Anyone tried Slim Fizz?



  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    Eat at a calorie deficit to lose weight. There's no quick fix or magic pill.


    Besides, most of us aren't here because we never eat between meals.

    The problem with quick fixes it that they leave you with zero coping skills. Maintaining the weight you do lose is going to take an effort.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Another aspect and one way to look at it is people are pointing out its a quick fix, is unlikely to work because they want you to succeed long term, which is done via knowledge and a change in lifestyle. Add to this the diet industry is full of scammers looking for money and preying on the those who want to lose weight.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    There is no point in being rude or ridiculing a person for asking a question. That's what a forum is for. When you make the person asking a question feel bad, does it make you feel good? There is a nice way to say something while still reflecting your opinion. Basically, what you are saying is, "You are so completely stupid. Of course, this is a scam, and you are ignorant for thinking it will help you." Be kind to one another. Losing weight is very hard, and we are all looking for ways to make it easier. I am not expressing my opinion here about this diet aid. I am stating that kindness comes back to you. It is too bad the anonymous nature of the Internet allows people to say things in a way that they would NEVER say them to someone's face.

    So we should sugar coat it with rainbows and unicorn dust. Gotcha ya.

    Or would be better just to say that they don't work and wasting your money on it. **facepalm**
  • vickigough
    vickigough Posts: 2 Member
    RodaRose wrote: »
    vickigough wrote: »

    I was interested in this tablet as well, as it does seem like a plausible alternative to having a medical procedure to address obesity, without the risks that surgery brings. To effectively full up your stomach, as opposed to reducing the stomach size, seems like an interesting idea to me. Anyway, researching its main ingredient, Glucomannan, The American Journal of Clinicial Nutrition had undertaken a study in 2008, whereby they concluded:

    "Glucomannan appears to beneficially affect total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, body weight, and FBG, but not HDL cholesterol or blood pressure. Larger individual studies following patients for longer periods of time and evaluating both safety and efficacy are warranted and needed."

    I am still researching the safety of Slim Fizz, but if it is safe, then I will give it a try rather than go down the surgical route. I know a lot of people will be up in arms about the surgical route anway, but each to their own..

    It you want to go the medical route, find a respected doctor to evaluate you for some prescription help.
    In the meantime, you can fill up your stomach with broccoli, lettuce, cucumbers. Eat enough protein too.

    Thanks but I'm not looking for advice. I was just commenting for the op benefit.
  • Tahlia68
    Tahlia68 Posts: 204 Member
    Whatever takes your fancy. No matter what people tell you, your going to try it anyway. I'd go with calories in calories out....... :neutral:
  • Pandora_and_her_box
    Pandora_and_her_box Posts: 240 Member
    I don't think this product negates the calories in calories out approach, it's designed to help people stick to their calories by making them feel fuller and therefore not over eating. It hasn't been claimed that this product actually makes you lose weight (unlike many other products). Whether it actually works or not is anyone's guess (although the diet pill market doesn't have a great track record).
  • longandpink
    longandpink Posts: 77 Member
    Why are negative people so nasty about people that want to try slim fizz out? So what if people want to give it a go? SOME people are not as capable etc of just losing weight by calorie counting and exercise. SOME people are not that lucky. I am trying it out. MY money, MY body and i am not hurting anyone.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Why are negative people so nasty about people that want to try slim fizz out? So what if people want to give it a go? SOME people are not as capable etc of just losing weight by calorie counting and exercise. SOME people are not that lucky. I am trying it out. MY money, MY body and i am not hurting anyone.

    Nah. You've got it wrong. 1) People are not nasty. 2) People are negative towards scam products, and want others to succeed, be happy, lose weight, not lose money and be miserable. Everybody are just as capable to lose weight by calorie counting (or in some other way eat less than one burns). Exercise isn't even that important for weight loss. Weight loss has nothing to do with luck, but with doing what works. Powders, pills, belts, teas etc don't work. A consistent calorie deficit works.

    Spending money on a scam isn't going to hurt you, or me, or anyone who knows better, but reading about it and noone explaining that it's just a scam, may be bad for someone who doesn't know how things work and really doesn't have too much money to burn.
  • getfitdontquit2015
    getfitdontquit2015 Posts: 1 Member
    I ordered a tube this morning but I have also joined a fitness centre and I am watching what I eat. I will let you know how I get on!
  • moglovesshoez
    moglovesshoez Posts: 83 Member
    Same main ingredient, different brand. This article has quite a lot of info. It does however say there are no side effects.... surely this much fiber 3x per day is going to make you poo..... a lot......
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Save your money and eat real food.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    Why are negative people so nasty about people that want to try slim fizz out? So what if people want to give it a go? SOME people are not as capable etc of just losing weight by calorie counting and exercise. SOME people are not that lucky. I am trying it out. MY money, MY body and i am not hurting anyone.
    SOME people look for excuses and quick fixes. Others point out that that's not the way to long term success. If that's being negative and nasty, well, sometimes reality is negative and nasty.
  • NoIdea101NoIdea
    NoIdea101NoIdea Posts: 659 Member
    Why are negative people so nasty about people that want to try slim fizz out? So what if people want to give it a go? SOME people are not as capable etc of just losing weight by calorie counting and exercise. SOME people are not that lucky. I am trying it out. MY money, MY body and i am not hurting anyone.

    Nah. You've got it wrong. 1) People are not nasty. 2) People are negative towards scam products, and want others to succeed, be happy, lose weight, not lose money and be miserable. Everybody are just as capable to lose weight by calorie counting (or in some other way eat less than one burns). Exercise isn't even that important for weight loss. Weight loss has nothing to do with luck, but with doing what works. Powders, pills, belts, teas etc don't work. A consistent calorie deficit works.

    Spending money on a scam isn't going to hurt you, or me, or anyone who knows better, but reading about it and noone explaining that it's just a scam, may be bad for someone who doesn't know how things work and really doesn't have too much money to burn. we're not all mean, trolling, super weight-loss machines looking to destroy other users hope and dreams of quick fixes and easy progress through common sense, and dare I say it, SCIENCE?

    Damn. Guess I'm on the wrong forum.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Why are negative people so nasty about people that want to try slim fizz out? So what if people want to give it a go? SOME people are not as capable etc of just losing weight by calorie counting and exercise. SOME people are not that lucky. I am trying it out. MY money, MY body and i am not hurting anyone.

    Nah. You've got it wrong. 1) People are not nasty. 2) People are negative towards scam products, and want others to succeed, be happy, lose weight, not lose money and be miserable. Everybody are just as capable to lose weight by calorie counting (or in some other way eat less than one burns). Exercise isn't even that important for weight loss. Weight loss has nothing to do with luck, but with doing what works. Powders, pills, belts, teas etc don't work. A consistent calorie deficit works.

    Spending money on a scam isn't going to hurt you, or me, or anyone who knows better, but reading about it and noone explaining that it's just a scam, may be bad for someone who doesn't know how things work and really doesn't have too much money to burn. we're not all mean, trolling, super weight-loss machines looking to destroy other users hope and dreams of quick fixes and easy progress through common sense, and dare I say it, SCIENCE?

    Damn. Guess I'm on the wrong forum.

    You. I like you. Actually both of you quoted above...
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    edited July 2015
    Why are negative people so nasty about people that want to try slim fizz out? So what if people want to give it a go? SOME people are not as capable etc of just losing weight by calorie counting and exercise. SOME people are not that lucky. I am trying it out. MY money, MY body and i am not hurting anyone.

    I'm pretty sure most of the people on here who have lost weight through commitment, determination and dedication are not 'lucky'. They have worked damn hard to get there.