Scales anonymous

OK, Ive noticed it not just me, but i am obsessed with weighing daily, is this good or is this bad? heck i don't know but in April when i was in a challenge my scales where hid for the whole month, i lost 10lb, in May i got my scale back and lost 3lb, i know its not the scales fault i lost less but maybe i was more careful with my eating because i know i couldn't weight, anyway as from the 1st of June in gonna hide my scale till the 1st of July, who's with me

Sarah x


  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    I suppose it all depends on the individual. I weigh daily too
  • SarahJaneDeschamp
    SarahJaneDeschamp Posts: 359 Member
    I suppose it all depends on the individual. I weigh daily too

    i totally agree dc, but i like how not weighing i lost 10lb, wanna see if this happened again x
  • louell33
    louell33 Posts: 85
    I think it's a great idea if it worked for you before, I have taken to weighing every 2 weeks, I am much more in tune with what I put in my mouth when I am not jumping on the scales every 5 mins. I have just started 30 day shred so will, as part of the challenge, be weighing and measuring at least every 10 days for the next 30. Then back to the usual 14 day weighs for me - If I went longer I think I would become complacent. x
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    "Those who weigh themselves regularly have a better chance of losing extra pounds, a recent study finds. But not all experts agree."

    I like weighing when I feel like it. This is sometimes once/week and sometimes multiple times/day. Do what makes you feel best and motivates you most!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    i weigh daily but only mondays weight gets counted its more as a help for me i notice i seem to gain 1-2lbs in the begining of the week then lose from weds onwards and i seem to be losing lb a week i feel more conscious of what i eat knowing the scales will show how good or bad i have been

    go for what is best for you
  • Brooke1542
    Brooke1542 Posts: 115 Member
    I'm guilty of weighing myself multiple times a day almost every day. I know that the scale will fluxuate with water weight and all of that so when the scale goes up I don't get upset. I just like to see where I'm at, apparently all the time. LOL. And then I use one day a week, usually Thursdays as my actual "weigh in" day.
  • SarahJaneDeschamp
    SarahJaneDeschamp Posts: 359 Member
    "Those who weigh themselves regularly have a better chance of losing extra pounds, a recent study finds. But not all experts agree."

    I like weighing when I feel like it. This is sometimes once/week and sometimes multiple times/day. Do what makes you feel best and motivates you most!

    Thanks McKay will check out the site x
  • TheNewLK
    TheNewLK Posts: 933 Member
    Well....I also have found myself back to weighing day to day. On the days I have lost even an ounce I am estatic and it motivates me to push harder but when those blasted things stay put or god forbid go up I am gutted....causing me to be depressed all day. I am saying hide the scales for the month of June. It seemed to work better for me. :heart:
  • hungryman86
    I recently posted about my plan to go from the 1st of June-October 1st without weighing myself...I hope I can last 4 months.
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    I weigh every day, log it in the iphone app..... I like to see how my food choices, water drinking & exercise affects my weight.

    I don't really get upset about the scale going up....

    Because I now know that it's because I didn't do one of the above correctly.... and the results on the scale reinforces that, which then motivates me to do better that day.