I could use some support and I'm new here.

Hi all, as you will see in my profile I've had a bit of bad luck over the last 7 months. I need to lose at least 120 pounds and I'm nervous as I've tried to lose weight before. However, I now am following Nutritionists recommendations and charting what I eat here. I'm not sure I can do this alone and want to lose the weight so that I can have the best quality of life with my 3 year old daughter and family. Anyone who wants to friend me, please do. I could use the support. Thanks!


  • phillipdean299
    phillipdean299 Posts: 113 Member
    I'm recovering from a massive hemorrhagic stroke and two brain surgeries. So far, I've lost 50 pounds with about 15 to go. Nutrition is a very important component to weight loss. I'm assuming your nutritionist has that under control. Exercise both cardio and strength training is the other. Perhaps, a personal trainer if you are totally lost in the gym. The most important part is a positive attitude. Feel free to add me.
  • stacysjourney
    stacysjourney Posts: 52 Member
    I am going through some emotional stuff in my life right now and will be tackling the gym once more. At this point my goal is one step at a time. Please feel free to add me to your friends list if you would like.
  • ShirleyBonin
    ShirleyBonin Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Reinholz! Don't worry about past failures. We all have those days/seasons. The point is your back giving it another shot. I can give you 3 tips to start off with. Tip #1: Some foods can be trigger foods. That means we all have 1 or more foods that can trigger us to over eat. Mine happens to be potato chips. If I eat just one of those small subway size bag of chips I will eat my house down to the pipes. I avoid chips for my diet plan. Note your trigger foods. Tip # 2: Step on the scale only 1x a week. That bathroom scale can become our enemy and cause us to loose our focus. We can get really discourage by that stupid scale. We didn't pick our weight up over night and we sure aren't gonna loose all this weight over night. There will be some weeks you'll loose weight steadily every week and then all the sudden you'll just stop. This is normal. During that time that your not loosing weight your actually loosing inches. So keep in mind you'll loose weight, stop, loose inches, stop, then back to loosing weight. Tip #3: Always eat every 2 hours. Break your meals into 6 groups and space them 2 hours apart. This should include breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack. Choosing what to eat is also important. I get greedy with my calories and I try to avoid anything food that just isn't satisfying. An orange will hold me over longer then a 100 calories snack bag of mini muffins. The awesome part about dieting is you can eat pretty much whatever you want just in moderation. So having an ice cream cone with the serving size amount according to the package is ok. Also if you have a craving for a small bag of m&m's or whatever it is please eat it cause in the end if you don't you'll eat everything in site and then finally eat what it is you were craving to begin with. Been there done that lol.
  • mamanewland
    mamanewland Posts: 281 Member
    Welcome to MFP! You can totally do it. I'm a busy mom of 4 and am down 45 lbs so far! Add me as a friend if you want.
  • Reinholz3610
    Reinholz3610 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks folks! My nutritionist has me setup with a good plan. My problem is that cardio will be a problem. Where I've hurt my back so badly, walking, standing, sitting, etc is difficult after just 5-10 minutes doing one or the other. Changing positions constantly is what keeps me going. My condition will only worsen, so with that said...my focus is on nutrition and strength training for now. I've got a trainer I'm working with at my local YMCA (The Y) starting shortly. I just need some friends to help me stay focused on this with me.

    This is not going to be a diet for me. This is a life changing event and I can never go back to doing what I was doing before. Working, eating, etc. So I have to find what works for me, but also want some new friends and ideas to help me along the way. This is not a choice per say, but it's mandatory that I succeed in this venture to lose 120+ pounds. I will add you all as friends to chat with and stay in touch with. Thanks again for all the support! :)

    Any questions, feel free to message me or post. I'm open to discussing my complete situation.

    ~ Erik
  • derek9964
    derek9964 Posts: 160 Member
    Derek England add me and I will help push you all I can
  • Raevynne
    Raevynne Posts: 146 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm a borderline diabetic so this is a wake up call for me.
  • Azurite27
    Azurite27 Posts: 554 Member
    I've lost 140 pounds and now maintain. Feel free to add me for support and motivation.