I quit weight watchers and fell in love with myfitnesspal

Reasons I disliked weight watchers and I immediately fell in love with mfp:

1. Getting used to converting cals, fat, fiber information into points was very annoying at first (gets easier, but why convert when calories are readily available?)

2. I was paying $18/month to do weight watchers online, mfp is FREE! :)

3. I love fruit. On weight watchers plus, fruit is free. Fruit has calories though, so I think I was taking in too many calories thinking it was okay because they were "free".

4. On weight watchers, I lost 6 pounds in 3 months. With MFP, I've lost 4.5 pounds in 2 weeks.

5. On weight watchers, I looked forward to my next meal. I was always hungry even though I made good choices and avoided processed junk. With MFP, I can easily plan ahead for higher calorie foods by exercising and earning more calories.

6. People on here are more willing to offer advice and be supportive. People on weight watchers online were mainly there for themselves and seeking support but not getting it because it seems like everyone is on their own (at least that's how I felt).

7. With weight watchers, I was "stuck" in a rut. I'd lose 2 pounds one week, gain 2 the next, and the cycle repeated. It was so frustrating! And people kept saying "that's normal. You can lose one week and gain another". But how can that be if I never went over my points and never used the "free" weekly points? Stupid. Simply stupid. The whole calories in vs. calories out makes more sense to me. I can see that I've taken in more calories during the week if I gain weight. On weight watchers, the weight gain was a mystery. It just didn't make sense to me.

I understand that some people will disagree with me, but this was my personal experience. I tried WW because friends had said that they had success with it, but I think it was the old WW program not the plus one that I tried for the last 3 months. I've finally broken out of that miserable plateau that I've been in for nearly a year, and I'm getting closer to my goal.

Next weekend.... I'll be in the 150s if I keep up my good eating/exercise habits. :happy: I'm so excited. Thank you MFP!


  • Brooke1542
    Brooke1542 Posts: 115 Member
    I agree with almost everything you said about WW. I did it two years ago when I was at my heaviest and it helped me loose 30 pounds. I quit and then gained some of it back so I joined up again, right around the time that they switched to the points plus and I didn't have near as much luck with it the second time around. I think I lost 4 pounds and then just stayed at the same weight so I quit. On my own I lost about 10 pounds and then joined MFP. I like it much more and there is defintely more support on here.
  • AmesLee78
    AmesLee78 Posts: 111
    I'm glad you found this site and I am glad I found it too! I don't think I could do this without it. My husband asked his doctor about us doing WW and his doctor flat out said NO. He was not a fan. He didn't specifically say why, but I'm sure some of the reasons were the same as you mentioned.

    Good luck in your journey!
  • louell33
    louell33 Posts: 85
    I have similar feelings over WW, but sooooo glad I found this site. There is so much motivation. Yey for mfp!!!
  • dawny78
    dawny78 Posts: 132 Member
    Yay i quit weight watchers and joined mfp and have not looked back one bit , even though i have a friend still doing ww and she is doing great aswell , it just was not for me , i don't want to pay for some to weigh me ....i can get that done at the gym :)) for free and log it in here :)) .
    Keep up the fantastic work and feel free to add me as a friend .
  • lorisowers
    lorisowers Posts: 64
    I have tired WW many times. Never had much luck. I too am glad I found Myfitnesspal
  • hjy319
    hjy319 Posts: 269 Member
    Did weight watchers 3 times, 1st time lost 30 lbs, gained 40 back :( second lost 20 gaied 30 back 3rd time, went to 3 meetings and was sick of the people just using it as a social club and quit. It took me a while to find this site, but when i did, wow it makes sense!! I totally agree with all of your points! And so far I've lost 51.8lbs in 155 days, and I am NOT gaining any of it back!!!! :wink: