Looking for a mens fitness magazine

Hello Everyone. I'm interested in any info on a good magazine that includes working out and diet. Thank you


  • BellySoonGone
    BellySoonGone Posts: 150
    If you plan on using a gym than "Flex" - Beats all the other "wannabes" hands down. Although is geared to bodybuilders - it's got the most and best info.
  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    My BF likes Mens Health. I like it too, it's an easy to read mag, with lots of good info.
  • elbertiscool
    elbertiscool Posts: 3 Member
    My BF likes Mens Health. I like it too, it's an easy to read mag, with lots of good info.

    Mens Health is my favorite. Most of the other fitness magazines for men are geared more for bodybuilders. Mens Health always has great articles on nutrition and working out.
  • tazlady
    tazlady Posts: 60
    try mens health and fitness
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    Yes, I'm a woman, but I love Men's Health. They have a ton of useful stuff about healthy foods in the "Eat This, Not That" section on their website. I'm addicted to it.
  • ventguy
    ventguy Posts: 7
    I hate the fact that most men's health or fitness magazines tend to have huge headlines of "Best Sex Ever" or something like that. Makes me feel like I am buying a porno mag.
    Sometimes some of the womens magazines have better information.
    Men's Health (depending on the issue) is one of the better ones.
  • tnkhart
    tnkhart Posts: 72 Member
    Thank you all for your responses. Vent, I think you nailed it for me. Although Mens Health has excellent information, every other article has to do with sex. I really don't want my kids looking at it.