Binge eating

I have always had a problem with uncontrollable binge eating. It sucks, but that's how I ended up here. I have been doing really well with mfp for close to 2 weeks, but I went crazy tonight and ate way too much. I really feel awful now.


  • Reema_capricorn
    Reema_capricorn Posts: 1,032 Member
    I have the same problem as you!! Sometimes I go mental. Like literally, if I can't get chocolate I feel like crying. To reiterate what all the smarties on my friend list keep telling me is---> Tomorrow is a new day. Your one meal was crazy so make improvements when your next meal time rolls around. I usually compensate by eating vegetables and fruits and workout harder the next day. Exercise more so you can remain within your calorie goal and try not to have cheat days only one cheat meal once a week will get you closer to your goal.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Just eat in moderation every day.

    Don't be a martyr all the time then "cheat" or binge to make up for all the deprivation. That's a vicious circle.

    Eat a little treat every day or two if it fits your calorie limit, or make room for it in advance.

    Pre-log your meals.

    Don't label foods as good or evil, or days as clean and cheat.

    Be nice to yourself and eat in moderation.

    You can do it.
  • KMW1219
    KMW1219 Posts: 63 Member
    Thank you both for the advice :) I did much better today!
  • EnriqueLuviano
    EnriqueLuviano Posts: 16 Member
    What's your diet consist of ? I used to have that probably along time ago. Try flexible dieting and hit your macros and you should lose that urge to binge.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    KMW1219 wrote: »
    Thank you both for the advice :) I did much better today!

  • DoogCampbell
    DoogCampbell Posts: 53 Member
    Know this feeling well.

    Some general advice - bodies don't do things quickly, its what occurs over a longer period that matters, consistency is universal in both gaining and losing. Spikes are generally ignored (until they become the norm!).

    So just as starving yourself for 1 day wont suddenly drop your weight, a single binge in a week of good eating is less likely to have a massive effect.

    This isn't an excuse to allow yourself to lose control and write it off as acceptable, but don't consider 1 slip every now and again to be the end of your hard work. This is all very simplified and there is a lot more at work that affects this but be kind to yourself by considering your pattern over the past 2 weeks and not focus on one event.

    I always suffer as I try and control my diet with binges and its usually sugar addiction that's driving it. Keep climbing back up and as eating well becomes more normal the urges will subside.

    You're stronger than you think, keep up the good work
  • KMW1219
    KMW1219 Posts: 63 Member
    Thank you very much. I know in the past I would completely derail once I had a binge, since once that happened all I could think about was what I had done and then I felt so bad about it I would continue binging on crap :( but im not going to do that to myself anymore. Thank you again, your words are so helpful. :)