finally found a diet that really works for me :)

ukphd Posts: 24 Member
Hi everyone

So I’ve finally reached my goal and I’ve lost a total of 42 pounds and so far kept it off for several months :) woohoo! Myfitnesspal is definitely what’s helped me do it – keeping track of everything etc but I’ve found a diet that really works for me too and wanted to share cos I think it's fantastic :)

It’s really easy to follow and I lost 4.5 pounds in the first days when I tried it and I didn’t feel hungry or deprived at all and I also lost body fat percentage and inches from my waist, hips, thighs etc. I also found that my skin, hair and nails improved which is an added bonus and shows to me that it must be nutritionally sound. It's a free diet so hopefully it’s ok that I’m posting this – it’s just so awesome and I’m so amazed by how simple it is and relatively easy to follow that I wanted to let people know. It’s no magic or miracle diet and still needs effort and commitment but it’s totally doable and could easily be a sustainable diet plan for life I think. It’s not a crash diet either and there are options to work in extra cals etc if you’re really active or at the point when you’re trying to maintain.

It’s called the “7 day kick start plan” and you can check it out here (there's a link on the left).

It’s based around veg and protein – meat and fish, (with vegetarian options) and has been developed and adapted from some other well known diets. The person who’s developed it is a qualified fitness instructor and she really knows her stuff.
The diet itself is free and you’ll see on that webpage that it’s run through a facebook group and we’re all on here too so if you end up deciding to try it it might be worth mentioning that you heard it here (or mention my username) so she knows who’s asking to be added etc but it’s really cool so check it out and see what you think :)

Anyway I hope others find this useful


  • princess4mimi
    princess4mimi Posts: 192
  • ukphd
    ukphd Posts: 24 Member
    bump :)
  • ukphd
    ukphd Posts: 24 Member
    bump :)

    This diet really rocks :) just want people to know about it :)
  • ukphd
    ukphd Posts: 24 Member
    bumpety bump :)
  • ukphd
    ukphd Posts: 24 Member
    Just wanted to post again cos I've just weighed and measured myself and have managed to continue to maintain using this diet - so it's not just brilliant for weight loss but easily adjusted for maintenance too :) Am so chuffed! Some other people on the diet have lost half a stone in 3 weeks on it - it really is awesome :)
  • ukphd
    ukphd Posts: 24 Member
    and again.... check this out guys - it's awesome :)
  • ukphd
    ukphd Posts: 24 Member
    they'll be a new round of this diet starting on Tuesday 31st May so join the facebook group if you want to have a go :)
  • ukphd
    ukphd Posts: 24 Member
    oops I got the start date wrong - the new 7 day kick start challenge diet will be starting on 1st June. GIve it a go - just check out the website and then join the facebook group :) it's really fab :)
  • ukphd
    ukphd Posts: 24 Member
    one of the ladies who's been on the diet has just posted her results - after 3 weeks she's lost 7 pounds and inches everywhere - including 3.5 inches around her waist! I'm still trying to maintain my loss now but I'll be back on the diet on weds with the new challenge, I'll just be upping the amounts I eat and including some non-starchy carbs to get to maintainance cals :)

    I just can't believe how good this diet is - the lady who's designed it is fab too and really supportive :)
  • paavy
    paavy Posts: 16 Member
  • bekahjk
    bekahjk Posts: 74 Member
  • emmajane_2288
    emmajane_2288 Posts: 132 Member

    I am a little confused about how to see the diet plan .. do I have to email her and she sends me a list of what I have to eat?
  • ukphd
    ukphd Posts: 24 Member

    I am a little confused about how to see the diet plan .. do I have to email her and she sends me a list of what I have to eat?

    hey there

    if you go to the website there's a link to join the facebook group and the info is on there :)
    We're all starting a new round of the diet tomorrow if you want to have a go :)
  • ukphd
    ukphd Posts: 24 Member
    little bump for this fab diet :)
  • ukphd
    ukphd Posts: 24 Member
    a new round of the diet starts today :) I'm still managing to use it to maintain whilst others are using it to lose (I'm adding in some extra things like quinoa and spelt to up my calories) :) It's fab! :)
  • ukphd
    ukphd Posts: 24 Member
    little bump :)
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 696 Member
  • ukphd
    ukphd Posts: 24 Member
    bump :)
    a few of us are starting again on monday :)
  • ukphd
    ukphd Posts: 24 Member
    little bump :)
  • ukphd
    ukphd Posts: 24 Member
    I'm still going strong on this diet. Later stages of the diet involve bringing in more foods - I'm totally addicted to spelt now thanks to this! :) Do check it out :)

    (her website is being updated at the moment but it shoudl still be there under the "7 day kick start" link at the side :)