Tips on social eating?



  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Just have less. I've had to eat pizza too because I was hungry and there was nothing else, but I just had two slices (600 calories is actually less than what I try to set aside when eating out anyway). I did say no when it was loaded with toppings I don't like though, and just ate when I got home.

    Last night we went to my brother in law and it was a hungry day and I had already eaten my maintenance calories, so I just had a small piece of cheese, half a sandwich and some veggies and passed on dessert/corn etc.. maybe 400 calories worth? Nobody cared.
  • thereshegoesagain
    thereshegoesagain Posts: 1,056 Member
    I eat something filling before I go so that I'm not as tempted to stuff my face when tempting items are offered. And bring something healthy that you enjoy so that you don't feel deprived.
  • kat_princess12
    kat_princess12 Posts: 109 Member
    When one is asked over for dinner, and one accepts, and then refuses to eat what is served, that is rude and ungracious. But you are already asking how to handle these situations, so I'm assuming you also recognize this.

    In addition to the excellent suggestions already offered, build yourself a repertoire of gracious phrases that essentially mean "No". "Oh, I couldn't possibly eat another bite!" "Oh, Ethel, I've had so much pizza already I'm afraid I'll simply burst!" And if they become insistent, redirect: "But perhaps I could have just another bite or two of this delicious salad!"
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Maybe try to fill up on vegetables before, and enjoy a piece of pizza or two while you're there. Or go for a run that morning. Pizza isn't forbidden. Just fit it into your calories.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I'm a social eater. If someone else is eating, I want to eat with them. I've finally gotten past the point of having to eat with them, but when friends invite me over for dinner and they serve pizza, I have a really hard time saying no and/or don't know how to tell them I'm trying to watch what I eat without being rude. Any tips?

    Eat some pizza. I can fit 1-2 slices into my calorie goal comfortably. Pair it with a salad if you need more food.
    Bring something to share like a salad or vegetable dish that you can fill your plate and take a smaller portion of the main dish.
    Eat slowly. Drink a full glass of water during your meal.
    If you are invited over for dinner and you know about it all day then maybe have a lighter lunch.
  • galgenstrick
    galgenstrick Posts: 2,086 Member
    I don't go out very much, but social eating is that magical time when I just eat and drink whatever I want and people are envious that I can be lean and eat tons of comfort foods (they get the impression that I do that all the time), they just don't realize I am strict with my diet and workout every day of the week on normal days.
  • tekkiechikk
    tekkiechikk Posts: 375 Member
    I watched my brother's fiancee (who has never struggled with her weight) eat at a recent family function: she eats anything but takes small portions and then takes a bite and puts down the food or fork and waits at least a minute before eating again. Compared to me, the wolverine, who devours whatever is in front of me without pause. Well, it's much better than it was 5 months ago, but you get the idea. 'Mindful eating' is the term I've come across to describe this behavior, and I like it.

    So take a slice of pizza but pace yourself and be mindful of what you are eating. Fill up on conversation rather than food.
  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    I go over and eat and bring my appetite. I also know when I'll be socially eating and go light for lunch knowing I'll eat more later. I only socially eat a few times a week tops and I just keep the portions reasonable. While I may not be able to track everything perfectly, I can track them pretty close. If I know I went way over despite eating a light lunch, I either accept it, or go a little light the next day too.

    The last time I went out we had Cheeseburgers, pasta salad, this cucumber salad thing, and collard greens. I snacked on a few chips and dip, and finished it off with blueberry crumb pie (1 slice) and vanilla ice cream (1 scoop).

    There were only two things in that meal that I couldn't accurately track at all. The cucumber salad and the chips. Both of them could have been easily avoided if I wanted too, or I even could have counted the chips, but I didn't.
  • pineapple_pizza
    pineapple_pizza Posts: 34 Member
    Personally, and if its close friends, I usually ask them what food we are going to be having that night, if its something I don't want to eat like pizza, they are good enough friends for me to feel comfortable by telling them I'll pass.

    If they aren't close friends, and I don't know they are giving me food until I get there, I tell them politely I have already eaten.

    Sorry, if they are offended because I don't want to eat their food then they aren't worth hanging around with :)

    Second this. You are making changes for health and good friends will support this. :) If you do eat, just fit it into your calories!
  • rachelbouc
    rachelbouc Posts: 65 Member
    Marry the suggestions of eating a little with bringing something you made. This way you can indulge a little without being deprived. So what if you go over? One extra indulgent will not derail your success. Hiding from social gatherings will not help.
  • galfindgmoneyyeah
    galfindgmoneyyeah Posts: 3 Member
    One thing that has really worked for me is bringing along a snack I'm comfortable eating to share with the group. I'm often the one showing up with fruit salads, air-popped popcorn, veggie chili, etc. It's a good way to share with my friends and being able to eat with them without being overcome by stress or hunger.
  • KBmoments
    KBmoments Posts: 193 Member
    I was always nervous about this, too... until I realized that I have the power to decide what to eat or not. Sounds silly, but I always felt like I had to eat so much food when I went out to dinner with friends... Now realizing that it's in my control to eat how much and what, it's gotten way easier. At work, we always celebrate birthdays with cake and it get's pushed down our throats. Now, instead of being guilt-ed into eating a lot of it, I will just take a piece and eat half or just a bit. No one notices or cares how much you eat.
  • petitehealth
    petitehealth Posts: 148 Member
    Great suggestions everyone! I also plan/ask ahead, bring a healthy option, and tell people you already ate if they are giving you a hard time.

    With the donuts/treats at work, sometimes people give me such a hard time, I just take one and throw it away at my desk or just eat a bite or two. I don't know why people care so much if I want to be healthy!
  • Blondiez73
    Blondiez73 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm a social eater. If someone else is eating, I want to eat with them. I've finally gotten past the point of having to eat with them, but when friends invite me over for dinner and they serve pizza, I have a really hard time saying no and/or don't know how to tell them I'm trying to watch what I eat without being rude. Any tips?

    Eat before you leave, if you know food is going to be served. Have a salad. Fruit. Bowl of cereal. Whatever. Or, you can bring your own food and share it with them, if you made enough. I would always carry something around with you for those "oh crap" moments. You can always say "no thank you", and no, that is not being rude.

  • BumbleBreeBuzz
    BumbleBreeBuzz Posts: 83 Member
    If I'm going out to a restaurant, i look up the menu ahead of time, try to find the calorie content for the menue if possible and decide what I am going to have before we get to the restaurant. That way, I can feel confident and comfortable while I am out
  • labohn91
    labohn91 Posts: 113 Member
    No is not rude, if you have goals and your friends are impeding them they are being rude. On the other hand if you don't go out because of your diet then you need to find balance. This won't work over the long haul if you can't enjoy yourself without worry of falling off. Life is a long beast.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I like social eating because I enjoy being around people. I learned to pay attention to what's going on rather than what's going into my mouth. When I focus on the event, I don't eat a lot.

    And the other thing I learned is that I have social anxiety, so I get an upset stomach if I eat too much in a social situation. so it's better to focus on the activity than the food. I eat enough to feel comfortable and then start a conversation.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,068 Member
    shell1005 wrote: »
    When one is asked over for dinner, and one accepts, and then refuses to eat what is served, that is rude and ungracious. But you are already asking how to handle these situations, so I'm assuming you also recognize this.

    In addition to the excellent suggestions already offered, build yourself a repertoire of gracious phrases that essentially mean "No". "Oh, I couldn't possibly eat another bite!" "Oh, Ethel, I've had so much pizza already I'm afraid I'll simply burst!" And if they become insistent, redirect: "But perhaps I could have just another bite or two of this delicious salad!"

    My response to this: PFFFT!!!!

    So I have to either stuff my face with things I don't want to eat or come up with trickery and lies to not to rude or ungracious? Yeah....nope.

    I ask what I can bring. I eat what I choose to eat. I assume someone invited because they wanted my company not to watch and scrutinize my dinner plate.

    I wouldn't out right lie and say I am allergic to something when I'm not or I've been out to a restaruant for lunch when I haven't - but I don't see vague general variations on No thanks such as I'm full already as trickery or lies.

  • Lexieberry
    Lexieberry Posts: 182 Member
    Ppl generally don't care about what u eat. So enjoy a Lil portion and drink lots of water to fill up