bit confused!

how does everyone do the diet on MFP, do you all mostly count the calories or do u consider it all?

thanks in advance :) xx


  • randisaucier
    randisaucier Posts: 178 Member
    Would love to know this as well. I just found the site a few days ago and am using MFP to track exercise and calories. I personally am following a high protein, lower carb, low glycemic index diet.
  • katm427
    katm427 Posts: 227 Member
    I think that everyone here follows the rules a little bit differently. I primarily follow the calories, but I look at the other nutritional aspects, too.
  • GaveUp
    GaveUp Posts: 308
    I set my goals myself... low carb with zig zagging dieting. I count everything.
  • misssmiles
    misssmiles Posts: 207 Member
    i don't consider this a diet... i consider it a lifestyle change i have commited to... that being said... i currently count everything that goes in my mouth and all exercise i do. I aim to stay under my daily calorie goal (not always the case) and above the recomended water intake. So far i'm doing well!! Good luck to you!! feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Lochniss
    Lochniss Posts: 11
    I'm a calorie counter myself. But I try my best to keep everything else out of the red too. But, 17 pounds later, I'd say counting calories is working. :)
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    I count calories but I also keep my net carbs low (carbs-fiber) and try to keep my sodium down. I started just doing calories but eventually changed it up to find what works best for me.
  • vsyates
    vsyates Posts: 373 Member
    I agree with the other posters. My main focus is on calories but I do try to keep the others out of the red :wink:
  • lajuice24
    lajuice24 Posts: 409 Member
    i don't consider this a diet... i consider it a lifestyle change i have commited to... that being said... i currently count everything that goes in my mouth and all exercise i do. I aim to stay under my daily calorie goal (not always the case) and above the recomended water intake. So far i'm doing well!! Good luck to you!! feel free to add me as a friend!

    I do this as well! It has worked very well!
  • willbthin2
    willbthin2 Posts: 31
    thanks guys :) this has really helped!! xx
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    I use MFP to track calories and i enter my excercise--however im partially disabled so theres not much excercise.

    I pay attention to all things--i use the phone ap and it tells me ALL items, not just 5 items. The website it set to track 5 things for me--potassium, sodium, fat, sugar, and fiber. The 5 things most important to me I guess. However, on my phone i also pay attention to vitamins, cholesterol,saturated fat, trans fat, and other items. I try to make sure my vitamins are maxed everyday, and that I dont go over on sugar unless its by fruit, and dont go over on other things at all.

    I also use mfp to track water. My goal is 20cups a day and need to use it all day long to remember how much ive drank.

    I dont care about carbs cuz even on days where i eat pasta and bread im still never over on carbs. fat im rarely ever over--i think in my 85 days ive been over on fat 3x--yesterday i was because I had guacamole--but thats a healthy fat, not like a grease fat.

    I mainly use it to point out where i can improve--- i eat healthy all day and then have icecream it helps change my brain to not want icecream cuz i see how much sugar it might have, or how much fat, etc and then it disgusts me.

    I log each and every thing i eat, wether it be a single carrot or a piece of gum... and its been like that for 85 days; it creates good habits instead of bad ones.
  • tweez8976
    tweez8976 Posts: 94 Member
    So far I am just following the calorie recommendations and not restricting myself to any certain types of foods. I just know that if I want a couple beers or some ice cream, etc. that that I need to make up for it somewhere else (exercise or super healthy, low-cal meals that day).

    What I have found really helpful is it allows you to plan. For example, if I know I am going out to dinner and am likely to have a high-cal dinner, I can plan my meals and exercise for that day to make sure I can still stay under the net calorie goal. I have already lost 8 lbs in 4 weeks!
  • lovebeinGIGI
    lovebeinGIGI Posts: 72 Member
    I'm a calorie counter myself! It's what I found actually works the best for me! I also only eat one "true" meal a day (I pick lunch) and use Special K products for my other meals and snacks. Works best for me being on the go so much. Plus, I don't like eating in the evenings before bed. Using this program to count the calories is truly a lifesaver!
    Good Luck!!
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I am just following what MFP has set up for me. I am doing 1200 calories and 30 minutes of exercise a day. I have just modified my meals eating old stuff and adding new stuffing into my diet. Pretty much i am not eating until i am full and taking out my hidden ingredients like butter and sugar that i add to foods to taste better. It is working great for me so far. :)
  • willbthin2
    willbthin2 Posts: 31
    i think im definetly going to stick to the calories...try and not go over on carbs and all the other things..but if i do go in the red a bit im not going to fret too much! :) it really helps to see how other people do it! xx
  • philandrachel
    So far I am just following the calorie recommendations and not restricting myself to any certain types of foods. I just know that if I want a couple beers or some ice cream, etc. that that I need to make up for it somewhere else (exercise or super healthy, low-cal meals that day).

    What I have found really helpful is it allows you to plan. For example, if I know I am going out to dinner and am likely to have a high-cal dinner, I can plan my meals and exercise for that day to make sure I can still stay under the net calorie goal. I have already lost 8 lbs in 4 weeks!

    This is how I am using MFP... I am eating healthier for the most part, but if I "need" hot tamales" {major weakness} or eat something not so good for me, I make it up other ways. 6 days in and feeling better already!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    i think im definetly going to stick to the calories...try and not go over on carbs and all the other things..but if i do go in the red a bit im not going to fret too much! :) it really helps to see how other people do it! xx

    MFP has the protein levels set pretty low. If you are doing strength training (which is highly recommended) I would up your protein levels.

    Good luck!