Zumba for Xbox Kinect - problems?

getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
Okay I'm pretty technically savvy but does anyone else have problems with this game and recognizing 2 players or even one player. We spent half the time trying to get it to recognize 2 players (by waving our hands for 5 minutes or so). I just want to know if it's the game, our kinect, or what. If others have this problem then I will just buy it for the Wii :happy:


  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    im not buying the kinect untill they work out some of the kinks. all my work out vids on my wii are awesome. wii active 2 kicks my butt. ive lost 3 lbs in one week and i thought it would be to easy haha.
  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    I've heard the Zumba game for Kinect has all sorts of bugs in it. Go to Amazon and read the reviews to see if this is one of them.
  • txbanq81
    txbanq81 Posts: 2
    Last weekend I went to buy a work out game for my Kinect and it was a toss up with Zumba and Dance Central, I had heard some negative things about Zumba so I went with my gut feeling and purchased Dance Central. I LOVE it! Excellent work out and fun! It really makes sure you have your posture correct and works out all areas of the body. I have not run into the problems of not recognizing players on D.C. yet and we have play it everyday since we bought it. I hear Biggest loser is really good as well.
    Hope this helps!
  • millermichellelea
    Okay I'm pretty technically savvy but does anyone else have problems with this game and recognizing 2 players or even one player. We spent half the time trying to get it to recognize 2 players (by waving our hands for 5 minutes or so). I just want to know if it's the game, our kinect, or what. If others have this problem then I will just buy it for the Wii :happy:

    Mine did the same thing. The problem was that we started and changed profiles, it recognized the difference between my daughter and I and got confused. Now we either start together or we go back out and then restart with both of us, or go back out and then change to a single profile if she quits on me. If anyone just leaves on Zumba it seems to confuse it. With the other games, it doesn't seem to have an issue.

    I love the Kinect tho - a thousand times more than my Wii -- it recognizes me and signs me in every time I stand in front of it- if I join the games it knows it is me and pulls up my profile. Gotta love that!
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    It appears that there are problems with the game then UGH - $50 later! I take zumba classes but only get to them once or twice a week - would love to be able to do it at home with a game. Great suggestions from all of you! Thanks!
  • kswietek
    kswietek Posts: 80
    I have only tried once to figure out the multi-player thing, I just figured i wasn't doing something correctly. Otherwise, everything else about the game is good and I have not had any problems with it. I love being able to have the option to do zumba at home since I can only go to the class 2 days a week.
  • slinky29
    slinky29 Posts: 18
    I've just started playing Zumba on the Kinect and have to say I have had no problems with it at all, I do only play 1 player for this game but definitely find the kinect much better that the Wii.

    I find that you have to put more energy and effort into the Kinect and would definitely recommend it, I also have The Biggest Loser which I really enjoy, I had Your Shape and Dance Central but have traded those in as got sick of them pretty quickly.