Hello everyone! Looking for friends and motivation

3nats Posts: 2 Member
Hello! My name is Natalia. I have used MFP before and I saw results...but then the holidays happened! So now I have started again I am aiming to lose 10 lbs and tone up and I'm looking for friends to help me along and through daily temptations.


  • abigailknowles39
    abigailknowles39 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi add me and we can do this together xx
  • andyb1977mcfc
    andyb1977mcfc Posts: 3 Member
    Hi feel free to add me.
    Been needing to diet for a long time now.
    I'm almost a week in and loving it.
    I've dropped to 1600 cals a day with additional 30 mins cardio everyday also
    Switched pop for water only and already feeling the results.
    What are you hoping to achieve over how long ?
  • nickyjoak
    nickyjoak Posts: 1 Member
    Hi you can add me if you like I need some friends I need all the motivation I can get x
  • snowfallin
    snowfallin Posts: 2 Member
    You can add me also if wanted
  • sedouglas1990
    sedouglas1990 Posts: 1 Member
    I used MFP ages ago and enjoyed it, so now I'm back for another go! Looking for support and advice. Stacey
  • icklejojo
    icklejojo Posts: 1 Member
  • LyssaRonnell
    LyssaRonnell Posts: 182 Member
    My name is Lyssa. I'm 20, 128lbs, and 5'2 .My goal is to look more toned. I blade most mornings before I go to work. I blade for about an hour and I usually go for about 8 miles. I'll help motivate anyone and I hope I can get some motivation as well.