Come and jump on our bandwagon!

Daisy_May Posts: 505 Member
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
I've talked here before about how a lot of my friends are on a very specific Dr. supervised diet, they've lost a lot of weight and have done fantastically.
But so have I!! I've lost 32 pounds doing nothing but counting calories and doing some moderate exercise.

So now another one of my friends has joined this diet and that means all but my best friend and myself(who are both just watching what we eat and exercising) are now on this diet. We get together often and all I'm hearing now is how great this thing is and how amazing it is that they've changed their life but no one seems to realize that I too have changed my life, just because I can still eat things that you can't doesn't mean that I'm not working hard at what I'm doing!

I'm glad they are getting healthy and that what they are doing is working for them but I hate that they look at me like I have three heads when I eat anything with carbs in it or when they talk about this doctor like he's some magician that can solve all my problems!

I don't tend to talk about how I'm going about my weight loss journey other then to mention how much I'm down when they ask me, I just hate how they make me feel like I'm "cheating" by eating a healthy balanced diet.

We're going out to dinner this Friday and I know it's all going to come up again, I don't want to bash what they are doing but I really don't want to deal with the looks I know I'll get when I order diner, even though I will look up the calories before hand and make sure they fit into my calories for the day.
Any suggestions on how I handle these people that think their way is the only way?


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Just say "Hey I have lost 32 lbs doing this" It's working for me. Everyone has to do what works for them.
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    Easier said than done, but, ignore it. You do what works for you. What gets results. Sounds to me like you have a sustainable and self manageable healthy lifestyle in place. Keep a thick skin regarding their comments, but inside relish that you get to "eat" while they get to "diet".
  • jettavw8
    jettavw8 Posts: 3
    Awesome job at losing 32 pounds!! I agree with the person above, ignore. I bet they don't even realize they are doing it. You have done it on your own and thats what counts the most!! You are changing your life, wouldn't friends be happy for you? Keep up the great work!
  • pittsblue99
    pittsblue99 Posts: 277 Member
    Smile and kill them with kindness. Just kidding about the killing, but seriously, great job! You should be so proud of yourself. It sounds to me like maybe they are just jealous that you can do all this on your own but that they need the guidance and discipline of needing a doctor to tell them what to do. I applaud anybody that is able to loose weight and keep it off, but doing it on your own is more challanging (in my opinion) and more satisfying. People want a quick fix to their weight loss problems but do not want to do any work to get there. By having a doctor plan their weight loss program they do not have to do anything but follow it. You have to not only plan what you are going to eat, but you have to decide what exercises you are going to do for the day plus count yur calories. Congratulations again on your weight loss! For me, sometimes the satisfaction of knowing that I can eat something and stay within my calories for the day is worth the funny looks from others because I know they cannot. Feel free to add me if you'd like :)
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I work with a woman who is desperate to lose about 50 pounds but never goes about it the right way. Last she told me, she was on some crazy grapefruit diet. She is interested in how I dropped the weight but abruptly loses interest when I say I just count calories-that's it. No magic, no pills, no eating 4 grapefruits a day. Every few weeks she will bring it up again, like I am withholding some big secret to weight loss that I discovered and won't share. She is also always the first one to comment when we have work events and says "You can eat THAT?!" when she looks at my plate. She seems shocked that I can eat a potato, or some pasta, or steak or...any food, really.

    I say, screw 'em. If someone asks how I did it, I tell them it is the calories and logging it on MFP. If they want to know more I am glad to share it, if not, that's all I say. Let them judge, as you know you are losing weight, and more importantly, losing it in a healthy manner.
  • lottieuk75
    lottieuk75 Posts: 15 Member
    If they make a comment about whatever you're eating for dinner just say "I know its great, I can't eat all this and I've still lost 32lbs".

    But it might be better to get some prespective, you say they are on a diet recommended by a Dr, Why is it a last resort healthwise? did they need the help? and you've lost your weight all on your own, maybe thats why they don't mention how well you've done.

    It sounds like they are being clicky, be proud of what you've acheived and tell them so.
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