Finally I have had it!!

CassieR6 Posts: 280 Member
So I have been on this journey off and on since I had my daughter in 2010. I have never really succeeded. I keep falling back and eventually giving up. I lost about 6 lbs about 6 months ago but since haven't really done anything. I still drink 6 beers a night and don't log all the junk I end up eating. Last week I had my ex husband ask me if I was getting bigger as in pregnant so that hurt. And this morning I finally got on the scale and I am now a lovely 183lbs! I now have a little over 50lbs to loose! I am so upset with my self for letting it get so out of hand. I am now 20lbs heavier than I was 9 months pregnant! :( It needs to stop now!! I am officially starting over and I mean it this time. I can't keep going this way. I will be 200lbs before I know it. I am putting my self at a greater risk of getting diabetes that runs in my family and at this rate I will never be healthy enough to have my second baby. I am done with excuses. This is sorta a rant but it needed to be said. If anyone else is in the same boat feel free to add me. :)


  • theawill519
    theawill519 Posts: 242 Member
    I yo-yo-ed like that for a while, too. The thing that really helped me was pre-logging all of my meals. I plan out my meals on the previous day, enter it into my log. If I'm tempted, I always remind myself that my calories are already divided up evenly for that day and it makes it easier to say 'no' to extra snacks/binges. Good luck!
  • jesslo36
    jesslo36 Posts: 1 Member
    I felt just like you did! But I still wouldn't do anything about it. I joined a weightloss challenge and it wasn't until 2 weeks before it was over that I finally had it. I have to say, if it weren't for the support of all the people, I probably wouldn't have done it! I have been doing it now for the past 6 weeks and I feel amazing! It helps that I am also part of the bootcamp and I work out too hard to just throw it all away by cheating. Find a support group, that's the best advise I can give. Find people that struggle like you do, it's amazing what a few high five's will do for you. You can do it!!!
  • opalle
    opalle Posts: 234 Member
    I can relate. I too have diabetics in my family and saw that if I didn't do something I would be hitting 200 lbs real soon. (Fortunately though my ex lives 1000s of miles away.) Sending you a request.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    Best thing to do is look inside and find YOUR OWN reasons for doing it. Make that your motivation, and it's much easier to keep on your path. That's the only reason I've been able to stick with it. And yeah, I backslid for about a year and gained about 10lbs back. But once I started back properly on MFP, the weight started coming off again. I'm now very close to where I want to be and I feel more like myself than I have in a long time. That's my personal motivation. Find something that works for you, and you'll be able to keep going, even after a bad day. But it has to be something that works for YOU, and it has to be internal. External motivation only works for so long.
  • nora_gettingfitnow
    nora_gettingfitnow Posts: 108 Member
    I started exactly where you are now, and I am recent to this also. I currently have just over 50lbs to lose and started out heavier than when I was pregnant with my son so I know that feeling.

    I notice that you said you drink 6beers a night and don't log all your junk.
    Well how about making small changes to start - cut back on the amount of beers and start logging every single thing that you eat as I found it was easier to ignore certain foods when they weren't logged. But when I started to log everything i would think "hold on if I eat this, I have to log it" and I didn't want to see that type of food in my diary.

    Also preplan your meals for a period of 2weeks and before you know it, youre habits will be starting to change for the better.
    Have premade lunches for those days that you are going to be out and are not sure how you will manage your meals.
    Freeze homemade meals for those days that you are feeling lazy and making dinner from scratch is just not on the cards due to tiredness etc

    Don't get me wrong, it may seem hard at the start to make those changes but think of the results. It will all be worth it in the end.

    Best of luck with it all doll :wink:

  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Woohoo...good for you! I have had a ton of major life changes lately and have used food as my comfort. I can no longer fit into the majority of the clothes in my closet. I don't have the money to buy a new wardrobe and also refuse to buy anything in a bigger size. I need this so bad. Wishing you the best girly! Feel free to add me
  • nsweet1183
    nsweet1183 Posts: 8 Member
    CassieP16 wrote: »
    So I have been on this journey off and on since I had my daughter in 2010. I have never really succeeded. I keep falling back and eventually giving up. I lost about 6 lbs about 6 months ago but since haven't really done anything. I still drink 6 beers a night and don't log all the junk I end up eating. Last week I had my ex husband ask me if I was getting bigger as in pregnant so that hurt. And this morning I finally got on the scale and I am now a lovely 183lbs! I now have a little over 50lbs to loose! I am so upset with my self for letting it get so out of hand. I am now 20lbs heavier than I was 9 months pregnant! :( It needs to stop now!! I am officially starting over and I mean it this time. I can't keep going this way. I will be 200lbs before I know it. I am putting my self at a greater risk of getting diabetes that runs in my family and at this rate I will never be healthy enough to have my second baby. I am done with excuses. This is sorta a rant but it needed to be said. If anyone else is in the same boat feel free to add me. :)

  • nsweet1183
    nsweet1183 Posts: 8 Member
    nsweet1183 wrote: »
    CassieP16 wrote: »
    So I have been on this journey off and on since I had my daughter in 2010. I have never really succeeded. I keep falling back and eventually giving up. I lost about 6 lbs about 6 months ago but since haven't really done anything. I still drink 6 beers a night and don't log all the junk I end up eating. Last week I had my ex husband ask me if I was getting bigger as in pregnant so that hurt. And this morning I finally got on the scale and I am now a lovely 183lbs! I now have a little over 50lbs to loose! I am so upset with my self for letting it get so out of hand. I am now 20lbs heavier than I was 9 months pregnant! :( It needs to stop now!! I am officially starting over and I mean it this time. I can't keep going this way. I will be 200lbs before I know it. I am putting my self at a greater risk of getting diabetes that runs in my family and at this rate I will never be healthy enough to have my second baby. I am done with excuses. This is sorta a rant but it needed to be said. If anyone else is in the same boat feel free to add me. :)

  • nsweet1183
    nsweet1183 Posts: 8 Member
    I totally know how you feel. I have lost a lot of weight and gained it back after all my kids and it got so out of control. I weighed 242 in March and I am down to 195 now. You can loose the weight it will take a lot of hard work but u need to believe in yourself. It's a long journey weight loss. And after you do succeed to the weight you want, the hard part of maintaining begins. I want to get back down to 165, and I know I can do. You can do it too! Just don't give up.
  • Great_Mazinga
    Great_Mazinga Posts: 214 Member
    The six beers a night might be a good place to start. I dropped a lot of weight just by dropping sodas, for example.
  • DraMagg13
    DraMagg13 Posts: 5 Member
    I feel you girl! can relate for sure! my son is almost 6 years old and I've been struggling with getting in shape since his birth.. at one time I got really skinny with a herbal supplement that wasn't at all healthy.. learned that the hard way and ended up doubling my weight.. anyways.. my advice to you would be, write your goals.. short term goals and long term goals, that will help to keep you motivated; find something you really enjoy doing as a exercise.. (not all people like the gym..); clean your fridge and keep it loaded with healthier options.. you don't have to throw everything and start from 0 in one day.. you can do it, one thing at a time and you'll see, sooner or later will be easier to make smart choices; stay connected with people that understand you and support you and don't try to sabotage your goals offering you all kind of junk food when you are trying to cut them down; and lastly but very important be patient the important and hard thing is to take the decision and commit, and you did it! stick to it.. this is a long journey and you will have pretty good days but will be also hard days when you are tired, don't want to exercise, had a bad day at work and want to eat everything you have in your fridge.. it's ok.. tomorrow will be always a new day..! You can do it! Good luck for you :wink:
  • CassieR6
    CassieR6 Posts: 280 Member
    Thank you so much everyone!