giving up



  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    tremroy1 wrote: »
    maintenance did not work
    Maintenance is the hard part.

    Many people think that they can lose weight on a diet and then go back to eating the way they ate before after the diet is over. That's not true. If you want to keep weight off, you need to eat for your new weight, not your old one.

    If you aren't ready, you aren't ready. Don't be miserable about it. Give it another shot when you are ready.
  • GuineaKitty
    GuineaKitty Posts: 97 Member
    Know weight loss isn't easy and a constant struggle at first. Keep being consisted at the weight will come off. If you are truly tired maintained for a few months and begin again. Good luck
  • yeahfatty
    yeahfatty Posts: 228 Member
    I see you've set your calorie limit to 1200. Perhaps you should set your goal to 1/2 pound a week so you'll have more calories to play around with, especially if you keep going over. Additionally I see you drink alcohol pretty much every day & they take up A LOT of your calories. Perhaps you could try to limit that to a glass or two during the weekend?
  • tremroy1
    tremroy1 Posts: 90 Member
    I agree excuse after excuse.....dont feel like a hole cant get myself out......saw myt physician....good health....just the extra weight is bugging me......thanks for help guys.....i do appreciate feedback.....
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    When you want this badly enough, you'll go get it.
  • tremroy1
    tremroy1 Posts: 90 Member
    Options are right......I have to want it bad enough.....not there yet.......i am afraid I will not get there
  • karyabc
    karyabc Posts: 830 Member
    it's hard when we know we have to lose the weight but we somehow are just NOT ready. :smirk:
  • tremroy1
    tremroy1 Posts: 90 Member
    believe it or not the feedback is helpful to me.....
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    edited July 2015
    tremroy1 wrote: »
    Its got to me....too tired to food too much......intake always higher than what i am allowed......deprived......not having fun anymore.....very sad......dont fit in my clothes......awful feeling......slipping away....

    Take responsibility and make choices.

    It does sound like a series of excuses. Its not the end of the world being 20lbs over, but its a choice. Losing weight is straightforward, but you have to be disciplined or consistent at creating your deficit.

    Too tired to exercise? Is that something medical are you unwell or just unfit? Start small, do soemthing you like, be consistent.

    Low energy cna be a sign of not eating enough or not eating the right types of food at the right time.

    Love food too much? You cna moderate and just eat smaller amounts. If you wnat to eat more than your body needs, then just accpet you will put on weight.

    Higher than whats allowed?? you set the targets. Dont deprive or you will binge and be miserable... oh wait a minute.... Controlling and moderaing is not the same as depriving.

    Not having fun anymore... You either wnat it or you dont, nobody said it was fun, some of it cna be hard work, but then the rewards are worth it for many.
    You need to change your mindset and toughen up plus take more responsibility. Being miserbale is a waste of time. If you wnat to settle at 20 over then do so, but if you wnat to lose the 20 then realise that it requires you to provide consistent deficits over a period of time if you wnat to lose and experience the benefits that bring.

    Take a break, get checked out, then decide if you wnat to recommit. I can see your problems, but I just see ways round them. If you really want it you cna do it.
  • rushfive
    rushfive Posts: 603 Member
    Your calorie allowance may be to low... are you male or female?
    Lowest for female is 1200 cal males are 1500. average height.

    What helped me was to eat the same foods I normally did but I made the portion sizes smaller. Some veggies I increased the portions to get the full feeling.
    Also after finishing the meal and think I am still hungry and want more, I waited about 20 min and usually by then I was full feeling. Ate the meals slower also and enjoyed the food, not just scarf them down.
    My exercise is only walking right now, take the dog with me.
    It is a slow weight loss, 1/2pd week, but I don't feel deprived and when I hit my goal weight I won't have to change much, just do what I am doing now, just a few more cal. to work with.
    Hope you try again. Good Luck.
  • tremroy1
    tremroy1 Posts: 90 Member
    Thanks to everyone, I know how just cant get motivated......feeling very low.
  • karyabc
    karyabc Posts: 830 Member
    I took a quick look at your diary and what came to my mind is: 1) I don't know if I'm wrong but you are kind of eating the same thing everyday? I mean that is not a issue for me, but actually getting to know the food you love + that fits in your daily allowance + that leaves you happy/satisfied ----> is takes time and lots of trial and error

    2) don't give up, you'll be surprise how good you can get at this! seriously! I don't do it on purpose but it's like you with time are gonna learn how to combine foods/ meals without thinking too much, I promise
    > AKA don't give up so soon

    3) add friends! you will see they are eating and will take ideas from other people diaries and the extra motivation it's a big plus

    4) maybe pre logging is good tool for you, lots of people do it, they plan a week or a day ahead, and that leaves little room for mistakes.

    5) to be honest I don't know your stats but feeling sad and no fitting into our clothes is not a good feeling at all, 20 lbs it's not like you are crazy overweight but if it makes you feel so sad or bad about it , you should really try to do something about it.

    anyway good luck and hope things turn out for the better for you
  • tremroy1
    tremroy1 Posts: 90 Member
    Karyabc you have the strength I dont have right now.
  • karyabc
    karyabc Posts: 830 Member
    tremroy1 wrote: »
    Karyabc you have the strength I dont have right now.

    oh ok, my apologies if I may appear too pushy
  • rebbylicious
    rebbylicious Posts: 621 Member
    Well then you don't want it bad enought- sounds like you have your mind made up ..... Bye
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    tremroy1 wrote: »
    Thanks to everyone, I know how just cant get motivated......feeling very low.

    It's called discipline. Develop some.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    tremroy1 wrote: »
    Karyabc you have the strength I dont have right now.

    Then take a break and stop putting yourself under pressure if you cnat commit. Geting all defeatist and down on yourself wont help. If you arent ready, then you arent ready. Your mindset is not in the right place. Youll know when you are ready to commit.
  • Jill814
    Jill814 Posts: 30 Member
    you have to want to do it, i know you seem in a very dark place right now but you have a ton of people that would stand behind and support you, but only YOU can make the choice to do it. good luck!
  • MDanca
    MDanca Posts: 27 Member
    tremroy1 - hang in there. It's a constant struggle. It's not that you "don't want it bad enough", I am sure you do. but those of us that deal with other issues as well know that there are a lot of factors that can "sabotage" our efforts. It's a vicious circle. It will all fall into place at some point, and when it does, you will see the results. You can do it!
  • tremroy1
    tremroy1 Posts: 90 Member
    MDanca, thank you for the support, I am going to try it again, maybe slower, I have been on diets pretty well all of my life. I was tired of the counting, meal plans etc....I was not sleeping due to Restless leg syndrome. Been on meds for a week, just starting to kick in. Getting better sleep, more energy....but not 100%. Thanks again