Support plz

Okay, so I'm 5'9, 185 lb wanting to get to 160 lb. I am sooo struggling. This should be a piece of piss but I am finding it really hard.

I don't need sarcasm and mean smart alec remarks (thanks anyway) we all know how to lose less, move more but if it was that simple we'd all be doing it, we'd all look amazing and there would be no weight issues in the world!!

I was doing well for the past 2-3 weeks and then my sons birthday on the weekend along with a huge party that he requested and I have eaten crap...oh so much crap ever since.

I have undone all the work I had achieved and am struggling to get back on the band wagon.

Every day I say to myself I'm going to start again, and I feel strong and determined whilst sitting there with my uncomfortably full belly full of junk and sweet foods, and then the next day comes and I just cave!

I really want to do this, but i am also really struggling and my resolve is very low.

I'm not sure what the problem is, I actually really enjoy the foods I eat when I'm being healthy. Perhaps the middle of Winter isn't helping (I'm from Melbourne, Australia) and I have a bit of a bug that I can't seem to shake, who knows..,sound like excuses to me. (I'm an old hand at this)

I am looking for some support, advice and suggestions if anyone has any...perhaps also some accountability...?

I am fully aware of the fact that only I can do this, no one can do it for me, but I'd like to think I'm not alone and others in my situation may have some words of wisdom for me. ( don't need smarmy, snide little comments, thankyou... Support is what I'm after if you can help)

Cheers :)


  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I would try to get those trigger foods out of the house if you are having a hard time moderating them. Perhaps if you had only the foods that you want to be eating, you wouldn't eat the "crap". Once you get a handle on your eating, maybe you can be around the trigger foods again.

    Others find if they allow themselves small amounts of formerly forbidden foods, they don't feel the urge to overeat.

    Remind yourself that it takes months for new habits to form. It will be an uphill struggle for a while but it does get easier.

    Logging food helps too. All food. And not just the good days. ;)

    Hang in there. You came back before it got worse - that says something. You did it once so you know you can do it again. :)
  • Monarose
    Monarose Posts: 24 Member
    A positive is that you've recognized yourself falling off the wagon. It's bad when you go back to old habits and just continue on. Acknowledging what you want to do and keeping it in focus is a good first step. Tomorrow is another day, and as long as you continue to keep starting, there's always hope to get back into good habits.

    I'm restarting this month myself. Been going strong just three weeks now, with little scale movement but I refuse to give up. And yes, log EVERYTHING. Even the bad days. I somehow ended up getting all my calories today from pizza for lunch AND dinner, then a mango. Best of Luck. And feel free to add me, looking for some encouragement myself.
  • kyrannosaurus
    kyrannosaurus Posts: 350 Member
    I'm in Melbourne too so I can sympathsise with the winter thing.

    It took me awhile to find that motivation. I'd been at goal weight before and it seemed so daunting (almost impossible) to think I had to do that all over again.

    In the end I just decided I was sick of how things were and decided to get it done. So far I have relost 20kg.

    Maybe start by making small changes and try to ditch the all or nothing mentality. Log everything, even "bad" days. I find the accountability of seeing everything in the food diary a huge motivator.
  • kittywrangler
    kittywrangler Posts: 81 Member
    I second getting rid of all trigger foods. This might mean having an honest talk with whomever you live with and getting their support. I often walk down the chip aisle just to read the caloric/ portion size and tell myself I can actually treat myself to only 23 chips. Then I laugh because who am I kidding. Those chips will be gone before I even make it home.

    Also agree with logging everything. Even if it's waaaaay over at least you can see it, and that alone might give you motivation.

    You could start with an easy excersize program 2-3 times a week. Try out some free fitness blender videos. I find the motivation to exercise is extremely difficult but I've never EVER regretted a workout. I find after a couple weeks of forced excersize I end up craving it by the end of my work day. In fact I gave up dinner out with my girlfriends last Monday just so I would have time to go for a walk/ run in the sunny weather. I felt amazing.

    The final thing is if you can do your damnedest, when you lose that first five-ten pounds you might find that your motivation will rise exponentially.
  • SuseAndo26
    SuseAndo26 Posts: 54 Member
    nvsmomketo wrote: »
    I would try to get those trigger foods out of the house if you are having a hard time moderating them. Perhaps if you had only the foods that you want to be eating, you wouldn't eat the "crap".

    Logging food helps too. All food. And not just the good days. ;)

    Hang in there. You came back before it got worse - that says something. You did it once so you know you can do it again. :)

    This ^
    I second getting rid of all trigger foods. This might mean having an honest talk with whomever you live with and getting their support. I often walk down the chip aisle just to read the caloric/ portion size and tell myself I can actually treat myself to only 23 chips. Then I laugh because who am I kidding. Those chips will be gone before I even make it home.

    Also agree with logging everything. Even if it's waaaaay over at least you can see it, and that alone might give you motivation.

    The final thing is if you can do your damnedest, when you lose that first five-ten pounds you might find that your motivation will rise exponentially.

    And this ^ I simply cannot have trigger foods in the house (think I've eaten them all now anyway :flushed: )

    Thankyou so much btw.

    As I type right now I am walking on my treadmill!!!

    I have WAY blown my calories for the day (I logged everything I have eaten today which I am very embarrassed about...and this doesn't even include the last 4 days)

    The treadmill will do little to compensate for the last few days however you have all helped me so much!! To know I'm not alone and we're all in the same boat is massive.

    I have to start again somewhere, so might as well be right here, right now!!

    I'm not one of those people who discusses weight/weightloss with other I know ..I always feel embarrassed and weak that I cant control myself, but this forum is perfect for the support I need!

    Thankyou again so much.

    On a side note- how do I send friend requests?
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    SuseAndo26 wrote: »

    I simply cannot have trigger foods in the house (think I've eaten them all now anyway :flushed: )

    LOL :D I've been there... for months at a time. ;)

    To send a request, click on the name and that should give give you the option.

    Good for you for the ttreadmill. I still haven't made a regular exercise program yet. My excuse was that I wanted to settle into this WOE first, but that excuse isn't valid anymore. ;)
  • shay77223
    shay77223 Posts: 29 Member
    Good for you for starting again, realizing the situation and taking control! I am also starting again to get healthy, and I'm finding preportioning all the things that will bust my calorie budget helps a lot. Instead of grabbing (and promptly eating) the whole bag of chips, I have many small ziploc bags with a serving of the chips that I can grab. Convenience is my kryptonite, so I make healthy foods more convenient. I spend a little time on Sunday prepping and portioning all my fruits, veggies, and snacks, so when I get hungry I just have to reach in and grab a bag/jar/Tupperware and dig in:)
  • SuseAndo26
    SuseAndo26 Posts: 54 Member
    Thanks for the support guys.

    Ended up doing 75 minutes of exercise after coming on here and getting some advice, even after my 'blow out!'

    I felt crappy and wanted to go & have a lie down but instead you guys motivated me to jump on the tready and get moving! I never regret exercising either but regularly feel guilty when I don't.

    I know I'm just beginning all over again but it's a start...and I'm feeling motivated. :smiley:

    Tomorrow is another day!!! :sunglasses: