SAHM ready to get her butt in shape!

2BabyMama Posts: 65
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all-
I'm a 35- year old SAHM of a 6 month old and a 3-year old. Here's a bit of my background...I was a 4-sport athlete in high school and a college volleyball player. I was always very active due to all the practices, conditioning, etc. After graduating college I stayed active to varying degrees, but it severly tapered off after getting married.....pretty much came to a complete halt after having my 1st child. I'm 5'8 and now weigh an all time high of 210! I have an athletic build so my goal weight is about 160. I cannot believe I have 50 pounds to lose! I was about 20 lbs lighter before baby #2 and after baby #1 the weight just fell off and then some...not so much this time!

I don't even recognize myself when I look in the mirror and I don't feel like the girl Iook like on the outside! I'm ready to do this as I want to be a positive role model for my kids, have more energy to keep up with them, and just live an overall more fulfilling and happy life! My plan is to follow the Body For Life Eating plan and I just ordered the 30-day shred to kick-start my workout routine.

Would love to find some friends...especially any other mamas out there trying to get back into shape!


  • If we stick together we can do this :wink:
  • AlisonMacKay
    AlisonMacKay Posts: 112
    Welcome! I am also a SAHM of a 4 year old and twin 3 year olds. I have lost about 17 pounds since March and so Happy! I too was athletic in school (HS) but gained in college. Lost it all about 8 years ago and then found my husband and had children and all down the tube. Feel free to add me as a friend and I wish you the best!
  • jettavw8
    jettavw8 Posts: 3
    Hi, I am also a SAHM. I have not posted on the threads before, but this seems to be my 100th try at losing weight after my daughter who was born 4 years ago. I have about 50 pounds to lose also. I am quite discourage. I have run, done videos, and I guess I just have not eaten right. I have gone ahead and decided to start weight training and keep my calories at 1200. I think overall this will help me kick it off. Once September comes I want to be weighing much less so I can take up running again while my daughter is in preschool.
    I like to have some friends also. After my son was born I was on another site and lost the 25 pounds that I needed to lose and having support from others was so encouraging.
    Goodluck, I look at my kids every day and wonder how i got like this, and want so much to be the role model for them that I want to be.
  • aslm
    aslm Posts: 71
    Welcome! I'm a sahm to a 4 year old and a 1 year old, feel free to add me
  • Scentlessapprentice
    Scentlessapprentice Posts: 170 Member
    I'm a SAHM to my 4 year old and body is a mess. It's time to go from Blobby Mommy to yummy mummy!
  • Claire739
    Claire739 Posts: 114
    hiya im a stay at home mum to an almost 6 year old and a 2 year old!

    feel free to add me x
  • countryrose7
    countryrose7 Posts: 107 Member
    Hi! I'm a SAHM to a 7yr boy and a 3 yr girl. I too am trying to lose the baby weight. It seems an impossible task, but if we encourage each other and push each other, it will happen! Good luck on your journey and feel free to friend me.
  • jambs5
    jambs5 Posts: 114
    Hello All,
    I am a SAHM of 5 older kids 10-21 yrs old. I have health issues/concerns and want to get into shape. I joined MFP on 5/13/11 and I've lost 5#s so far. I want to lose between 50-75#s. Please anybody reading this post, feel free to add me. The more support/encouragement the better. Good luck reaching your weight loss goals. Have a great day!
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    Welcome! I am a SAHM to 3 little boys ges 4, 2, 1. Once I figured out that my weight wasn't from my "almost 1 yr old" I decided to something about it! I'm an all or nothing kind of gal. So I'm all in it for the long haul. I started March 13 and have done well so far. I started out pretty slowly with just eating better, and working out 15-20 mins on the elliptical trainer. (which I have since broke) So now I walk outside 6x a week for at least 4 miles in a clip. Again, this was a build up, it didnt' happen over night. It happened over MANY nights! :) I haven't weighed what I do now in a long time, and I still have another 13+ pounds to go. So feel free to add me! :)
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