Over 100lbs to lose...at the beginning of a long journey and looking for support

I am one (very successful) week into the start of a healthier lifestyle and my journey to lose over 100lbs. I am a former competitive athlete who slowly allowed obesity to take over my life. Now I am looking to feel like the athlete that I loved so much again. As a Mom with a full time job I have made a lot of excuses but I am trampling those excuses and looking for results. Hoping to be able to support and be supported, to motivate and be motivated. So if you are just starting your journey (as I am) or if you are on the other side of this journey and can inspire PLEASE FRIEND ME.


  • Firefly0606
    Firefly0606 Posts: 366 Member
    Welcome :) I started three weeks ago with 100lbs to lose, have lost 9lbs so far :) Sounds like a similar story, I miss my fitness, had children and let the excuses to look after everyone except myself win.

    One day at a time - the journey of 1,000,000 miles starts with a single step!
  • rugger2row
    rugger2row Posts: 10 Member
    Congrats on an awesome start! I totally agree, one step at a time.
  • duskred
    duskred Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there I started my lifestyle change Sunday and have 122lbs to lose, feel free to add me if you want
  • ramona1030
    ramona1030 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm here to encourage you along the way. Wow! We are going to have more feel good days than before. We can do this!#
  • Singlejc
    Singlejc Posts: 2 Member
    Just wanted to say "You can do this!" to you all! I lost 90+ pounds 7 years ago :-) I was athletic in HS but always curvy, had to work to maintain my size. As soon as I stopped participating in sports and/or working out, I packed on the pounds slowly but surely until I started having children. I gained 78 pound with my first child and didn't loose much of it. After my 2nd, I knew I had to get back in shape if I was going to keep up with them. I honestly lost most of my weigh by changing my eating habits - eating to fuel my body with good, nutritious foods rather than junk and eating proper portions. Once I'd lost 70lbs or so, I began strength training, walking and then some cardio and the weight just dropped off! I actually got down to 115 and had to pull back on my activity level so I would STOP losing! I felt great and always had energy to work and play. I'm back at it now because over the last 2 years, I let some health issues get me down and I stopped working out. Put on 15 pounds and am looking to get it back off. Good luck to you all - You got this!
  • HuskyHiker413
    HuskyHiker413 Posts: 78 Member
    I also had over 100lbs to lose, I'm down about 65 so far please feel free to add me.
  • kray1s
    kray1s Posts: 2 Member
    Hey you can do this!!! Its not an easy road but a road you can go down. I have a significant amount of weight to lose and I am easily discouraged. But i have found a few friends on here and the motivation really helps me. I am more than willing to help motivate you so we can BOTH reach our dreams of a heathier me together.
  • zenablakeley
    zenablakeley Posts: 12 Member
    Hi all...i am new to the sight and am really needing some real personal advice regarding my journey.
    In March this year i started eating healthy 80% of the time with doing about 30 minutes exercise 3 times a week. Being a mom really can restrict ones time.
    Thus far i have only lost about 5kg, i have admittedly dropped a dress size (YAY!) but i feel my weight loss has been so slow over the last 5months!
    I am feeling so frustrated.
    I have now incorpoarted weights into my 30 minutes a day and am trying to exercise 4 times a week instead of 3.
    I joined MyFitnessPal as i realised maybe what i was eating was too much in the day (i am following a basic Paleo lifestyle).
    I started here on 14 July and have not weighed myself since starting (too scared). I will weigh at month end and see what the scale says.
    I really want to see the scale move down and also get fit.

    Any suggestions anybody?
    I am 39 year old female.

  • rugger2row wrote: »
    I am one (very successful) week into the start of a healthier lifestyle and my journey to lose over 100lbs. I am a former competitive athlete who slowly allowed obesity to take over my life. Now I am looking to feel like the athlete that I loved so much again. As a Mom with a full time job I have made a lot of excuses but I am trampling those excuses and looking for results. Hoping to be able to support and be supported, to motivate and be motivated. So if you are just starting your journey (as I am) or if you are on the other side of this journey and can inspire PLEASE FRIEND ME.

  • That's awesome that you are taking back control of your life!! This is not an easy task. Especially as a mother working full time. You will have done bumps to overcome, but when this happens always Remeber to think about why you started. Think about what you want for yourself and how you want to feel.
    This is a journey where you have to be constantly focused, and that's a good thing!
    Your kids will also see your dedication and trust me, they look up to you for that, they will learn from you. They will be so proud of you!

    I know you got this!!!!
  • lorim68
    lorim68 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi all...i am new to the sight and am really needing some real personal advice regarding my journey.
    In March this year i started eating healthy 80% of the time with doing about 30 minutes exercise 3 times a week. Being a mom really can restrict ones time.
    Thus far i have only lost about 5kg, i have admittedly dropped a dress size (YAY!) but i feel my weight loss has been so slow over the last 5months!
    I am feeling so frustrated.
    I have now incorpoarted weights into my 30 minutes a day and am trying to exercise 4 times a week instead of 3.
    I joined MyFitnessPal as i realised maybe what i was eating was too much in the day (i am following a basic Paleo lifestyle).
    I started here on 14 July and have not weighed myself since starting (too scared). I will weigh at month end and see what the scale says.
    I really want to see the scale move down and also get fit.

    Any suggestions anybody?
    I am 39 year old female.


    Hi Z,

    I am in a similar boat. My scale is my enemy! It just doesn't move. However, I have found that keeping a lot of different measurements--waist, hips, etc--shows that I'm doing things right. I also have read that muscle loss is what keeps women from losing weight as they get older. I think your strength training will pay off.

    It also probably wouldn't hurt to have your blood levels checked--thyroid and vitamin D especially.

    All the best to you! I share your frustration, but know that you're not alone!

  • annac1956
    annac1956 Posts: 6 Member
    :) Hi I also have 100 pounds to lose I lost 12 this woe helps me lot I wish for you the same! wecan do this baby steps one at a time! add me as a friend if u want!
  • jays3
    jays3 Posts: 3 Member
    I also have over 100 lbs to lose. So far I've lost 26. I have a long way to go. It would be nice to have someone else that I can take this journey with. Add me if you want.
  • rugger2row
    rugger2row Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks everyone for the response and encouragement!
  • txsangl1313
    txsangl1313 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello to you all!!! its officially my first week at the journey to a a new me. I have way over 100 closer to 20 lbs to lose to gain my health back. I want to make a change and I'm ready ... I have been going to classes to help with my nutrition and meeting with the nurses too ... I'm having so sleep studies done ... and now its eat right and finding out what to eat throughout the day to obtain the best results. Down 8 lbs this week so I'm looking forward to seeing how my ecerise makes me wiggle the fat right off of me.
    Diana in Texas. Motivation always helps I'm here to give it and get it too!!!!!##