5'8 230 pound female looking for motivational friends


Calorie goal 1333

Im looking for friends to go on this journey with mabye someone who has a similar story but all are welcome


  • Zoejohnse91
    Zoejohnse91 Posts: 227 Member
    Hey! Female 210lbs (roughly - I'm measuring more than weighing :p) aiming for 180lb ish :)
  • vlg_nurse_1979
    vlg_nurse_1979 Posts: 9 Member
    HEy im on again off again TRYing 240lbs, 5'7. friend me if you would like. :smile:
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    @DjsMom243 I know this isn't the point of the thread, but I just wanted to let you know I started at about 240. You can do it, it's worth the struggle. Don't give up (and maybe set your initial calorie goal a little higher).
  • Jessicalynn436
    Jessicalynn436 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a female, 200 lbs, 5'4. My goal weight is 150. I Definitely need some motivational friends! I'm good at being a motivater for otherr people but not myself! Haha
  • themonstermash
    themonstermash Posts: 71 Member
    Yo! I'm on here a lot, if you need one of those constant mfp friends haha.My stats are pretty different from yours but our goals of health I assume ae the same :)
    A few initial tips: browse other people's diaries for food ideas. Read all those threads that are like permanently on the forums (guide to sexypants, etc.). Log everything! With a food scale!
  • ncarrasco72
    ncarrasco72 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all...5'6" and 219. Aiming for 170 for now. Today is my first day using this app. Weight loss is always a struggle. Hoping to stick with it this time
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    WBB55 wrote: »
    @DjsMom243 I know this isn't the point of the thread, but I just wanted to let you know I started at about 240. You can do it, it's worth the struggle. Don't give up (and maybe set your initial calorie goal a little higher).

    Same. I'm 5'8" (down from 5'9" - I shrank!) and began at 250. Currently stuck at 166, but will keep losing.

    You can drop, too, if you work at it.
  • boogiewookie
    boogiewookie Posts: 206 Member
    you can add me! I started out at 209lbs, I'm.187lbs now, sweating my way down to 140lbs :-)
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    edited July 2015
    Kalikel wrote: »
    I'm 5'8" (down from 5'9" - I shrank!) and began at 250.

    I shrank too! By an inch. But then I started doing core muscle-building and grew again! I guess the firm muscles stretched out the spine again :)

  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    WBB55 wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    I'm 5'8" (down from 5'9" - I shrank!) and began at 250.

    I shrank too! By an inch. But then I started doing core muscle-building and grew again! I guess the firm muscles stretched out the spine again :)
    I've been working much harder on my abdomen lately. Hoping I grow again!! Its so weird to find out that your 5'8" when you were 5'9", lol.
  • MallowM
    MallowM Posts: 66 Member
    5'8" 220 Feel free to add =) GW is 180
  • Creepermom
    Creepermom Posts: 11 Member
    edited July 2015
    sent you a request! If anyone else wants to add me, I'm still looking for more people :)
  • dolliesdaughter
    dolliesdaughter Posts: 544 Member
    Hey lady, I am with you. I am 5'8" and back in 2011 I started at 276 and my current weight is 176. I lost 75 lbs within the first year, then after that is slowed down, but i have been taking it off ounce by ounce, don't give up. 169 is my ultimate goal but I feel awesome.
  • azinsmom
    azinsmom Posts: 1 Member
    Just started back using mfp last week; looking for help to stay motivated. Currently 260ish aim for 180's. Advice of my pcp suggested stating with 1800 calories. Went over once when we took kids to Dairy Queen for dinner. Otherwise my calorie intake is 1500 to 1600 any suggestions? Also I have started working out with the Total Gym or yoga on the wii fit. Work out at least 5 days a week.
  • mhooge
    mhooge Posts: 42 Member
    I'm a 43 year old 5'8" woman. My current weight is 204 and my goal is 175. Struggling really badly and would love some other people that are in the same boat as me. Please add me! Thanks
  • mayabre90
    mayabre90 Posts: 6 Member
    5'8 240, and I'm doing Insanity!! Add me!!
  • annanavis
    annanavis Posts: 11 Member
    SW 260 (size 18-20, 2x)
    CW 190ish, I think (I measure more than weigh) (size 10, M/L)
    GW 150-155
    5' 8"
    1250-1400 cals
    I mostly walk/run/hike for exercise.
    I haven't lost any inches in height, but my bra size keeps changing! (And not just the band size.)

    You can do it!

    Add me, if you're still looking for more buddies on our journey.

  • Faith4eva31
    Faith4eva31 Posts: 98 Member
    Hey lady! I am definitely in the same boat! I am 5'7 213lbs and my goal is 170, followed by toning to get to 155-160. Feel free to add me!
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    edited July 2015
    Ok, I'm back. I know it's not the point of this thread, but because I'm reading SO many people who seem to be in the neighborhood of where I started, I wanted to share this:

    SW: 240 lbs - 45% BF - 132 lbs of lean mass
    EW: 139 lbs - 30% BF - 97 lbs of lean mass

    ^^ please note how not lifting weights and only doing cardio resulted in me losing 101 lbs, yes, but 35 of those pounds were muscle and bones. After my weightloss I fell down a lot, bumped into walls, had no tone or coordination. I've spent 4 years putting BACK on muscle and bone so I can, you know, live and do things. (Plus 4 surgeries and 3 plates and 40+ screws to fix bones I broke since my bones were weak.) Be smarter than I was; lift some weights and do some yoga.

    CW: 165 lbs - 33% BF - 111 lbs of lean mass
    GW: 139 lbs - 20% BF - 111 lbs of lean mass
  • DjsMom243
    DjsMom243 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks you guys I thought no one would reply lol