Ex-Marine turned Super Dad Would Love Support!

Hey all! So I used this app years ago to lose 30lbs and the thing I found is that support is great! I work full time in a stressful advertising career, and have a 3 yr old at home. I would love any support people can give. I don't expect any serious meaningful relationships to come from this...but hey any sincere words of support are always appreciated! :)


  • specialkfreak
    specialkfreak Posts: 19 Member
    My husband is also a ex-marine. But the saying is "once a marine, always a marine"! Thank you for your service! I am new....again to this diet/exercise thing. Feel free to ad me :)
  • Jeremy_AliciaTuveson
    Jeremy_AliciaTuveson Posts: 11 Member
    There's no such thing as an ex-Marine. A former commandant said that adding "you are still a Marine, just in a different uniform..." SEMPER FI Brother!

    USMC 1997-2006
    OIF III-05
  • mrsniperman
    mrsniperman Posts: 8 Member
    SEMPER to you both! And thanks for the boasts of confidence...as I sit here someone at my office brought in cookies lol oyyy veyyyy!