22 lbs to lose within the next 6 weeks!

Hi guys,

after I introduced myself to the forum I thought I am posting something small... basically my goal is to lose 22 pounds at least within the next coming weeks. Now, I probably should set myself a goal what date I want it bur or otherwise I probably always push it further away. How is everyone else doing it?

At the moment I my weight is 169 lbs! (sounds a lot but my body seems to hide it good enough so I don't look as fat as it sounds like for some reason. I might have heavy bones as well. Who knows! lol)

My issue is that I am not exercising enough. I used to play tennis but stopped. I never really went to gym even if I should go because that is the most effective exercise and also easiest to lose weight isn't it?

I would like to know from you, what are your suggestions? How should I proceed?


  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I think the first step would be to set a goal that is realistic and safe. Losing 22 lbs in 6 weeks is not safe. Overweight folks are able to lose 2 or 3 pounds a week safely. People with less to lose (that would be you) should stick to 1-2 lbs a week. That would get you, at best, 22 lbs lost 11-22 weeks from now. That isn't a bad deal at all.

    Follow the guildlines on this site. Be active, exercise or do work in your garden. Take walks maybe. If you want to try the gym I suggest signing up for a personal trainer for maybe 1 or 2 sessions so you know the correct form and what kind of exercises to focus on. Eat well, small portions and often during the day. Drink plenty of water.
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    I think 22 pounds is a lot to lose in less than 2 months o-o... specially since you don't have that much to lose :)

    Uhmm... cardio is great exercise when it comes to losing weight... also remember to start eating healthier foods and in moderation... diet and cardio will help lose weight.

    As to the 22 pounds... I've been eating better and exercising 5 times a week and I've lost about 13 pounds in a month (almost at a month and a half... aka 6 weeks lol), so I wish you luck on 22!!!

    BTW started at 189 and now at 176. It's baby steps :)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I know you want to lose it and lose it fast, but expecting to lose over 3.5 pounds a week when you're pretty close to your goal to start with isn't healthy or realistic.

    A healthier goal would be to aim to lose 1 to maybe 1.5 pounds a week. I know that seems depressingly slow, but it's the right way to do it.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I just wanted to add that I have lost 22.2 lbs so far, and have been using this site for 22 weeks. :smile: I'm extremely pleased with this.
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    22 lbs is possible - if you're willing to cut off a limb. Otherwise, you're probably looking at 6lbs... maybe12 lbs (if you're lucky).

    Shooting for 22 lbs will only set yourself up for disappointment. How about you shoot for 10 and be thrilled if you get there? Win - win!
  • janine0187
    janine0187 Posts: 15
    Thanks for your advice guys.

    Ok well maybe 22 pounds in 6 weeks is a bit too heavy but let's say it would be my goal to lose all that until August/September. is that fair enough? :smile:

    For example now I have changed my diet completely. I am having no longer warm meals in the evenings. Only 2 slices of bread with tomatoes on it. The warm/"big" meal is lunch time now. That's how I used to have my 3 meals daily anyway. Since I moved to Ireland it changed and only then I put on weight. So that is the reason why I am going back to the normal diet. :smile:

    Water and me are not the greatest friends to be honest. I can't deal with water. Makes me go to the toilet a lot so basically I have to always mix it with a drop of orange squash.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Water makes everyone go to the toilet a lot! That is part of it's use. You flush out unneeded items, toxins, bad stuff from your body with an increase of water. You also convince your body that you are not dehydrated and thirsty all the time, so all the water stores your body has held onto (extra weight!) will be released.
  • velvetkat
    velvetkat Posts: 454 Member
    i was never one to like water either but you know what? i have learned to like it and only drink water now. I used to drink Diet Pepsi probably 6 a day and now I drink maybe one every couple of weeks. If you are planning on being successful long term it takes dedication, commitment and there are somethings you may have to learn to like or at least tolerate to be successful. No one said this was going to be easy and at least you dont have a long ways to go to meet your goal. Once you get to your goal that means you will need to do things to maintain. You wont be able to go back to the way it was or you will just regain the weight plus more. Once you get going it isnt as bad as it seems believe me. I have been here 3.5 months and have lost a lot of weight but then I had a lot of weight to lose and still havent made it to half way but I take one day at a time and know that this is a lifestyle change not just a diet. Making realistic mini goals makes it go faster and seems to be easier.
    You will do fine just if you take one day at a time and follow the what MFP suggests. read a lot of the topics to get hints and ideas.
    Good luck~

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • itstherealest
    Hello there, well 22 lbs is definitely doable in 6 weeks, but as suggested by others in the thread, it can be dangerous of course that is if you go on a fasting diet. From personal experience the best way to lose weight is by running, and by running I mean long distance running. It was some time ago, I was younger (in high school) and heavy for my age, but after joining my school's track team I dropped from 155 lbs to 135 in about 4 weeks!

    One of the biggest motivation factors affecting my success was the coach, who half way on my first 4 mile run (into an unknown neighborhood I had never been in) I asked to "wait for me". He cordially looped around leaving the head pack and told me to never tell the coach to wait on me again, and then left. In fear of being left alone walking aimlessly as sunset approached I held up my pace as best I could, and made it back to school in one piece, and continued showing up to practice.

    For this reason it's always nice to find a partner, someone who wants to lose the weight as much as you do, and is committed enough to get you out of bed when you tell yourself "I can't". With such busy lifestyles we have today its hard to find such a person, but you can join a local fitness/running group as well, (check out meetup.com).

    With all that exercising what your body will need is a solid inflow of nutrients and calories to make sure your muscles don't get tired, and you don't give up before your body gets to the reserves (fat). You may also see an increase weight loss from reducing the number of juices and sodas you drink. I only rarely drink either of these because unknowingly a cup here and there can fill you up with sugars that go straight to "the reserves". (Limiting any liquid intake with meals will also keep your stomach from stretching, making more room for food the next time.)

    This response is getting long...but...I have to say this is a pretty cool app. As it is, I have been going to the gym for a couple of weeks, and for the past week that I have been using "myfitnesspal" I've lost a couple of pounds by watching my calorie intake, which now puts me about 10 lbs from my goal, 150!

    Also, don't try diets. Make things you enjoy, but be weary of their contents. Being fit is a lifestyle!
  • janine0187
    janine0187 Posts: 15
    I have tried to drink water before but to be honest it makes me even more thirsty! So not efficient for me and also I get pain in my tummy when I drink it. That's why I don't like drinking it. :smile:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I said the same thing, but now that I add Crystal Light or Propel mixes, I can chug up to a gallon a day. I can't drink very cold water, though.