Hi! I'm Babetta... funny, kind, sweet, loveable and I have over 300+ pounds to lose.

For the last three years I have suffered from having sciatic nerve damage...I gained over 200 pounds because I was depressed about my limited mobility and life. I can't drive because of the drop foot and most days my only form of exercise is done from my chair. I am in physical therapy now (two days a week! Water therapy seems to help best) ... and I'm down 56.6 pounds. I really need positive encouragement... most days are spent with my only companion my cat, Gracie and as much as I know she loves me (the kneading and purrs give her away!) she isn't great motivation to do much more than cat nap.

I've changed my diet to be lower carb and high quality proteins. I usually have two protein shakes per day and then a regular inflammation lowering meal plus snacks. I have problems eating every two hours like my doctor advised, but I am trying to set reminders. My doctor has said surgery would be the best option to losing this excess weight, but I'm uncomfortable with using that tool. I feel like now I am ready to begin my journey to being as healthy as I can be, but I don't have anyone who I can really talk to. My hermit lifestyle because of the last three years has made me feel very lonely... I have a wonderful family who do all they can to help me out... but I always feel worse when they try to motivate me.

I'd like to build up a support team online and off... I hope you'll chose to be part of it! :smile:


  • ManiacalLaugh
    ManiacalLaugh Posts: 1,048 Member
    Ugh - cats are horrible role models. Always begging for food and sleeping all the time. Okay, that was me in my teens, so I guess they aren't too bad.

    Congratulations on the 57 lb loss! That's awesome! It seems like you're losing the weight just fine without surgery. Although the surgery is definitely an option for some, it does come with its own risks and down sides, so it's pretty cool to watch someone opt to do it the natural way.

    There are a lot of people here looking to lose more than 100+ lbs (I was one of them). I'd encourage you to look for active groups of people, as I've heard they're great for building support.
  • Suzley
    Suzley Posts: 58 Member
    Well done for the great weight loss so far! Starting is always the hardest bit! This app has kept me going through the great support network. Add me if you want and we can support each other!!! Xx
  • WheezynFat
    WheezynFat Posts: 8 Member
    Feel free to add me :)
  • pearso21123
    pearso21123 Posts: 351 Member
    57 pounds down is awesome! You've already proven that you can do it! Cats are nice but I'm a dog person myself. We just got a new puppy that I hope will grow into a jogging buddy for me. I use the term "jogging" loosely, since I feel like I'm barely moving when I jog. I'm not a super talkative person, but I'd be happy to be friends.
  • BabettaLane
    BabettaLane Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for all the kind words everyone! I'll be honest losing the 57 pounds was incredible... I keep telling my doctor I must have lost it all in my feet because my shoe size is the only thing that seems to be dropping! :smile: But I am very proud of the fact I've been (basically!) staying on the plan my nutritionist and I planned out two months ago. And I'm so happy I found this app... just being able to write down what I eat in a neat and concise way for the last three days has made me really open my eyes to what I'm doing.

    I'm an animal lover, pearso... I'd love to have dogs again too, but I want to be able to be a good "fur mommy" when I have them... and right now with not being able to drive or walk very good... well I can keep up with Gracie at least! lol
  • patt0317
    patt0317 Posts: 3 Member
    Congrats! I am impressed with your weight loss! That is amazing to me. I wish I had your drive.

    I am in my 60's and have been trying to loss 20 pounds (should be 50) since I lost my husband 10 years ago.
    I go up and down and never really take it off.
    Last night I watched "Extreme Weight Loss" on TV and again found what I think was impossible ...possible.
    I am hopeful and I hope this site encourages me enough to see that kind of result.
    Best of Luck to you.
    I would be glad to join you as a friend. :)
  • MrsMizart
    MrsMizart Posts: 1,275 Member
    Hello and welcome lass :-)

    You've taken the most important direction and you'll get good support here :-)
  • Keklepke
    Keklepke Posts: 34 Member
    Wow congrats and welcome!!! :)
  • BabettaLane
    BabettaLane Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks everyone! I really do feel like I'm finally going in the right direction with everything in my life now... and I sincerely appreciate all the kind words and all the motivation. There are days I just feel so alone and overwhelmed and knowing there are others here who are fighting on the same journey is so inspiring to me.
  • pearso21123
    pearso21123 Posts: 351 Member
    Thanks for all the kind words everyone! I'll be honest losing the 57 pounds was incredible... I keep telling my doctor I must have lost it all in my feet because my shoe size is the only thing that seems to be dropping! :smile: But I am very proud of the fact I've been (basically!) staying on the plan my nutritionist and I planned out two months ago. And I'm so happy I found this app... just being able to write down what I eat in a neat and concise way for the last three days has made me really open my eyes to what I'm doing.

    I'm an animal lover, pearso... I'd love to have dogs again too, but I want to be able to be a good "fur mommy" when I have them... and right now with not being able to drive or walk very good... well I can keep up with Gracie at least! lol

    HeeHee... I lost 40 lbs before I finally went down a pant size. I still haven't gone down a shoe size. It sounds like having a dog would be tough in your current situation, but maybe that's something to look forward to as you lose the weight and become more mobile. Sounds like a good reward to me.
  • BabettaLane
    BabettaLane Posts: 4 Member
    I swear I lose weight in my feet before anywhere else... I don't understand it but it happens to me every time I've tried to lose weight. Not that I don't like shoes... but I'd much rather go shopping for smaller outfits! lol!

    I absolutely want to get another fur baby dog one day... but yeah I know I'm not in the optimal shape to be doing it now. It used to be my vet had me on speed dial and I would take any of his special need animals... cats, dogs, horses... I did draw the lines at lizards and snakes! :smiley:
  • brittanyarkward
    brittanyarkward Posts: 32 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm going to lose around 100 lbs. I'm on here every day! Congrats on your progress so far!
  • pearso21123
    pearso21123 Posts: 351 Member
    I swear I lose weight in my feet before anywhere else... I don't understand it but it happens to me every time I've tried to lose weight. Not that I don't like shoes... but I'd much rather go shopping for smaller outfits! lol!

    I absolutely want to get another fur baby dog one day... but yeah I know I'm not in the optimal shape to be doing it now. It used to be my vet had me on speed dial and I would take any of his special need animals... cats, dogs, horses... I did draw the lines at lizards and snakes! :smiley:

    I like lizards and snakes, but not spiders. The kids always have critters around- turtles, toads, pollywogs, garter snakes, mice. We have a hobby farm so also have barn cats, laying hens, broilers, turkeys, and pigs. Sometimes rabbits, though we don't have any right now. It's fun, but a lot of work, too. Do you still live where you can have horses? My daughters have been begging for a pony for years, but we've never gotten around to fencing in the pasture.
  • tesco5522
    tesco5522 Posts: 2 Member
    Well done! You should be so proud of yourself ☺️ feel free to add me.
  • pearso21123
    pearso21123 Posts: 351 Member
    I just wanted to say that I love your description of yourself in the title. I wish everybody had such a positive outlook on themselves, instead of only seeing the bad.
  • SarahSmiles0x
    SarahSmiles0x Posts: 63 Member
    Anyone here can add me! I started out needing to loser over a 100 pounds....I think I'm down to the point of only needing to lose 70 something now which feels awesome! I'm so glad to hear u want to do it naturally and not resort to surgery! There is a great support system on here, especially when u find friends with the same goals!
  • MissAnne14
    MissAnne14 Posts: 3 Member
    Good for you, BabettaLane! That weight loss amount is amazing! I used to work in the medical field & heard about lots of challenges people had even after weight loss surgery. Not changing their lifestyles & eating habits after it did away with any weight loss they experienced. You're on the right track by losing gradually & in a healthful way. You're an inspiration to me, too!

    My target for weight loss is 80 lbs. but could really stand to lose 100. Just started (again!) on a nutrition program & started using this site--it's great & I want to make friends & support others on it too. Consider me your pal!
  • CherylanneCorsini
    CherylanneCorsini Posts: 50 Member
    Hi, I just sent a friend request. I think you are a very sweet & positive person and the fact that you lost over 50 lbs is simply fantastic. I am humbled by that because you must have great self-control. I am walking & running over 5 miles a day and struggling to lose 25. I "think" I'm doing okay then I read a story like yours and I know that I must try harder.
    We CAN do this! :smile: