Only 25 and need to lose 100lbs. Motivate me?

xoxrobot Posts: 17 Member
I'm Sam and I've struggled with weight loss my entire life. I've always been teased for being the chubby kid. Now I'm 25, 5'3 and am 220lbs. Any time I try to get into a weight loss regime I find myself losing motivation. I've been diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety, so leaving my home to go running or anything is incredibly discouraging.

I figured if I come on a message board, find friends, and gain accountability it might help with my journey.

So, hello :)


  • callmenikita
    callmenikita Posts: 118 Member
    I know the feeling, im 24, 5;2 and 190.... thats's what mfp is for!! Ill add you :)
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    I started on MFP at 18 and 211lbs. I'm now 19 and 150lbs. It is possible! And think, if you lose the weight now, you have the rest of your life to look forward to enjoying more.
  • xoxrobot
    xoxrobot Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks guys! Hopefully this will work and I won't give up again.
  • violet456
    violet456 Posts: 674 Member
    As you age, losing weight becomes harder and harder (not that it's easy at any age). Please start while you're younger.

    You're story sounds like mine, but I'm forward a few more years (35). During school always teased for being big. At the end of high school I was 180 pounds. Going through college and the first few years of marriage I gained 30 more pounds. Then over the next 10 years I gained 10 pounds a year. 10 pounds, that isn't too much (you rationalize to yourself), but add that up and it is a whopping 100 pounds. I am now at my biggest weight (non pregnant) at 313. (well down to 309 now.)

    Anxiety and depression are hard to handle. The more you move and get out hopefully the better it will get, exposure therapy. But there are lots of things you can do inside the house to exercise, go up and down stairs, walk on the spot, exercise videos, kettlebell weights, stretching muscles, invest in a treadmill.

    Read articles on why to lose weight, from credible sources, and look into what might work for you to change habits.

    Good luck to your journey, add me if you like.
  • xoxrobot
    xoxrobot Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you for your response! I've known I've had to lose weight since I was a kid, and even took fitness classes in highschool. I've had several different gym memberships, tried dieting, and it just has always stopped for me. I now can't afford to buy any equipment nor a membership, so going outside since it's summer to run is my best option but sometimes it's just far too intimidating.

    I'll definitely look into some articles about it. I wish you luck on your journey as well!
  • Btbeam
    Btbeam Posts: 252 Member
    Welcome Sam! I have lost 185 lbs with 65 to go. Feel free to add me for support. I would recommend thinking about why you want to get healthy. I call it "Why" power. It will carry you through the difficult days. You simply can not count on willpower to get you through. Feel free to add me for support.