im 100% happy for you!!!!

    keep up the good hard work!

  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    yes, she is the trainer for them. I caught her informercial for her new system "metamorphosis" and was SO intrigued. Went online to look it up and realzed it's $90 for the set... ack! too spendy for me for exercise dvds. I googled more and realzied she has older dvds for cheaper- I bought her mat dvd from 2008, it's about 55 minutes long and it's a cross between pilates and light aerobics i'd say? she does different kinds of moves than i'm not used to, says she works the "accessory muscles" to shape and tone without bulking. I REALLY like it. When I first did it I was thinking "how the heck is this gunna do anything...." then ten minutes later my muscles were screaming at me and I was sore and jelly like by the end (sweaty too so it's more of a workout than just plain old pilates) so I've been doing it every day or every other day and mixing it with cardio, still following MFP's food settings for me and eating back most of if not all of my exercise calories. so far so good! It's just so freakin exciting to finally see some muscles peeking through the chub. love it!!!! oh and it has an AWESOME sound track. makes it even better :happy:
  • perrytyra
    perrytyra Posts: 357 Member
    Sounds interesting. I should see if my library has any.
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    I used my new HRM with this for the first time and it says I burned about 283 calories! not bad for a dvd that's not super cardio- aerobics-y ;o)
  • mekaihau
    mekaihau Posts: 4 Member
    I bought the metamorphis dvd's, but I haven't stuck with it consistently. How often do you do her dvd's a week?
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    I only do her dvd about 3 times a week- cardio the other 2 or 3. I have a gazelle machine that gets my heartrate up, makes me sweat n burns tons of caloried. Sometimes tho instead for cardio I'll do power yoga. All that with a healthy diet seems to be working slooooowly but surely!
  • HeidiYogi
    HeidiYogi Posts: 81 Member
    Hello Starlage!! I am doing the Tracy Anderson Metamorphosis Hipcentric program right now (food plan and all!!) and have lost 16 pounds SO FAR and I'm only 23 days into it!! I can't tell you how amazing this process has been. I feel great, have wonderful amounts of energy, don't struggle to get out of bed (or go to bed) anymore......I'm glad to hear your results also! :)

    With her 3 installment payments I finally bit the bullet and signed up! Only $29.99/month and I'm going to stick with it - that's what a gym membership would cost me and gyms don't get me results!

    I've been an avid/religious Bikram Yoga practicioner and I think my body finally hit a wall with it......also, this whole "eating back the calories you exercise" I don't think was working for me - I lost a few pounds but then that was it......I want my old dancer's body back! Is that too much to ask?! :)

    Also, I love how you added to your signature that even though you added a goal weight that you aren't really sure what your goal weight is......I feel the same way!!! Anyhow, great to read your post and best wishes to you!

  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    That's awesome you're having so much success as well! I like her mat dvd so much I may just break down and buy her new system too :o) we'll see how my loss goes tho- it might take a playeau for me to spend more money. Nice to have an mfp friend with so much in common!!
  • stephnsuarez
    stephnsuarez Posts: 68 Member
    I'm on Day 5 of her Abcentric Metamorphosis dvds and this lady is the real deal!!!!!!!! Good luck to you ladies!!!!!! We're already beautiful but we're going to look AWESOME in our after shots :D
  • jesseBYAH
    jesseBYAH Posts: 446 Member
    yes, she is the trainer for them. I caught her informercial for her new system "metamorphosis" and was SO intrigued. Went online to look it up and realzed it's $90 for the set... ack! too spendy for me for exercise dvds. I googled more and realzied she has older dvds for cheaper- I bought her mat dvd from 2008, it's about 55 minutes long and it's a cross between pilates and light aerobics i'd say? she does different kinds of moves than i'm not used to, says she works the "accessory muscles" to shape and tone without bulking. I REALLY like it. When I first did it I was thinking "how the heck is this gunna do anything...." then ten minutes later my muscles were screaming at me and I was sore and jelly like by the end (sweaty too so it's more of a workout than just plain old pilates) so I've been doing it every day or every other day and mixing it with cardio, still following MFP's food settings for me and eating back most of if not all of my exercise calories. so far so good! It's just so freakin exciting to finally see some muscles peeking through the chub. love it!!!! oh and it has an AWESOME sound track. makes it even better :happy:

    Thank you for sharing! I'm gonna go find this now, it sounds great. Congrats on the nsv! Good butt victory, LOL!
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    Thanks ladies! I continue to love her :happy: i FINALLY hit ten pounds lost last week so, WOOOHOOO!!! The only thing I've changed is adding her to my routine 3 days a week.
  • tinyball
    tinyball Posts: 1
    Hello, I'm doing the Omnicentric right now - today is day #3. I did the Tracy Anderson 30 Day Method before starting this one and I lost 7 lbs by just doing the mat workouts (no cardio) and following my own diet (just cutting out simple carbs like bread and pasta). It is a great workout - I love it because I have back, neck and knee problems (herniated disks and torn ligaments) and her system does not hurt me!!! Lunges and squats are out of question for me, so now since I'm doing TA I get the butt exercises in a better way. I have to say my butt never hurt so much with other workouts or personal trainer. And the best part is that in just 30 days my cellulite got smaller by 50% - I'm ready to take my kids to the pool :)
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    wahoo!! Happy to hear your success :smile: I'm currently trolling ebay for a set of the new metamorphosis dvds (i'm determined not to pay full price! :tongue: ) I love her moves, how strong I feel since I've been doing her mat dvd and the way I can see my body changing (haven't had huge pound changes yet- that's why I want to get the new program so that i'm doing her cardio AND strength every day) so I can't wait til I get the new set! such a TAM fan :happy:
  • Davie_ege
    Davie_ege Posts: 14 Member
    I really want some answers. I've been reading Tracy Anderson 30 day method, but I heard some really scary thing about the diet plan. Like it was 700 cals per day, far to few, especially for my job (I'm a cleaner and cantine worker and run around all day) so what I wanna know is if I don't do the diet plan will it stop the exercise regime from working? Or can I do the exercise but stay eating the 1700 cals to 2000 cals per day I've been eating? Thanks in advance!
  • stephr2014
    stephr2014 Posts: 311 Member
    Just Started the Tracy anderson mat workout yesterday and I loved it!
  • I started TAM in January and love it. It really does produce that hot dancers body. There's hardly any talking/direction during the DVDs, but I prefer it that way I just watch and mimic. Takes a little while to get used to, but it's a different style. It really does work out all those other muscles that we've never used and targets the problem areas.

    Just fyi there's hardly any warmup and cool down, so you might want to use some other type of program to help do stretching to not cause any injuries but the TAM community on her website have been most helpful.

    The DVDs are available through QVC for a monthly payment as well, and it comes out to $90 for 3 months.. which to me calculates to a dollar a day to workout which is a much better deal than $20 for a class... Happy TAMing everyone!
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,035 Member
    Thanks for sharing, I get bored easily so love finding new things to do :) And congrats on your NSV!! Hope you see many more like it ;)
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    The lack of instruction was why I returned Metamorphosis Abcentric. I prefer not to crane my neck in an awkward position to watch her on the tv to see when she transitions, and then I tried instead to write down the reps etc and thought why did I just blow 100 bucks for her not to give me any instructions. It just seemed overpriced for what you got and I found the cardio dance workout kind of the same way. I guess everyone has a different experience. I didn't mind the eating, but the first week got boring after awhile eating the same thing everyday.
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