Rekindling the fire...

I lost a lot of weight a few years ago, but food and I had a whirlwind affair that led to me to regaining 60 lbs of a 120 lbs loss. After really thinking about it I realized that I may have went to far in the weight loss to begin with. I'm looking to drop around 40 pounds, without restricting myself to the point of feeling jumpy and obsessing over every bite. I would like to have some friends that can relate to frustrations that come from living a better life ☺


  • trobbins311
    trobbins311 Posts: 16 Member
    I lost 30 pounds 2 years ago, regained it all back plus 10 pounds. I cannot believe I did this... same thing a love affair with food, depression, etc. I am looking for someone I can check in with and be somewhat accountable to. Send me friend request if interested.
  • ssteiny348
    ssteiny348 Posts: 1 Member
    I lost 70 and put 30 back on. I still need to lose another 70 in total. Sure could use some help from others along the way