Need motivation

zoezoe4 Posts: 13 Member
I signed up to this site quite a while back but after seeing recent photos I really need some motivation to help me lose weight. Im aiming to lose about 28 lbs. Im only 19 but have struggled with losing weight and gaining weight all my life. iv always been the big one in my family so dont really get much help or motivation. Anyone with similar circumstances feel free to add me :)


  • joeysrib
    joeysrib Posts: 158 Member
    Hi there, I have always been the big one in my family also. I understand the lack of motivation from family, I remember once asking my brother who is just older than me if I could go running with him sometime, he said no, that I would just slow him down?!? Another time I was at my grandmothers and she sent me out for ice crime, when I got back, i put the ice crime in the freezer, and she hounded me for 20 minutes to eat some, so I dish some up and just as I have the spoon to my mouth, she asked "when are you gonna try to lose some weight"!?! No help!

    All of this and my last 40 years have taught me that motivation has to come from the inside, or places like this. You can drop this weight, and so can I! We can do this together! No more will we be the big ones in our families! They WILL be in awe of us! What do you say?
  • ncm251
    ncm251 Posts: 24
    Hey Zoe and Joey!

    my name is Nancy. I'm 26 and I have been overweight since I was 5. My weight has fluctuated like a roller coaster for the last 9 years. I tend to take it off post break-up and then gain the weight when I'm in a relationship. I took off 14kg (about 30lbs) 3 years ago... and I've been in my current relationship for about 2 1/2 years... and before I started MFP 6 months ago, I was heavier than I had ever been.

    It's easy to stay motivated when you've got people around you who are trying to reach the same goals... But I know as well as anyone else how hard it can be to go off the rails and lose your weight loss mojo. I know how it can be when it feels like everyone (or at least the people who matter the most) is attacking you.

    What has kept me going over the last few weeks is actually seeing the results first hand. I see the amount of calories I type into MFP... then I see the smaller numbers each time I get on the scales. That's my motivation.

    We can all do this. :smile:

    -Nancy xx