Trying this again...need more friends!!!

otnip_j Posts: 7 Member
Please add me!
I am a 39yr old stay-at-home mom to 3 kids under the age of 5! Need friends that actually log in so we can motivate each other!

SW: 147
CW: 140
GW: 130-135 (just want to feel better/tone up)


  • lizzok
    lizzok Posts: 3 Member
    Add me! 31 yo mom of 4. Married. I work full time. CW is 138. Trying to lose inches, not so much weight. 5'3 :)
  • kfitch52687
    kfitch52687 Posts: 7 Member
    My starting weight is almost identical to yours! I average between 148-150 and want to get to 130. I never dreamed it would be this hard to be honest. I am also a stay at home momma and find when I finally have the time where I can actually work out I end up choosing to relax... :/ I also love to eat sweets and get in these ruts where I eat wonderfully for several days/a week then end up baking something and eating way too much of it or something.. I always try to jump right back on track but sometimes the bad days last longer than the good days... I'm determined to not give up though and I would love to motivate each other!!
  • marmolejomarc
    marmolejomarc Posts: 1 Member
    Never used this lol didnt know it was here
  • overtime738
    overtime738 Posts: 23 Member
    Anyone looking for friends for motivation, advice, recipes, ect add me. 39 male, started at 289 in November last weight in was 210. More friend help make it successful